Comunicado de Nisqy.


Comunicado de Nisqy sobre su Experiencia en Korea. Sin mas que decir os dejo con ella.

Hey all ! Nisqy released a video today giving his thoughts on his and MAD's Worlds run, was from a recent stream of his, and I thought it would be interesting to translate it for you guys since it's fully in french (Here's a link if you're interested)

"So we arrive in Korea, they show us the bootcamp facility, but we just spam SoloQ at first, I think from the 31st to the 5th or 6th, then the others arrived except Chasy. And from that point we started the scrims and they were going well. I was happy, there was no mental boom, no problems, it was great. Even before the day off, we go out together, drink a bit, it was nice.

But then towards the last few days we start to play better teams, and I notice that it's starting to get worse, there's already small problems, we don't know what to play, so we already have a few bans planned for the swiss stage so this was good but yeah"

He then goes to say how the last 3 days before the start of swiss stage went and they couldn't scrim for 2 of the 3 days because of content days but that's the same for everyone

"First game against C9, we're playing champs that we didn't really play prior to that, I don't know why, draft went a bit weird, we didn't know how to play, some players wanted to engage, some players didn't. Starting from this game, there was a disconnection between us on how to play the map, how to play the draft, how to play the fights.

Then we play BDS, and we win. But I don't know if you noticed but against BDS, we played Bel'veth and I blind picked Liss. For me, to win the draft and the game, I know we have to play Liss, I know I have to play supportive mid, because on paper if you play well as a team you can play supportive mid. But the moment you don't play as 5, playing a supportive mid is useless. So in the game against BDS it was alright, we cheesed lvl 1, Yoya was in front and he carried.

Then game 3, we play NRG, and here ... they first pick Maokai, we didn't think they'd pick him. I think our winrate against Maokai is -780000000. Problem was that we didn't really want to play the champ. But like for example Ori was a champ we banned a lot because I didn't see myself play Ori. I know that mechanically I'm good on her, I can play her but I didn't think that the champ could make us win because of the way we were playing the games. So I replaced Ori with Azir. In the end they picked Sylas in 4/5 when I wanted to pick Sylas in 5th so I should have picked it 4th and I think it would have changed a lot, but it happens. I end up picking Taliyah and this game, I was so mad, I wanted to punch my screen, I didn't know what I could do to win, like I was trying to come up with solutions during the game to win but I had the feeling that we weren't playing the same game and that really annoyed me.

After the game against NRG, I told the team I won't play supportive mids anymore, I don't want to play Taliyah or Liss, I'll play Azir/Sylas/Neeko, and I told them I feel like it's the best champs I can play in order to win. Like I think if you're a pro player, you have to believe in your picks and know what will make your team win, and for me to be able to perform at my best, I knew I had to play Sylas, Neeko and Azir.

With that in mind I spammed those in scrims, I was confident against Weibo. Ahri I also picked because we would pick Vi a lot and I was also okay with that pick. The thing also is that we didn't have any power pick, we didn't have anyone that wanted a first pick on a particular champ or anything, so that's also why I really didn't care about picking Sylas in 3rd because I knew I would do good on him no matter what.

So Game 1, I play very well, I go for plays that I would have not done before because I felt like I really didn't care anymore, I just wanted to play at my best. The game was pretty tough and I feel like they had a good comp into Sylas. I made a big mistake top when I gave 1k gold and then I didn't really execute the last 2 teamfights well. At that moment I thought that if we won this game, we would be winning against Weibo because we would have started to trust ourselves more and trust me that I was able to carry. But when I didn't end up carrying game 1, I knew that game 2 was going to be really tough because TheShy was doing really well, their botlane was super good, I felt like I had to make the difference.

Game 2 I picked Ahri, I should have maybe picked Sylas but I wanted to try something else, maybe Neeko too. I don't know I was a bit lost after game 1, but I knew we coudl still win, I knew that if I played like 10/10 and that we play as 5, we could win but game 2 was too hard to play. We didn't have enough damage, they had too much peel, I think Renata was a big issue against our comp. Overall we had champion pool issues, we didn't have a lot of champ on each role, so we were limited during the drafts.

After the game I was disappointed, but I was also a bit happy. I was disappointed because we lost, we were out and the year was over, but I knew that the team was already over. We didn't really want to play together, team chemistry was not great, you had offseason at the same time with lots of rumours. I already said in interview that for me, I was happy of my individual performance, but I was disappointed that I couldn't lead the team more. Because the very great mid they have this aura around them, like Faker even if he doesn't play 10/10, when you have him, or Chovy in your team it's something. But I felt it was really difficult, we didn't have the same vision on how to play the game, and I felt liek it got even worse during Worlds.

So at the end of the tournament I wasn't sad, I mean I was a bit because we lost but for me, I managed to outperform Xiaohu during game 1, like I think this game unlocked me, I didn't have pressure anymore. I think these Worlds, it made me realize that I can actually perform against asian mids, because I remember when I used to play this kind of player like Chovy, Xiaohu, I would put them a bit above me, but when I played Weibo I didn't care who was against me, and that's why I want to come back next year so I can show day 1 that I'm able to fight against them. There's a lot I still need to improve on to reach the level of guys like Chovy or Knight.

Moreover, I want a team that wants to play together. I don't want a team where durring offseason, you wanted to sell two players and you couldn't. I just want 5 players that want to play the game and learn together, that search for solutions together, that's what I want. Another thing I'm happy with is that I managed to keep a good mental during this Worlds even with all the bumps. Overall I think I had a good year, I was pretty consistent."


Bueno Gente os dejo esta joyita por aquí, y luego si eso ya comente cuando me calme un poco, por que esto es un atentado a muchos principios de ser ProPlayer.


Resumen, quiero un equipo unido que me permita jugar bien y conseguir equipo al año siguiente.

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Nisqy compartió sus pensamientos sobre su participación en el Mundial junto a MAD Lions. Inicialmente, su experiencia en Corea durante el bootcamp y los primeros días de scrims fue positiva. No hubo problemas de ánimo ni problemas en el equipo. Sin embargo, a medida que se enfrentaron a equipos más fuertes, comenzaron a surgir problemas en la comunicación y en la estrategia de juego.

El primer partido contra C9 fue difícil debido a problemas en la selección de campeones y en la ejecución de la estrategia. Luego ganaron contra BDS, pero Nisqy mencionó que no estaban seguros de su elección de campeones. El tercer partido contra NRG resultó complicado debido a un campeón que no les favorecía y una falta de cohesión en el equipo. Después de este juego, Nisqy decidió que ya no jugaría con campeones de apoyo y optó por elegir campeones como Azir, Sylas y Neeko, en los que tenía más confianza para ganar. Durante los scrimmages, se centró en perfeccionar estos campeones.

Luego, compartió sus experiencias en los juegos contra Weibo, mencionando sus intentos de jugar al máximo nivel. A pesar de la derrota en el primer juego, Nisqy sentía que podía competir contra los mejores medios asiáticos. Sin embargo, los problemas del equipo y la falta de cohesión los llevaron a la eliminación.

A pesar de la decepción de no avanzar en el torneo, Nisqy se mostró contento por su rendimiento individual y su habilidad para competir contra jugadores de alto nivel. También expresó su deseo de un equipo más unido y comprometido en el futuro. Concluyó mencionando que había mantenido una buena actitud mental durante todo el torneo y consideró que había tenido un buen año en general.


#2 resumen del resumen: nisqyxd


Me hace mucha gracia que de verdad se crea que está al nivel de los mejores mids del mundo porque le ganó una linea con sylas a Xiaohu para después cagarse encima en teamfights yendo 10/0 de una manera que no he visto en mi vida.

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#5 Su jungla solo tuvo que gankearle 4 veces vale, el seguramente podia 1v1 pero tenia que ponerle emoción.


#1 culpa del coach de manual


"I decided to pick", "i picked",...

De que sirve el entrenador


Pues tiene bastante sentido todo lo que dice.

Bastante triste también que un jugador como Nisqy limitado tenga que pillarse solo picks carrys porque Carzzy y Chasy no iban a poder carrilear contra nadie este meta, pero al final ha sido el mejor jugador de Mad junto a Elyoya.

Yo sí creo que hay gente como Xiaohu o Yagao que han comido bastante polla en internacional casi siempre y no están muy por encima suyo

Bueno y lo de la Orianna debería explicarlo más porque si que no lo entiendo

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La gente le tirara mierda y tal pero elyoya ha dado sida comparado con el este año.
El tio no es un caps, pero por lo menos esta ahi dando la cara, el otro mientras jugaba ya se estaba haciendo pajas con que iba a jugar con sus novios el año que viene y ganar los worlds con ellos.


Nisqy tiene el ego mas alto que el patriotismo de Bioza... Vaya sujeto, y vaya demostración de que los staff no sirven para nada en el LoL europeo.


I was disappointed that I couldn't lead the team more. Because the very great mid they have this aura around them, like Faker even if he doesn't play 10/10, when you have him, or Chovy in your team it's something



El Xiaohu de Europa pero sin ser una basura de persona


Xiaohu tiene 3 MSI, uno de ellos siendo topalaner nuevo y meandose en Khan que estaba a nivelazo y 5 LPL.

Pero me vienen y me lo comparan con Nisqy.


#9 Pues es de todo menos algo con sentido, deja de jugar lo que funciona por que le sale del rabo y luego le echa la culpa al staff y a los compañeros de que no hay química y que los picks no van bien. No te jode, si te pones a jugar cosas con las que no tienes impacto como tu sylas 9-0 o ahri a costa de que Elyoya u otros pasen a un rol secundario y no ganan normal que se mosqueen.

A mi todo esto me suena a: "aquí la diva soy yo manquepierda", si MAD ficha a otro MID va a funcionar mucho mejor que con este egocéntrico

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Este tío tiene problemas. El primero, no ver sus problemas.


#15 Otros pasan a un role secundario porque no están preparados para carrilear, que le vas a hacer

Mad necesitaba una línea desde la que sacar ventaja y estos worlds solo lo han conseguido con la midlane

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Único partido que ganan es con elyoya en carry y él jugando mids de support. Siguiente partida: “decidí que no quería seguir jugando mids supp”. XDD


#17 les ha servido para mucho esa ventaja, especialmente al equipo rival


Nisqy: "decidi que no quería jugar Orianna" (el pick de mid lane más roto de worlds).

También nisqy: "siento que el equipo tenía problemas de champion pool, no teníamos ningún power pick".


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Chicos, no es un problema de actitud, es pura diferencia de talento.

Fijaros como estará el percal que ni es consciente de que cuando juega Lissandra, sin hacer un puro cc layering bueno...gana porque no tiene que carrilear él. Pero luego Vedius "WOOOOOOOOW WHAT A PLAY FOR NISQY"


Cuando casters y demás llevan tiempo comiéndote la polla y diciéndote que eres el mejor al final te lo acabas creyendo. Veremos a ver qué hace en KC o a donde coño vaya, a ver qué excusa pone.


#20 En eso tira mierda en general y tiene razón. Se queja (señala a elyoya) de que siempre pierden Maokai pero que ellos no lo juegan.

A partir de ahí es pura delusion de que él tiene que jugar carrys porque ha carrileado una partida con sylas.

Lo bueno del comunicado es que se deja bastante mal a él mismo y a su coaching, cosa que me alegra a ver si no vuelve a engañar a nadie.

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un francés autista? BAIA BAIA

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A ver que Mao es cierto que esta hyper roto. Pero esta roto por lo que aporta al equipo y lo que habilita a este. Pero tiene que ser el personaje al que has habilitado el que gane la partida. Ademas el equipo tiene que acompañar bien para que cuando habilites y crees espacios acaben matando. Y yo sinceramente en ese equipo salvo en Carzzy(y depende del dia) no confio en nadie.


#24 Ni francés, es belga que es un poco la marca blanca de Francia. Lamentable.


sabia yo que el game de 9-0 con sylas que no consiguio carrilear iba a conllevar algo, pues aqui tenemos, sacada de pecho ya que no pudo en partida


#23 Pero básicamente no juegan Maokai y Orianna porque si no carrilean Nisqy o Elyoya el equipo no hace nada, es lo que está diciendo

Y tiene toda la razón Carzzy solo vale con role de apoyo y Chasy no vale una mierda


La enesima lloradita de nesquik, basicamente todo el mundo tiene la culpa menos el. Un equipo roto, un staff insuficiente, mala preparacion, el mental por los suelos ... pero hey tuve un buen año y fui consistente, fichenme !

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#29 y sin embargo en la LEC se le tiene en un pedestal por que a saber por que y a elyoya se le apoda incluso de toxico, te tienes que reir.

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