Square Enix crea Studio Istola


Square Enix acaba de anunciar la creación de un nuevo estudio, denominado Studio Istolia, que está trabajando en un nuevo proyecto bajo el nombre Project Prelude Rune. Los encargados de llevar este proyecto a buen puerto son Hideo Baba (conocido por su trabajo de director/productor en la saga Tales) y LORD Toshiyuki Itahana (diseño de personajes de Final Fantasy IX).

La idea es crear un nuevo RPG con temática fantástica donde la naturaleza forma parte importante del mundo. Hay algunos concept arts.



Huele a móviles que te caes de espaldas. Móviles y andapps


n-no :(

1 respuesta

#3 Es un gacha granblue-like y lo leisteis primero aquí. SE se ha dado cuenta del dineral que sueltan los chinitos en esos juegos y se ha hecho el suyo

2 respuestas

Nota de prensa

  • This is a studio that is made to launch a brand new RPG IP. Not a single game
  • It is also a recruitment campaign for the studio, they are hiring planners, designers, and programmers
  • The spec they are hiring for is "high end systems", and they welcome experience in UE4 and Unity
  • They are also looking for Battle planners and programmers with Action RPG experience, which indicates the direction of the combat
  • This is a subsidiary of S-E Holdings, and not just an internal studio of S-E Japan, this is similar to Tokyo RPG Factory, their own company

#4 Yo creo que con eso descartamos móviles pero ¯_(ツ)_/¯

2 respuestas

#5 lo de high end systems chirria pero UE4 y Unity he programado en móviles para ello, asi que ojo al "high end systems"


Btw parece que Hideo Baba ha roto prácticamente su relación con Namco, Zestiria was a mistake

Btw, for those interested in more Baba Drama... it seems that for some reason S-E is keeping silent on the Namco connection. 4Gamer's report on this is particularly telling. They're generally one of the more outgoing in terms of journalistic stuff, so it's not surprising they caught on to this. Their report states that the English press release for the studio stats that this "Hideo Baba" has over 18 years of experience in game development, and is the only clue as to the identity of the studio head other than the similarity in name. They got on to say that they have not been able to corroborate on the validity, but it seems likely that he's the ex-producer of the Tales series. They are the only Japanese press who have even made this comment even though it's fucking obvious.


Baba y LORD Matsuda


#5 UE4 y Unity, ¿he oido Switch?

1 respuesta

#8 estamos hablando de consolas, no de tablets

7 1 respuesta

Buen nombre

8 1 respuesta

-> High End System
-> Consolas
Pick one

No me estoy metiendo con las consolas, simplemente una consola es un sistema cerrado y muy optimizado, pero no es high end.

1 respuesta

Cuando he leido Action RPG y naturaleza me ha venido a la mente Secret of Mana. Pero al ser nueva IP :(


#10 Y'shtola , no se donde ves el parecido , quitate el sombrero de papel anda :P

1 respuesta

FFIX Remake y ya podemos morir felices.


#13 Gracias sara


#11 cuando un dev japonés actual dice eso se refiere a que están haciendo el juego para consolas y no para móviles

1 respuesta

Si superamos la barrera de móviles y llega a consolas, tenemos un segundo problema, aún más gordo todavía



Espero que tengan una buena Istolia que contar


Ha sido tan gilipollas que me ha hecho gracia


#16 Okay jajaja
Entonces esperaremos proximos lanzamientos en la switch!


#4 En realidad ya tiene varios (Exvius y Mobius, por ejemplo).

1 respuesta

#21 Y unos cuantos mas tienen la verdad :/


Oye, pues no estaría mal ver uno ya de una maldita vez de fantasía como dios manda y no en un puto móvil. De verdad.

Me da igual que sea ARPG, siempre y cuando no sea de móvil y tenga de verdad #magia.


Tiene buena pinta.


El arte es bonito al menos, a ver si van enseñando cositas con más chicha.


+ I was entrusted with a big IP at my previous position, but while doing business development outside of video games, I thought it was about time to pass the baton to my juniors, and at a turning point, I decided to leave the company.

  • When I thought about how many more games I could make in the future, I thought that I wanted to try again among many major players in the RPG world. That’s why I knocked at the gates of Square Enix last October.
  • Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda: “I would like him to make a new IP while discovering new talent.”
  • Studio Istolia is a company of craftsmen that will create stories, which is the origin of its name.
  • The company mascot was designed by Toshiyuki Itahana, who did the character design for the Chocobo series. It’s still without a name, but I would like it if this character appears in future games.
  • I would like to express “kindness” and “warmth” as the setting for the new title we’re making now. It won’t have a bloodthirsty atmosphere, I want to make a game where you can think, “I want to enter that warm world as soon as possible.”
  • I would like to express the world based on the anime and comics I’ve come to know since I was little.
    In returning to fantasy origins, I’m currently planning to make a straightforward, middle-fantasy RPG. The world will have various races, such as Norse mythology, dwarfs, and elves.
  • I don’t want to change the “Baba-ness,” such as depicting the growth of the characters and the strength of the message.
  • (When will it be released?) At this point…
  • (What platforms will it be released for?) I don’t know what it will become in the end, but we have a strong desire to stick with stationary consoles. However, I also want to consider platforms with business chances, including smartphones.
  • Of course, I also want to take on expansion overseas.

Osasuna 2.0

1 respuesta

#27 espero que mejoren los tutoriales


Oye esto tendrá algo que ver con el Fantasy Earth Genesis? el 14 de febrero compraron los derechos de autor del Fantasy Earth Zero, el juego que solo queda en Japon y a mi me enganchó muchísimo. Jugué en el americano y en el japones usando VPN y si alguno tenéis alguna noticia pm o por aquí, gracias chavales.


Sí joder.


Hasta perry sabe que basarse en la realidad es un error de tonto.