Surprise Party Amumu - 1350 RP
Urf the Nami-tee - 750 RP
Archduke Nasus - 750 RP
Order of the Banana Soraka - 750 RP
Definitely Not Udyr - 975 RP
Debonair Galio - 750 RP
New Feature - Champion Mastery
We want to recognize you for playing the champs you love and give you feedback on how well you play them.
"With Champion Mastery, you now get points, ranks, and rewards for the champs you play. Now, if you want to show other players that you’re a dedicated Swain main, or a big cheese with Twitch, you can!
Finish a game of League and you’ll earn points for your champion based on your team’s performance as well as your own contribution. Earn enough points and you’ll level up that champ’s mastery level, giving you rewards as you progress.
Hover over your Champion Mastery points bar in the post-game screen and you’ll see the grade that our new system gives you. Grades are awarded based on your overall performance in the role along with the champion you’re playing and, crucially, where you’re playing them.
[b] Leveling Up [/b]
Check out your in-client profile, and you’ll see a new stat telling you your mastery score, a sum of all your mastery ranks combined
We’re kicking off Champion Mastery with the first five ranks for each champion unlocked. Here are the crests your champion will earn as they rank up:
We’re kicking off the rollout with a PBE stint from 3/11. If all goes well, a couple of weeks later we’ll then launch a beta in a single region, focusing on Summoner’s Rift normal queues to make sure the feature’s stable for expanded use. We’ll read through your feedback and keep you updated with our progress, too, so keep an eye out for future posts after the service goes live!
All summoners who’ve hit level five or higher will be eligible for Mastery points. However, at launch, it’ll only support normal games on Summoner’s Rift.
[b]The Future [/b]
This is just the beginning for Champion Mastery. As the system matures, we’ll unlock extra tiers and rewards as we build on the program! "
Quick hits from reds following the announcement:
You can only see your own grade
These are visible to TEAM ONLY.
Not Retroactive
To start, only normal SR queues (including T
No demotions or anything once you move up a tier.
Information on Grades will not be in 3rd party sites
If you were to get your mastery up high enough to unlock a Mastery Emote, you could trigger it in-game with "Control + 6" by default.
New Ability Icons
Passive, Q, W, E, R
Twisted Fate
Passive, Q, W, E, R + Reactivate R
Blue, Yellow, Red card
Texture Rebalances
Lee Sin
Summoner's Rift Terrain Changes
Added String Data: [b]"WIP Map for updates to the Howling Abyss"[/b] & [b]"Howling Abyss WIP"[/b]. No details and the map is not up for testing yet.
The PBE only jungle camp damage test buff is back! See this post for more information and feel free to submit your data over on the PBE boards.
Two new [b]"3053 and 3052"[/b] items were added to the shop on the PBE, although ricklessabandon has confirmed they were just partial files for items they had previously experimented with and will be cleaned up.
A few urf-tastic sounding text strings for [b]"Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome Buffing"[/b],[b] "Shield Overload"[/b], and [b]"Heal Embargo"[/b] have been uncovered.
Noxian Guillotine (R) [Still looking, might be more]
Mana cost reduced to 100/50/0
New Effect: At rank 3, Noxian Guillotine's cooldown resets entirely on kill
Le Blanc itssomething.jpg
Mimic (R)
Mimicked Sigil of Malice AP ratio lowered to .6 from .65
Mimicked Distortion AP Ratio lowered to .9 from .975
Mimicked Ethereal Chains AP ratio lowered to .6 from .65
Paranoia (R) cooldown lowered to 150/125/100 from 180/140/100
Time Bomb (Q) AP ratio increased to .9 from .8
Rewind (W) [mana cost lowered to 40/30/20/10/0 from 50 at all ranks]
[Experimental] Mandrake Ward
[It's back]