Hola amiguitos, puntual como siempre, vienen las notas del PBE, pero a partir de ahora va a ser algo diferente; este sera el hilo oficial del PBE, en donde se ira incluyendo toda la información que vaya apareciendo en el server de testeo de Riot. Cada nuevo parche uno de los moderadores resucitara de su eterno letargo y en un titanico esfuerzo cambiaran el titulo del hilo a la rotación correspondiente del PBE para volver de nuevo a su tumba silenciosa (para alguno lo de la tumba puede ser literal)
Asi pues, al turron.
Blood Moon Kennen - 975 RP
New model and textures!
New particles!
New recall animation!
Blood Moon Yasuo- 975 RP
Completely new model (masked and crimson!)
New particles for abilities! (dark red!)
New recall! (fancy blood moon decal!)
New Summoner Icons
Lore Changes
Several Mount Targon champions have had their lore changed, in the past, this has been followed by longer bios & stories on champion pages - such as with the Shadow Isles champions last Harrowing.
Here is the new shortened in-client lore for Diana, Leona, and Pantheon:
Balance Changes
[Silver Serpent generation on Twisted Treeline, Dominion, and ARAM reduced to 1 every 2 seconds from 1 per second.]
Parrrley (Q) gold and silver serpents plundered now 4 at all ranks from 4/5/6/7/8
Powder Keg (E)
Now Stores 3 barrels max (up from 2 & 3/4/5 based on R rank)
Recharge cooldown changed to 20/18/16/14/12 from 18/17/16/15/14
Cannon Barrage (R) :
Upgrades now cost 250 silver serpents down from 500.
No longer increases number of Powder Keg stored
Bouncing Blades (Q):
AP ratio of mark consume damage increased to .2 from .15
Bio-Arcane Barrage (W) tooltip now notes it does maximum of 60 damage to monsters.
Ricochet (W) bounces can now critically strike.
Starcall (Q) :
Mana cost lowered to 70 at all ranks from 70/75/80/85/90
Updated Tooltip:
"Calls down a star from Soraka to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take 70/110/150/190/230 (+ .35 AP) magic damage and are slowed by 30% for 2 seconds.
If Starcall damages a champion, Soraka gains Alignment, restoring up to 30/45/60/75/90 (+ .4 AP) health and 20/30/40/50/60 (+ .2 AP) mana over 5 seconds."
All enemies hit are slowed rather than only those in center.
Slow reduced to 30% at all ranks from 30/35/40/45/50%
Enemies in center no longer take 50% extra damage.
[NEW MECHANIC] "If Starcall damages a champion, Soraka gains Alignment, resturing up to 30-90 (+ 40% AP) health and 20-60 (+20% AP) mana over 5 seconds.
Astral Infusion (W) :
Updated Tooltip:
"Restores 70/100/130/160/190 (+ .6 AP) health to another champion ally.
If cast while affected by Alignment, Soraka will transfer the effect to her target with a refreshed duration.
Cannot be cast if Soraka is below 5% health."
Heal value lowered to 70/100/130/160/190 from 120/150/180/210/240
[REMOVED] No longer heals Soraka on champion Q hit.
[NEW MECHANIC] "If cast while affected by Alignment, Soraka will transfer the effect to her target with a refreshed duration".