Rebajas de lol: Tantas Skins y tan caros los Rps

Your Shop is closed! Until further notice.
We just took Your Shop down. We are aware of an issue with the deals, at the moment. We are working on an update to get it up, ASAP. Hopefully, the update will yield better results for all.
If you contact Riot support, they'll still honor the deals you were offered. If you're interested in what you saw.


Caen todas menos la de lucian xD.

1 respuesta

#151 Tiene pinta de que juegas de support.

1 1 respuesta

#152 de toda la vida.


A mi me salió Lunar Wraith Caitlyn la primera vez y ahora lo mejor que me ha salido es Orianna Nevada esa... Por cierto, mas o menos a todos nos tocan las mismas skins, porque he visto a muchos con lunar wraith cait, orianna nevada, la Xayah..


786.00 dolares en lol, ay lmfao :psyduck: