Ember publica los salarios de sus jugadores


Después de unos dias con polémica, donde tanto el CEO de Inmortals, como el propietario de H2K sacaron a debate la necesidad de publicar los salarios de sus jugadores, Ember, la nueva organización de NA formada por el hermano de Hai, y algunos ex-Rioters ha dado el primer paso, en un articulo publicado en su Medium

I started an esports organization, Team Elemental, with my co-founder Bao Lam this month. Team Elemental is the parent company to four teams, each focusing on a different esports game. Our first team, Ember is focused on League of Legends.
As we started to think about the culture we wanted to instill in our team, we thought a lot about what we believe in and what we don’t. Here are the results.

#1 — We believe that better humans become better athletes.
It is widely acknowledged that the best players in League of Legends are from South Korea. Therefore, it came as no surprise when one of our players requested that we bring the team to bootcamp in Korea. His logic: play against the best players in the world to get better. You can only compete against others or against yourself. While both have value, we prefer to focus on competing against ourselves.

This is why we spend a lot of our time analyzing gameplay footage, reviewing our mistakes and successes, and challenging our players to understand the why rather than the what. Using a sports analogy, we think our players’ time is better spent getting incrementally better by playing against opponents with similar skill levels and understanding the context of the match rather than playing against and getting lit up by Serena Williams for two weeks straight.
DHH sums it up best:

Competition with others is the direct cultivation of stress and paranoia. The only competition I’ve come to love is the one against myself, and that’s not really a competition, now is it? The progress of betterment. Playing your part to the best of your abilities in a beautiful whole.
Some time later, I interviewed a candidate for our head coach position and I asked him why we should hire him. He answered because he will dedicate his entire life to our team, including not spending time with his girlfriend. Unfortunately, this is not a joke, it is quite prevalent in esports.

Why? Because esports has become yet another industry where winning is the only thing that matters, at the expense of everything else. We want to win too, but we disagree with that approach. We think that by living a fulfilling life, which includes having loving relationships, will enable — not hinder — our players and staff in becoming better athletes, coaches, leaders, and above all, humans.
What makes a good life? According to a 75-year-old study on that very topic, it is good, close relationships that keep us happier and healthier. It is easy to think fame, wealth, or high achievement will make us happy. Of course I believed in that as well. Yet, when I look back on my own life, it is my close relationships that protected me during my trials and tribulations. And my triumphs and successes were never complete without my close relationships.
We believe in family, friends, lovers, and community.

#2 — We believe in fostering regional talent.
And regional to us means North America. Part of developing a sport is to invest in youth development. Who is responsible for that in esports? The leagues? The teams? The game developers? Nobody really knows. What we do know is that we are going to be a part of the solution.
That is why we decided against purchasing a LCS slot directly. We would rather invest in the challenger scene and work with regional players who want the opportunity to compete at the highest level of esports.
Why? Because we have pride in our region, in our countries, and in our talent. Made in NA

That’s something we believe in and we are putting our money on it.

#3 — We believe in transparency.
In every other sport, we know how much players make. Stephen Curry signed a four-year deal worth $44 million with the Golden State Warriors. Tom Brady signed a three-year deal worth $27 million with the New England Patriots. Clayton Kershaw signed a seven-year deal worth $215 million with the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Why are esports salaries so secretive?
The same reason why start-up employees don’t get to know company valuation or ownership percentage along with number of options or shares received. The same reason Jennifer Lawrence was underpaid compared to her male colleagues.

Companies have more leverage when there is information asymmetry. And that’s screwed up. Last night, we shared our players’ salaries with each other. Today, we are going to share this information with the rest of the esports world so that players in CS and LCS are armed with some facts before their next negotiation.

It’s already working. This morning, one of our players called us to ask why he was being paid a certain amount versus another player. He listed some statistics about him, his win percent ratio, his KDA, etc. All great points and we are having an open discussion with him rather than keeping him in the dark.
It is especially important for esports players to have more information about salaries because they are putting their education on hold for an uncertain future.
Bonuses include sign-on and performance.
Gleeb — $57,500 base, $15,000 in bonuses, total comp $72,500
Contractz — $60,000 base, $10,000 in bonuses, total comp $70,000
Goldenglue — $65,000 base, $27,000 in bonuses, total comp $92,000
Solo — $65,000 base, $21,000 in bonuses, total comp $86,000
Benjamin— $60,000 base, $15,000 in bonuses, total comp $75,000

We also provide housing, an office space, health care, and the comfort of receiving a steady, legitimate paycheck through payroll rather than getting money sent through Paypal and the player having to deal with the taxes themselves.
And we are transparent with our team beyond compensation. We share our Google Drive folders with all of our players, besides documents which have personally identifiable information (SSN).


Pues nada, que no me deja pegar el texto...


Esto con Raytex no pasaba.


Bonuses include sign-on and performance.

· Gleeb — $57,500 base, $15,000 in bonuses, total comp $72,500

· Contractz — $60,000 base, $10,000 in bonuses, total comp $70,000

· Goldenglue — $65,000 base, $27,000 in bonuses, total comp $92,000

· Solo — $65,000 base, $21,000 in bonuses, total comp $86,000

· Benjamin— $60,000 base, $15,000 in bonuses, total comp $75,000

Joer, es mucho dinero...y eso que son unos "randoms", no me imagino lo que cobraran los players de los top teams.


Si Gleeb o Goldenglue cobran eso, miedo me da el salario de los de TSM o C9...


goldenglue 92k? WTF , si que tienen dinero para malgastar allá XD


Y a quien cojones le importa lo que cobren esta gente ? Pregunto desde la ignoransia wey

3 respuestas

#7 Hace un par de días se montó un pollo de la hostia en Reddit por este tema, y los de Ember han enseñado lo que cobran sus jugadores para chulearse de media EULCS.


Gleeb 72.500$....


Vale, creo que por fin he podido meter el texto, me cago en dios Medium


Esto está muy bien, para no hablar de las "medias" y los "aproximados" y deja claro que si un team de la CS paga eso lo que se debe pagar por los de arriba debe ser GL y lo que deben pagar en EU y KR para que se dieran palos por ir... también.


Todo eso de que quieren que sus empleados lleven un estilo de vida sano y tengan vida más allá del juego y tal está muy bien, pero que no me vengan con lo de "better humans become better athletes"; que como frase es preciosa pero es una gilipollez. Todos los deportes a nivel competitivo son insanos, la cantidad de horas dedicadas a ser los mejores hacen mella siempre a los deportistas en los niveles de la máxima competición. Cada uno decide ya si le compensa.
Me parece genial que quieran que sus jugadores no tengan esa presión y todo eso (es NA, que demonios) y si esos son sus principios incluso los apoyo. Pero que no esperen engañar a nadie o se engañen a sí mismos pensando que así llegarán a hacerse un hueco entre los mejores.


Han dicho: "eh mirar donde malgastamos el dinero"


Pues esos numeros me parecen insostenibles de cojones a palabras de krepo y h2krich me remito

[media]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="es"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I feel like making inflated salaries public is not in the best interest of the scene.

It's a marketing tool. I'm glad for the players tho.</p>&mdash; Mitch Voorspoels (@SkumbagKrepo) <a href="https://twitter.com/SkumbagKrepo/status/680492696587382784">diciembre 25, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/media]

[media]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="es"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/Thooorin">@Thooorin</a> If half the 'new' teams in NA still exist in 2 years that would be a result!</p>&mdash; Rich (@H2KRich) <a href="https://twitter.com/H2KRich/status/680492173121327104">diciembre 25, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/media]

Me parecen tambn a mi numeros demasiado inflados, que no estamos hablando de C9 o TSM, que estamos hablando de un puto equipo de CS joder, esos numeros a la que pinchen desmontan el team entero.

Es que estamos hablando de un equipo de CS que sus jugadores van a tener de media mas de 6000 euros mensuales..no jodamos hombre.

Perdonar que me pongo asi, pero este tipo de "gilipolleces" no le hace nada bueno a la scene, esto es simplente inflar la burbuja de los e-sports, no me creo que Ember tenga un plan de sostenibilidad que le permita pagar esas cantidades durante varios años, vamos es que me parecen surrealista esas cifras.

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Los números son altos, pero cuidado, que también hay que tener en cuenta que los bonus no son seguros, imagino que serán por objetivos. Y por otro lado no es lo mismo la escala salarial de USA que la Española.

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Eso es lo que cobran al mes....??

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#16 al año xD

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#17 Me estaba quedando loco, con lo paquete que son sigue siendo un huevo


#15 que no es eso, que aunque tengan objetivos mira las cifras, que estamos hablando de un CS, que los Challenger Teams no tienen la exposicion y publicidad que tiene un equipo de LCS ni jarto de vino, que ademas todo el mundo esta coincidiendo, esos salarios si son verdad, estan inflados as fuck


Ahora pueden entrar a la bolsa de valores


#7 pues a ti el primero, que te metistes en la noticia jajaja


Entre los 5 no suman ni la mitad de lo que cobra ouselot, lamentable.


Ember ha hecho una inversión, a ver como les sale. Si consiguen subir a la LCS sacarían más del el doble vendiendo el equipo con jugadores incluidos y solo van a tardar 1 split. Es un buen negocio si te sale bien.

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No me entero mucho ¿Esto tiene algún sentido más allá de mostrar al mundo la pasta que tienen y como la malgastan en semejantes paquetazos?

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#24 Marketing. En un momento en el que se está criticando la opacidad de los salarios en los e-sports si este equipo hace esto se le verá con buenos ojos, eso significa un mayor apoyo y fanbase que lleva a más dinero.


#14 la cosa está en que en el caso de estos randoms, que beneficio le están dando al equipo?
Te lo respondo yo: Ninguno. Ni streams, ni merchandising ni nada que se le parezca.
Y aunque se metan en la lcs, van a seguir generando una mierda, porque de estrellas no tienen nada.

El problema es que al final los equipos no generan un duro, el propietario malgasta el dinero un año, pero no dos. Al siguiente va a intentar recuperar lo invertido y si puede, sacarle un pellizco más.


#23 El riesgo de que no entres en la LCS es altisimo.

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Son peor team que Fusion y Fusion hizo un team que estuvo a un partido de entrar en la LCS... si no llega a tirar la última partida Nien.
Son mucho peor team que Fusion, qué cojones.


#27 No estoy nada puesto en la CS NA asi que puede que tengas razón. Si han empezado este proyecto con esta inversión supongo que ellos creeran que tienen muchas posibilidades y es un negocio rápido y muy lucrativo si les sale.


No es tanto dinero, para una profesion con tan poco futuro en general, con suerte tienen cabeza y al acabarse su carrera se pagan unos estudios con eso.

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