El juego dispondrá de cientos de items para craftear y muchisima variedad de armas y armaduras, para craftear tendremos que usar:
Wrokbenchs, Furnaces, Anvils, Alchemy Stations, Tables and Chairs.El unico item que se podrá craftear sin su correspondiente mueble serán las antorchas, que se podrán craftear en cualquier lugar.
A continuación dejo un resumen de lo que nos han revelado esta noche en el IRC.
Lo que sabemos del juego:
*Every item has mouseover stats and descriptions.
*Crafting simply examines the items you're holding and any nearby workbenches, then gives you a list of all the items you can build at that time.
*Building a 'back' wall in a building takes a lot of materials, but it prevents monster spawning.
*Because blocks are so small, you'll use a lot more for even simple structures. However, this is balanced out. For instance, trees can yield dozens of logs and don't take long to chop (the whole tree comes down when destroyed) and each log turns into 4 walls, so the rate of return is much higher.
*Furniture is already in.
*Various characters will 'move in' to your world when conditions have been met, and you can choose where to organize them, shelter them, house them, etc. Merchants are one of the first to move in, and will arrive after some brief adventuring has netted you a required amount of coins, and you have a suitable walled off area to move him into.
*Zombies (and probably other mobs) will pound on your doors all night trying to get in.
*The moon has phases.
*When there's a Blood Moon, Zombies will actually be able to breach walls and kick in doors after enough time. Zombie siege!
*Slimes drop gel which is used to make torches.
*PvP can be turned on and off at will. It also includes color-coded teams.
*Water behaves realistically, flowing and draining.
*By default, you sink (and drown, after a time) in water, but later on you can make artifacts that will allow you to swim, breathe underwater, etc.
*Antique pots spawn with the world and contain money when smashed.
*Mushrooms spawn with the world and can be eaten for quick health at low levels.
*Dying consequences aren't yet determined, but the most likely path they'll go with is losing money when you die.
*Mobs all seem to have different variations
*There's rocket boots, bombs, and guns.
*The game has been in development sense January.
*There are three separate world sizes ranging from 84x32 screen lengths to 168x64.
*There will be updates after teh game is launched.
*Soon there will be a wiki of information.
*You can select your model(M/F) And change the color of its Hair, Skin, and Clothes using a 255 255 255 color scale.
Lo que a comentado Redigit en Reddit:
*The game will most likely not be free.
*Currently supports 8 people online but up to 255 in the future.
*The LP on youtube will be updated once a day or once every other day.
*Coded in C#/XNA.
Lo ultimo que me ha comentado "Blue" el segundo al mando del juego, es que dentro de poco tendremos una release en Alpha y que por lo visto (gracias a un servidor y una rayada de 6h) Regidit tiene pensado añadir diferentes niveles de dificultad.
PD2:El juego tiene bosses y eventos especiales dependiendo de las fases lunares.