Según un artículo que ha publicado Eurogamer, Square estaría planeando llevar la decimoquinta entrega de su saga más conocida a la consola de Nintendo.
Hace unas semanas Tabata insinuó con la posibilidad de llevar su juego a una consola con un nombre muy parecido a “Twitch”, así que en un primer momento se especuló con la posibilidad de que dicho juego fuese FF XV Pocket Edition.
Sin embargo lo anterior queda descartado ya que esta semana, y con motivo del TGS, Tabata ha concedido una entrevista a la propia Eurogamer donde ha afirmado que están estudiando la posibilidad de llevar el juego que ya salió en PS4/One:
We're actually doing very specific technical investigations into what's possible at the moment. Where we are at the moment - we've completed those tests and have worked out where the ground lies. We're currently in the middle of the discussion and debate about what we should be doing, and how to realise that on the Switch.
The other thing - you see the mobile version, the PC version, one thing we value is to optimise the way the game plays and the experience for the individual hardware it's on rather than a one-size fits all approach. We can't currently announce anything - we haven't come to a full decision on the best way to do it yet. We're having very open, frank discussions with Nintendo at the moment about what they think is the best thing to do. It's all under investigation.
También comenta que los primeros resultados no fueron satisfactorios (el Luminous Engine y sus tremendas virtudes), pero que van a ver si pueden llevarlo con UE4:
Honestly, when we did the technical test to see if we could use the same native engine we used on other console versions on the Switch, we tried to run it there, the results weren't satisfactory," said Tabata. "It wasn't what you'd want from a final game. It doesn't mean that's the end of that - we're looking at the options, like the customisation of the engine. To give you an example how open those discussions are - we're talking to Epic at the moment, about maybe what we could possibly do there, and if we did a Switch version maybe we'd be able to partner and do something there. Their Unreal environment is just amazing, and will be very useful. You have to have all those options on the table - without that it'd be impossible to make a decision about what we can do on that platform.
Solo el tiempo dirá si tendremos la ocasión de volver jugar a la experiencia con la que Tabata rompió tantas ilusiones, esta vez con el añadido del modo portátil.