We are announcing that the tryouts for our AD Carry position have ended, and would like to welcome the newest member of our organization, Peter ‘Doublelift’ Peng.
Doublelift is a player who truly needs no introduction. Consistently heralded as the best AD Carry to have come from North America, Doublelift has been a professional player since Season 1 and has represented our region at Worlds twice. His storied career is well known internationally, and he has proven himself on numerous occasions to be a worthy opponent on the world stage. His reputation as a consistently motivated and hardworking player, in addition to his status as a North American have led us to believe that Doublelift was the best choice for the position over a large number of talented applicants. We are extremely excited to welcome him to TSM, and look forward to the upcoming year with him.
“Joining TSM will be a new chapter in my life, one that I am both excited and proud to be a part of. I hope to prove myself and earn the welcome of TSM fans worldwide. I am determined to use this fresh start to break through my current limits and dominate the competition harder than ever.
To all my current fans: regardless of the team I play for, I will always be the same person that you have known. I will now be playing for an organization I believe that will respect my loyalty and hard work. I am extremely grateful for all the support you have shown me throughout my career, and hope to deliver even better results this season.”
– Peter ‘Doublelift’ Peng
As a result of this decision, we are also announcing that Jason ‘WildTurtle’ Tran is now a part of our substitute roster, and is looking at starting AD Carry positions on other teams. We will announce any future updates regarding his situation.
- Doublelift se une a TSM tras ser echado de CLG
- Piropos de TSM para Doublelift
- Wildturtle pasa a ser sub pero busca equipos que lo quieran como ADC
- >NA SCENE[/b]
La marcha de CLG
Una de las mas longevas historias de amor de la scene se rompe hoy. Peter "Doublelift" Peng y CLG se separan, dando fin asi a una historia que empezo hace 4 años y ha llevado a CLG a subirse a lo mas alto del escalon Norteamericano tras muchos años de sufrimiento y altibajos. La squad norteamericana ha sido la que ha apretado el gatillo, siendo ellos los que han decidido echar a Doublelift del equipo, quedandose este -por enesima vez- sin casa.
Sin embargo no ha sido mucho el tiempo durante el cual doublelift ha estado sin equipo, ya que TSM, eterna rival de CLG y segunda mas historica de la scene, se ha hecho rapidamente con los servicios de Doublelift, convirtiendose asi en el substituto para Wildturtle.
Full transcript:
Counter Logic Gaming is sadly announcing today that the team has parted ways with Peter "Doublelift" Peng. Doublelift has been one of the core members of CLG for the past four years and one of the legacy players that fans of old still love to this day. We are proud to have won a championship with Doublelift as a CLG member. It took four years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice - but we did it together.
That is why this decision was not taken lightly. Doublelift's persistence and drive to be better, while still remaining a top talent after four years is a testament to the player that he is. Those years were not without disagreements however, and over the course of time have created a heavy burden on the relationship between Doublelift and the organization. It is difficult to make compromises with the past always present. After painstaking deliberation, it was decided that it was in the best interest of CLG that Doublelift be released from the team.
Although he will no longer wear the CLG colors, there is no doubt that Doublelift will continue to be one of the best players in North America. We wish him well and look forward to hopefully facing him in the LCS next year.
Declaraciones de HotshotGG y Doublelift
"It's been great to be apart of Doublelift's transition as a professional since the first time I met him in solo queue five years ago. CLG and Doublelift have been through a lot together, and because of that history, there are a lot of things that would have to be explained in detail so that people would have the full context behind our decision. That road was walked once down once before and even after multiple statements, the conclusions drawn were still just speculations. In respect of Doublelift, and of our fans so that they don’t have to undergo that event again, I want to leave it at that.
Doublelift was a big part of CLG’s legacy. We went to two World Championships, fought through relegations, stuck together for five years, and won an NA LCS Championship at MSG together. It was a crazy journey and I wish him luck in the future."
- George "HotshotGG" Georgallidis
"CLG did a lot of great things for me. They took me in when I was young and unproven, molding me into the player I am today. It's through their support that we are proud to become champions on the biggest stage NA LCS has ever been held.
I am extremely sad to leave the team that I have stood behind for so long, but I must respect their decision to head in a different direction."
- Peter "Doublelift" Peng
- CLG rescinde de Doublelift tras 4 años
- Muchas tensiones durante años entre equipo y jugador han sido las que han causado la separacion final
- Se separan con buenos terminos
- Doublelift triste de irse de CLG
Fuente oficial: http://clgaming.net/news/733
Perfil e historia de Doublelift: http://lol.esportspedia.com/wiki/Doublelift
Para que entendais un poco la historia de Doublelift, este documental explica su historia e idilio con CLG a la perfeccion: