Stonehearth #HO


Los que lo tenéis, ¿os parece divertido? Llevo tiempo detrás de él y no se si esperar o no.

1 respuesta

#61 Esperate un poquitin mas, es bastante divertido y cada semana van metiendo cosas nuevas.
Pero te recomiendo que esperes un poco mas :D

1 respuesta

#62 Gracias entonces esperaré :)


Desktop Tuesday, Mining Update 2

Hi everyone. Now that Alpha 6 is out the door, it’s heads down on Alpha 7! Here’s an extremely rough take on what we’re targeting for the next alpha.

Alpha 7 Target Feature List

Mining, part 1. The basics will be in, but there will be a lot left to do
Roads, part 1. Ditto
At least one new character class, to be announced later

20 días después

Roads Update, Alpha 7, and Stream Tonight!

Hey everyone. Alpha 7 is coming along nicely. Our goal is to get it in your hands by early next year. If we’re very good and a little lucky, we can squeeze it out by this year, so cross your fingers for us!

This week’s update covers a new Alpha 7 features that we’ve been pretty quiet about, roads! Check out the video below. I hope you agree that they are quite cool.

Stream Tonight, 6:00 PST

We’re back to our bi-weekly stream. You can tune in tonight live at For those who can’t make it, all streams are archived to our YouTube channel at

7 días después

Desktop Tuesday, Introducing the Shepherd!

Hi everyone. We’re making steady progress on the Alpha 7 bug fixing in advance of it’s release. Thanks to everyone who’s submitting bug reports. This week’s video is a super quick update on the second character class upcoming in Alpha 7, the Shepherd.

Finally, we’re planning on updating the test build today with a grip of bug fixes. I’ll post again when the build is up.


Cuando construyo una casa grande o el comedor, siempre se me quedan aldeanos dentro encerrados, así que cuando alguna parte de la casa necesita ser construida por ese aldeano en concreto se paraliza la construcción porque está atrapado en su interior y no puede salir...

1 respuesta

#67 Usas las casas que vienen por defecto? O a tu manera?

1 respuesta

#68 Por defecto.

1 respuesta

#69 Que raro, nunca me ha pasado eso :s


Alpha 7 Steam latest branch updated to build 188

Add game tips to the loading screen
New craftable winter coats from the Weaver
Fix game speed stuttering on some systems
Fix bug causing ghosted doors, windows, and placeable items to beome invisible when toggling xray views.
The character sheet no longer closes the citizen management screen
The character sheet now properly displays citizen information when clicking through your citizens

And for fun, here’s a shot of the new winter coat that we made on last week’s development stream.

1 mes después

Stonehearth Alpha 8 Released!

Hi everyone. We’ve just officially released Alpha 8! Steam users, your game should auto-update. For everyone else, there is a new version of the game up on your Humble Bundle page. This release brings a new character class, as well as adding more depth to the mining feature.

For this week’s Desktop Tuesday, here’s a full walk-through of what’s new in this release

Here are the release notes.

The Blacksmith

The blacksmith crafts weapons and armor for your footmen.

To get a blacksmith, have your Mason craft a Blacksmith’s Hammer
Mine ore from mountains, then have the Blacksmith smelt it into ingots

Mining, Phase 2

Ore will now drop from stone voxels
Lots of bug fixes and performance enhancements

Party System

The party system allows you some degree of control of your hearthlings’ movements.

Access the party management screen using the red banner icon on the main toolbar
Parties can be of any size and contain any mix of jobs

New Rules for Immigration

You will now receive a daily update with the requirements for gaining new hearthings to your town. If you fulfill the requirements, you will always be granted the option of accepting a new settler.

New Lighting Model, Stage 1

Lights now cast somewhat realistic shadows
Fire now glows. Oooooo.

13 días después

Combat Campaigns!

Hi everyone. Alpha 9 development is in full swing. This week I give you guys a sneak peek on a huge upgrade to our AI Gamemaster, with Combat Campaigns. These are designed to give a more meaningful, long-term combat experience than the town-defense style waves of enemies that are in the game now. Check out the video below.

Oh, and in case you didn’t notice, we have a new logo!


Parece que se mueve... a favs!

1 1 respuesta

#74 Nunca ha dejado de moverse, creo que es con la única alpha que me siento realmente bien por haberla comprado xD


Mira que me gusta el juego, pero no peudo jugar mas de 3 horas seguidas porqué si no peta una cosa peta otra. Ok a los bugs pero joder macho llevo 15 partidas en 2 días xD

ok a lo de la alpha ya lo sé, pero es que es casi injugable sin hacer mil saves y regatear los fallos xD

1 1 respuesta

#76 Es lo que tiene ser un alphatester xD

Yo me espero a una beta ya mas o menos depurada.


¿Alguno sabe como hacer que el blacksmith trabaje?

Tengo materiales de sobra, tengo construido el yunque, le pongo para que construya cosas y pasa de mi, esta en open la parte de arriba. ¿Requiere algo mas aparte del yunque?

Si no, no entiendo porque no trabaja el cabron xD

1 1 respuesta

Hi everyone. This week’s video takes a sneak peek at the work we’re doing to toughen up the goblins. Right now the goblins are pretty much cannon fodder, and only a threat in great numbers. With the introduction of the structured campaigns, we want you to respect them even in small numbers. Check it out below.

14 días después

Hi everyone. This week the Alpha 9 bug squashing fest continues. There are two big new systems in this Alpha (combat campaigns and a new music manager), which has prolonged the process a bit, but we’re making solid progress.

This week’s video gives you a closer look at the goblin campaign.


#78 Te sigue dando el mismo problema?
Te has fijado en que tengas el material que pide?
Porque a mi me trabaja correctamente.

1 respuesta

#81 ná. Soy gilipollas, no te preocupes va fino :3

13 días después

Stonehearth Alpha 9 Released!

Hi everyone. Alpha 9 is officially out the door, and man this one was a big one! Humble Bundle users, you can download the new build from your My Library page at This release contains some big new features, along with performance and stability improvements. Thanks to everyone who helped test the build and provide bug reports.

Here are patch notes for this release

Stonehearth Alpha 9 Patch Notes
7 días después

Desktop Tuesday, Multistory Buildings!

Hey everyone. By far the #1 voted feature on our Trello Roadmap is support for multistory buildings. Well wait no more! Actually you’ll have to wait until Alpha 10, but the next version of Stonehearth will support this, along with a bevy of other building editor improvements.

Making this work required a big upgrade to the scaffolding system. Hearthlings are now smart enough to build scaffolding to reach any arbitrary configuration of voxels. Here’s a quick video of the basic tech in action.


ahí va otro juego que me encanta y que me perderé por tener un pc de cartón, algún día volverán a pensar en gente como yo? :-(

1 respuesta

#85 ya te llegara el dia que te toque evolucionar tu pc de carton

1 mes después

Desktop Tuesday, Steam Early Access and the Road Ahead

Hi guys. With the release of Alpha 10, we’ve reached an important milestone in development. Many of the single-player gameplay systems are in place, and we’re steadily adding new content and improvements each month.

Here’s a “State of Stonehearth” post to outline how the team is doing, and some important developments that will occur over the coming weeks and months.

Welcome Brad and Yang to Team Radiant!

First things first. I’m happy to introduce two new team members, Brad and Yang!

Some of you on the forums have already gotten to know Brad, who has been helping us to improve our outreach to you guys. Brad comes to us from ROBLOX, and LEGO before that. His first big project is a brand new site, which we will roll out soon in the coming weeks. Brad is a big believer in the power of gaming communities, so he fits right in. ;)

And yesterday we added a new programmer, Yang! She comes to us from Google, where she worked on game frameworks for the Chromecast. Before that she worked at EA on The Sims. Yang brings a ton of expertise and enthusiasm to the team. We’re thrilled to welcome both Yang and Brad to the team.

Steam Early Access and Price Change

Your feedback as die-hard Stonehearth fans has been tremendously important to us. Now that the game is starting to come together (though it is definitely still incomplete), it’s important for us to get feedback from a wider audience as well. To do that, we’ve decided to enter the Steam Early Access program with our next release.

This is an important step for us, but it will not change our goals for the game or our approach to developing features.

Here’s how we will handle our EA launch.

In early June, Stonehearth will become available on Steam Early Access
We will still offer a DRM-free version for sale on at
We will reduce the price to $24.99 for both the Steam EA and DRM-free versions.
The June release will be “Alpha 10.5.” It will be a bug-fixing release to Alpha 10, with a few minor features in it.
If you have already bought the game and entered your Steam key, you don’t have to change anything.

What’s Coming in Alpha 11

So with that out of the way, let’s look onward to Alpha 11! The major features in Alpha 11 will be improvements to the water system, at least one new class, new content, and more building improvements. Here’s who will be working on what.


Water, Stage 2
Add rivers and waterfalls to world generation
Complete flow and pressure simulation for water (this will fix the puddles that sometimes form in the world)

Launch the new Stonehearth site
Find new and better ways to communicate and cooperate with modders and players

Continue tracking down AI bugs
Continue to improve graphics performance

Add new music to the game
Continue to add sound effects for new features as they are developed

Add content, including more monsters and the conclusion of the goblin campaign

New class: the Cook
Add supporting assets for new monsters and water, stage 2
Make fancy graphics for the new site

Continue to improve the build editor
Add more feedback as to what your hearthlings need to make progress on seemingly stuck buildings
Improve the usability of the party system

Get up to speed on the major game systems and how they work


Mierda he sucumbido y he pagado :) :) :P

1 respuesta

#88 No te arrepentiras :P
Cada semana sacan nuevo contenido y llevan bastante tiempo.

20 días después

Ya esta el juego en Steam


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