Altec nuevo ADC de Evil Geniuses. Yellowpete a sub


Pues sí, el dia ha llegado, YP ha se ha ido al banquillo:


A few weeks ago, we at Evil Geniuses announced that we would be considering changes to our League of Legends roster. After testing numerous players in each role, we have come to the conclusion that there is definitely room for improvement in the bottom lane. Sadly enough, this means that we have had to make the difficult decision to move Peter "yellowpete" Wueppen to a substitute position, and in his place bring in Johnny "Altec" Ru. We believe that this is the first necessary step toward improving our team, which coupled with other improvements (such as hiring a new gameplay analyst and polishing our team communication) will culminate in better results.

Fans more intimate with the amateur and solo-queue scenes will know Altec as the former ADC on teams Curse Academy and, more recently, Cloud 9 Tempest. Despite just turning 17, Altec has long been praised for both his mechanical prowess and ability to dominate lanes.

Pete will be playing in his last LCS game with the team this Friday versus LMQ at 2:00pm PST. In accordance with LCS regulations, Altec will debut with the starting line-up this Saturday, May 24th, in the team’s matches versus Dignitas and CLG.

I want to thank the team for the great time I have had with them over the last split – even though our results left much to be desired, I can confidently say this period of time has been extremely enjoyable for me. I liked playing competitively with this team, but what's even more important to me is its success. There is no arguing about the fact that my performance within the last couple of months has not been what I want or the team needs it to be. After closely watching the tryouts period, I believe that this is a change that can have a positive effect on the team's performance. Altec is a very talented, young player whom I could see a lot of growth in and I'm looking forward to helping him transition into the LCS from the Challenger scene. Personally, I will use the rest of the season to do whatever I can to assist the team in being successful and reaching Worlds.

I've played with Pete for the better part of over 3 years and I can't recall a single instance where he lashed out at me or even got close to being upset. This is a testament to his calm nature and solid work ethic. Sadly enough, after so long, our botlane became very stagnant and we didn't perform as well as was expected of us. I would like to thank him for all the effort he put into the team.

I look forward to playing with Johnny and hope he can be the needed replacement our team needs. We finished at a disappointing 7th place and that's not where we want to be.

I want to extend my thanks to my petey - he has been a huge part of my life for the past 2 years and one of my best friends throughout. Whether it was the crazy times in Korea, Germany, United States, or any other of the 20+ countries and cities we played in over that time - I had an absolute blast with him. However, seeing that we had to change something to improve this split, we identified the next step would be replacing our AD. It's not an easy decision and I'm glad that Pete will still stay around the house at least in the short term as he’s genuinely one of the greatest guys I've had the pleasure of playing with over the years and it's always handy to have that German logic around (for anyone who knows him well <3).

As for Johnny, while our tryout period with him hasn't been the longest, I do think he is individually a solid player and practice has seen noticeable improvements. With him being so young he does have a lot of '#potential' as well :) - which I'm looking forward to seeing him grow as a player when he steps into the professional scene.

Brian Cordry
Although I have only worked with this team for half a year, Pete has already had a hugely positive impact on me. Pete has hands down the best attitude and highest level of professionalism of any player I've ever worked with or interacted with in the scene. Despite being a couple years older than Pete, as I grew up in the League of Legends scene, I've always looked up to him – he's got a smile on his face during every interview and he keeps the atmosphere positive during games. He has a history of consistency rarely marred by lows and often peaked with flashy highs - in his long career, Pete has achieved both individual successes (#1 on the EU ladder in Season 1) and team successes (Season 2 World Championship 3rd/4th place finish). I want to personally thank Pete, for being a great player and a great person.



Malas fechas para los conos. Arbeloa fuera del Mundial, y Conopete de sub.


Pensaba que nunca llegaría el momento. Por pocas manos que tenga "el nuevo", lo hará mejor.


Espero que el nuevo este a la altura de Krepo


Nooooooooooooo, para que le quitan si no van a aspirar a nada igual?


There is no arguing about the fact that my performance within the last couple of months has not been what I want or the team needs it to be

Couple of months xdddd. Mas bien Couple of years.


Se nos va el mejor ADC que hemos llevado a un all star


Me caía de puta madre y lavaros la boca antes de hablar de leyendas de la s1- s2, es normal que ya no rinda a máximo nivel... todo acaba cansando, fijaros cuantos top de la s1, principios de s2 quedan jugando a máximo nivel

2 respuestas

Lo seguire votando para el Allstar


Cada vez quedan menos miticos :/


RIP YoloPete :(


El siguiente acabará siendo xpaco ya veréis xdxd


El peor adc a nivel competitivo del mundo pasa a sub. Los niños sonríen.


Se va un mito y un cono a la vez, tenía carisma
No os preocupéis, se rumorea que dentro de poco lo veremos en x factor


pues espero que altec halla mejorado su champion pool, por que en las relegations era corki o riot.


[media] [/media]


Vaya cabrón es el montecrosti xD


Montecrosti aka mr oportunismo.

Que le jodan.


A ver, monte dice eso ( creo ) porque en starcraft 2 todos los que se van a evil geniuses dejan de ganar, es como una especie de maldicion xD


más respeto para yellowpete ehh




lo mejor es que aun va a jugar un partido, y no es nada mas ni nada menos que contra lmq
se puede retirar por todo lo alto ganando a los chinos, #believe


Por lo que he leido el adc que han metido aun esta estudiando y demas, ergo, no va a poder practicar demasiado. ¿Por que no se han ido a por uno de los cientos que hay a tiempo completo? xD.

1 respuesta

No esta nada mal su chica


#23 es un talento de na, hace un año eran el y pobelter las 2 mayores promesas de na, codeandose en soloq con todos los pros desde que tenian 14 años
ya has visto que en cuanto ha estado disponible para jugar lcs lo han fichado, se pierde un partido porque no tiene 17 por un dia

en na le comparan con dl por sus mechanics , dicen que es el de joven, y bueno por su afk farm sudando de todo tambien, pero es muy joven y tiene aun mucho margen de mejora, yo lo que le he visto ha jugado solo corki xd, pero si se le vieron maneras

1 respuesta

RIP... :(



#25 A mi pobelter me parece mas malo que el hambre.

1 respuesta

#28 yo no he dicho que sea bueno xd, he dicho que hace un año estaban todos los equipos esperando a que tuviesen la edad para la lcs, son los 2 amigos y hace un año o 2 eran todo maravilla de ellos, como he dicho, promesas, luego llegan a la escena profesional y se cumplen o no

recuerdo que el pobelter era top y estaba en curse con 14 o 15 años, y como tenia cole dejo el equipo y entro westrice, y de eso ya hace...2 o 3 años

de todas formas siendo tan joven yo le daria la oportunidad, esta en un equipo malisimo y era su primer split y es muy joven


#8 tambien influye el que cada vez haya jugado mas gente y el nivel sea mas alto no?.

1 respuesta