Forg1ven organiza 24 horas de stream para ayudar a un amigo


Forg1ven publico un mensaje en facebook solicitando ayuda para un amigo cercano con cancer , gracias al cual consiguio entrar en Copenaguen Wolfs , organiza un stream benefico para recaudar 8000 euros.

LEASE TAKE THE TAME TO READ IT, IMPORTANT. Greek (second part) and English text.
Some years ago, through a mutual friend, i met one of my closest friends to this date, Christopher Kesikidis (Χρήστος Κεσικίδης). Back then, i was like 19 or 20 years old and i was starting to rise through challenger on EUW server. Also i was still studying physiotherapy while i had divorced parents and neither of them were supporting the aspiration i had to become a professional player at League of Legends. I had no financial backup neither and the local net-cafe of my city also didnt accept to give me any sort of discount so i could manage to play some hours per day. I revealed to him the problem i had and he actually allowed me to play from his home for a month or two soloq and tryouts for various teams. This was around the time when i joined Copenhagen Wolves after i successfully passed through the tryout phase. We became very close friends and we went through good (raising a beautiful akita-inu dog for example) and bad things, he was taking care of my father when i was missing from my country to compete at the EU LCS from about 2014 till the very recent time when i was in Korea/NA to compete at Wolds. After he finished his studies in my city he returned to Thessaloniki where i pay him a visit regurarly and recently i also learned the he was planning on getting engaged with his girlfriend which he was with from highschool. I can to go to even further details but it will be a long text so i would rather stay on the most important part that recently came up.
About 1 week ago i learned that he was recently diagnosed with a tumor (we dont know yet if its benign or not but it doesnt matter) on his spinal cord and he needs to do an operation as soon as possible to be removed so it doesnt grow up further cause it if does, he will lose mobilty of his legs (paralyzed for the rest of his life). I recently came up with the idea to support him through doing a 24 hour english only stream tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11.00 CET in the morning with all the donations going 100% on him, for his operation which costs about 8,000 EUR (cause public hospital do not have this sort of medical equipment/technology and he has to go through priority order list whilst his operation has to be done imminently). Whatever is the amount that is gonna come up, i gonna cover the rest of it regardless of the outcome of it. The basic idea is that i dont want my friend to rely on church, bank, loansharks or any sort of people that would try to take advantage of his situation and he is a human being like all of us that needs help (just 28 years old), i think the league of legends community can unite to do something good and help him through this extremely unlucky and undeserved difficulty of his life. If you read this, you can share this with ur friends, u can support the charity stream tomorrow, you can donate if u want, you can be part of all of this in whatever way you can support the most. On the photos uploaded, you can find the english translation (not from me, i do not know english medical terminology) of the greek official document from the tests he was conducted, an MRI photo of his spinal cord and the official greek document. I will provide more proof if it is needed since i do not have any site to upload these to, so i used facebook. Thank you for your time reading it.


Nice calvito.

2 respuestas

Que bonito, que honorable, oda a la amistad, viva la vida, tengo fe en la humanidad, mis dies.

Aunque creo que vendiendo salsa y trashtalk como sabe hacer, conseguiría la cifra en medio día.


#2 Lleva 22 minutos en stream y ya va por 2135 euros

1 respuesta

Whiteness donando 20€ shieeet.


Hagamos un poco de nuestra parte, os lo pongo en live con el stream arriba por si quereis comentarlo.


#4 Ha conseguido 1500 en donaciones antes de enchufar el stream.


Mis dies Whiteness


Whiteness, you are the real MVP


Me parece una buenísima idea, ánimo!


#2 te cae un poco mejor despues de esto o sigue siendo un overrated flamer?

3 respuestas

#11 Dice bien de su persona (cosa que nunca me he metido), como jugador sigo pensando lo mismo claro.


#11 si sacaramos conclusiones de por su comportamiento en un juego, creo que la mayoria acabariamos igual.


Un gesto loable, a ver si vuelve por fin a la LCS, se le echa de menos.

1 respuesta

#11 Hombre algo hipocrita es por su parte, puesto que la palabra prohibida la ha usado en alguna que otra ocasion. Ademas de soltar luego el comentario de 'no es flame si es verdad'.

En cualquier caso es un buen gesto.

1 respuesta

#14 Ya dijo que estaba practicamente retirado del Competitivo hace unas semanas


#15 como minimo la mitad de pros en EU han soltado lindesas asi en soloQ, que no digo que esté bien pero EUW es toxico un rato. Peor mas allá de eso nadie piensa de verdad las cosas que se dicen salvo algun psicopata.

1 respuesta

Grande el calvo Rager! :) Para esto si que veo bien los 24H Espero que lo alcanze e incluso supere lo que se ha propuesto.


Grande Soaz donando 150 pavos xd


soaz aportando 150 baguettes.
hey krepo here i can't donate to much because i've got kicked from Riot xddddd


Grande forg1ven


#17 Puede ser, pero no quita que no sea un hipocrita por ello. Ademas no es solo 'soloQ'. No se si os lo habeis encontrado en ladder de cualquier juego, basicamente no pierde la oportunidad de echarle algo de curry a cualquier situacion.

Pero que vamos no soy hater, si el calvo es nice. Soy fan del calvens.


El mejor AD de la historia de EU, siendo tambien el jugador mas humano de todos.

10/10 skill, 12/10 corazón


Grande Forg1ven, este tipo de cosas le hacen más humano.


Cuantos más sistemas sanitarios conoces, más cuenta te das lo bueno que es el nuestro.


Donado un poco de dinero, nuestro sistema sanitario tiene mil millones de cosas malas, pero tratamientos que te pueden salir por un ojo de la cara te salen por menos de 15/20 euros al mes, sobre todo la gente con tumores,masas o similares que requieran de operación es absurdamente barato.

pero en muchos países una simple consulta para un resfriado con 30-50 euros y después el medicamente 8-15 euros.


le podria dar los 8k el directamente no? xD


Viva Motroco

1 respuesta

#28 eres el heroe que mediavida necesita pero no el que merece.


Pues muy bien por el griego, bienvenida sea cualquier iniciativa de este tipo
No deja de ser triste pensar que sería de su amigo si él no fuese conocido y pudiese ayudarlo