Se ha abierto la veda en CLG. Link se ha marchado del equipo con un largo documento (18 paginas) explicando su historia y los problemas que ha tenido y visto en CLG durante estos dos años. No se ha salvado nadie del equipo y todos los jugadores/exjugadores se están tirando dardos envenenados unos a otros intentando salvar sus caras sobre porque CLG no ha funcionado. En el lugar de Link entran Huhi y Pobelter, ambos como midlaners.
Today is the day that CLG must officially announce that Link, effective immediately, will be stepping down from CLG. Critique on Link’s performance the past few splits have not deterred him from striving to be the best player and teammate he can be. He’s worked unbelievably hard to fill multiple roles for the team such as analyst, shot-caller, and drafter while still keeping up his mechanics and champion pool. However, throughout the past month of contemplation and deliberation, Link has made his own decision to step down from his spot as the starting mid laner for CLG.
Replacing Link’s role as a core member of the team has been a difficult task. After careful consideration, CLG will be adding not just one, but two new mid laners to the starting roster. CLG is happy to announce that Eugene “Pobelter” Park and Jae Hyun “HuHi” Choi will be joining the League of Legends team to create an interchangeable lineup. The decision to add two mid laners was made in order to emulate a larger roster format that is prevalent in the LCK and LPL, as well as to add additional strategic diversity, a better team structure, and more options to use in competitive play.
Ahora la parte interesante, lo jugadores han empezado a tirarse mierda por las redes sociales tras una biblia escrita por Link sobre su recorrido en CLG: