Rebajas especiales anunciadas para Enero
Hippalus ha estado organizando durante los últimos días una encuesta en los foros de League Of Legends preguntando qué clase de rebajas les gustaría ver a la gente en el próximo gran evento de rebajas que está planeando realizar para después de las vacaciones.
Citando textualmente, en el post anuncia lo siguiente:
"We will be putting together a sale event after the holidays and would like to give players input into what goes on sale. Vote for what you’d like to see included in the sale, and feel free to add any additional feedback/ideas in the thread below.
50% off boosts
50% off rune pages
RP purchases get extra bonus RP (similar to September)
50% off skin super sale (10+ skins, including some never before on sale)
75% off skin retirement (retiring several older skins to the legacy vault)
50% off legacy skins (bringing back some retired skins not currently in the store"
La encuesta para nuestro servidor la podemos encontrar aquí: EUW
Skins retirados o temporales que podrían volver
Crimson Akali
Matador Alistar
Pharaoh Amumu
Red Riding Annie
Annie In Wonderland
Safari Caitlyn
Nightmare Cho'Gath
Red Baron Corki
Mr. Mundoverse
Toxic Dr. Mundo
Masquerade Evelynn
Nottingham Ezreal
Desert Trooper Garen
Scuba Gragas
Alien Invader Heimerdinger
Angler Jax
Phantom Karthus
Unmasked Kayle
Swamp Master Kennen
Sonoran Kog'Maw
Shamrock Malphite
Vizier Malzahar
Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
Leopard Nidalee
Sasquatch Nunu
Blacksmith Poppy
Noxus Poppy
Professor Ryze
Workshop Shaco
Frozen Shen
Yellow Jacket Shen
Hextech Sion
Spectacular Sivir
Emerald Taric
Badger Teemo
Firefighter Tristana
Highland Tryndamere
The Magnificent Twisted Fate
Kingpin Twitch
Butcher Urgot
Feral Warwick
Time Machine Zilean