#59 boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!
Ulti: Se come una semilla de arce. Inmune a todos los daños gracias a su muro inflanqueable de over 9000 de radio durante 60min. gg riot.
Pues si no usa 3 katanas no mola.... Yo sigo esperando a mi querido Yordle jungle que dijeron que saldría en season 3
#64 ya tienes a poppy, oh wait..
Si tiene 3 katanas como zoro roronoa ya me muero y dejo todos mis leuros en honor a riot.
hermano de yi, primo de xin zhao, cuñado de lee sin, esposo de akali, amigo de shen, padre de kennen...
#50 Ostia pues yo pensaba que estaba relacionado con la historia de Zed http://gameinfo.euw.leagueoflegends.com/es/game-info/champions/zed/#champion-lore
pero no tendría mucho sentido con lo de Shen y eso, lo tuyo tiene mas argumento
me esta oliendo a 134135151613 lloros este personaje
tiene una pinta de pentakilles free con 134343 de dmg
esta en el pbe ya?
#39 Ojala no. Hasta los cojones de saltitos , sombritas, gente volando y con unos escapes de la ostia , pew pew y gente que se hace la partida fácilmente feedeandose de contra el pobre inútil de tu mid que no ha podido pickear el único assasin no baneado de la partida .
Deja a los AP mid tranquilos que ellos eran muy majos , a ver si con el cambio de meta se cruje a todos los "tipo zed que se pueden utilizar en mid".
No es ni el hermano de Xin ni de Yi. El hermano de Xin es Ao y a la estirpe de Yi la exterminó Singed. Quizás sea el hermano de Irelia
#79 esto dicen que es lo mas seguro y puede que primero lanzaran a la hermana como support y luego a este
I'm pretty sure the champion in the bottom picture is of Yasuo, obviously a male, and an expert swordsman (as evidenced by him balancing the seed on his sword). I'm also pretty sure he'll be released as "Yasuo, the Unsheathed Sword." But he won't be the next champion.
The next champion will likely be Yone, the narrator, who I believe will be a female, and who will most likely be a support. (Riot loves female supports, and if we look at the silhouette in the first image (may or may not be Yone), it looks very feminine.) We know this because of what she says initially about working with her brother: "The true challenge lies in teaching him not to kill." This indicates pacifism, support, healing, diffusion, etc. The other inference I draw that she'll be support is when she says "Were it not for my actions, I wonder if he would have been swept down this dark path...At first light tomorrow, I set out to capture a sword without a sheath: my brother Yasuo."
Both of the bolded parts indicate that she did not harm him or, obviously, kill him when she intervened him going down a dark path, and she isn't setting out to stop (by any means necessary, or in other words, kill,) her brother. She's out to capture him. Again, indicating a more peaceful means of stopping him, maybe even "saving" him. Peaceful means = support, at least that's what makes the most sense.
And since the story leaves with Yone setting out to capture her brother, it makes sense that we'll be following Yone's story first, not Yasuo's.