#9874 , el server va con algo de lag, igual es por eso. Intenta comprarlo de todas maneras, a ver si puedes.
This happened the other day during a ranked match: As we were nearing the 20th minute and it became clear that my team had the advantage in kills, cs, and objectives, the chat was suddenly flooded. The gibberish messages came at such a rapid rate and were so long that they dropped my FPS from about 60 to about 1. I could not scroll up to read who sent them, and all I could see was the tail end of the message (random ASCII symbols).
One by one, summoners began to disconnect. I was quick enough to realize what was going on and muted the entire enemy team. This fixed the lag in the game instantly, but I still could not chat. For the next 10 minutes, people would try to reconnect only to disconnect quickly after. All the while, only one person in the whole game was pushing: Someone on the other team, the only one to not be affected.
Sure enough, when I unmuted people one by one, the game instantly started to lock up when I unmuted the person I suspected of cheating. It seems to me that he used a script to flood the chat at such a rapid pace or with messages that were so long (or both) that it bogged the game down and caused disconnects to the entire game.
We ended up winning after I was able to spam "Mute the enemy team" enough times for it to show in chat. Needless to say we reported him after.
Just a heads up to everyone. If your game suddenly starts locking up and you hear the rapid clicking noise of chat messages, start muting people asap.
Is this a well-known exploit?
TL;DR: Enemy summoner flooded chat to cause game-wide disconnects in ranked match.
EDIT: I'm getting multiple messages and they all point out the same two people involved in these exploits:
TSM KoreanKimchi and Scavs.
If you are in a game with this duo, watch out.
"Esto ocurrio el otro dia durante una ranked: Estabamos cerca del minuto 20 y estaba claro que mi equipo tenia la ventaja en kills, cs y objetivos, el chat de repente se "inundo/peto/colapso". Los mensajes iban tan rapido y fueron tan largos que me bajaron los fps de 60 a 1. No podia hacer scroll para ver quien lo enviaba, y todo lo que podia ver fue el final del mensaje(simbolos ASCII aleatorios).
1 por 1, los invocadores comenzaron a desconectarse. Fui lo bastante rapido para darme cuenta de que estaba pasando y mutee el equipo entero. Uno en el otro equipo, el unico que no fue afectado.
Comenze a quitarle el mute 1 por 1, el juego comenzo a venirse abajo cuando le quite el mute a la persona de la que sospechaba estaba haciendo trampas.
Terminamos ganando despues de que fuera capaz de spamear "Mutear al equipo enemigo" suficientes veces para mostrarlo en el chat.
Un consejo para todos. Si tu juego de repente empieza a venirse abajo y oyes el ruido del chat, empieza a mutear a la gente tan pronto como te sea posible.
¿Es este un conocido exploit?
TL;DR(ni idea de que seran las abreviaturas): Invocadores enemigos empiezan a floodear el chat para causar desconexiones en rankeds.
EDIT: Estoy recibiendo multiples mensajes, y he llegado a la conclusion de que son las 2 mismas personas involucradas en estos exploits. TSM KOreanKimchi and Scavs.
Si estas en duo con ellos, cuidado."
Traducido con mi ingles penco.
#9876, y yo pegandome el "curro" para nah, psé