Se confirma el secreto a voces, Fr3deric y Werlyb dejan Giants Gaming. En principio parece que Werlyb se va a la CS mientras que de Fr3deric no se sabe nada. Para sustituirles suenan K0u y Satorius.
Comunicado de Giants:
"Today we announce the departure of two of the most important players in our recent history: Federico "Fr3deric" Lizondo and Jorge "Werlyb" Casanovas will not be part of our LCS roster for the upcoming 2016 season. After carefully consideration the club decided that, in order to evolve as a team, our lineup needed some modifications for the jungle and toplane positions. We wish Federico and Jorge the best of luck in their pro gaming careers as they have proven to be fully qualified professionals.
We already reached an agreement with two European players to replace them and we expect to announce their names as soon as possible.
We would like to thank all the people who have supported us over this year and we expect you to keep supporting us in the same way through 2016."