So here's my Statement about all the own3D drama:
People, companies, everybody... commit mistakes everytime.
own3D worked good so far during the past year, but somehow, the lack of income made the payments harder and harder to be done every month.
Streamers lacked on information, we literally didn't know what was going on; until the first month our money wasnt reaching our bank account. Since that moment, every payment started struggleing, and I needed to be asking for my money more and more every week.
By then, nobody knew what was about to happen; you could smell the lack of good energy around all this topic, though.
So I decided to take a decission based on my personal experience:
Stay in own3D, give the guys a chance, as everybody deserve second chances.
Didn't want to take decissions too fast and tried to understand the company I was working with, aswell. When somebody is struggleing, leaving the boat on their luck won't help them, at all; IMPLYING I UNDERSTAND WHY EVERY STREAMER LEFT BY THEN (When you need the money to feed your family, nothing gets prioritized before that).
My decission? Probably the right one for my soul, but definitely not the right one for my pocket.
By then, I had with me a huge value in the Market, as if I leave own3D at that time, that would be meaning the Killing Blow.
But I still kept believing that own3D could head up and rise again, did my best to help that happen. Streamed more hours than any other streamer, even though I knew I could lose all that money just like that; promoted as much as I could own3D as a brand and literally did everything to keep the boat up.
Didn't work.
Now I'm here, in the sinking boat, chanting "Do you hear the people sing" along zero streamers; and you know what? I'm somehow happy.
I lost so much with this move, you can't even imagine, not only the unpaid money, but the money I didn't earn from taking advantage of the 'momentum' and swapping streaming platform; but atleast my soul is clean, as I did my best to prevent this from happening.
Nobody will be ever be able to say that no matter who ocelote is working with, he will let them down.
Best of wishes for own3D management, and patience to every streamer that lost money with this, You are not alone!
Jesus Moly, I wrote quite a lot.