Hey all,
We're currently experimenting with some heavy-handed changes to Fighters internally. I wanted to share those here to show you what we're working on right now - obviously, this isn't confirmed as going in or not yet;
Reduce base damage on AD abilities significantly: We're starting at about 30%, though this will change based on the character and ability.
Increase AD ratios of abilities massively: Using bonus AD ratios up into the 2.0, 2.5 or 3.0 range is seeming like the right number. The price of AD (and its lack of multiplicative statistics working on abilities) means these ratios need to be very high to ever hope to encourage offense at all.
Adding better pure AD itemization to support the above: Basically, Fighters don't have good offensive options outside of Yomuu's and Bloodthirster (which is hard to justify give the current numbers on their stuff), so we want to improve the 2k gold range for them.
We're starting off with Renekton as a test bed, since he's the best analog to an AD "caster" (most of his damage comes via abilities, not auto-attacks) and seeing how this feels. We do expect defense to still be built on Fighters, since they're melee and need it, but I'd like to get the balance better, or allow choice in damage/defense that's meaningful.[/i]
Mother of GOD, ya me veo yo que esto lo van a sacar sin testear a todos los heroes AD con este cambio y van a romper a la mitad de los heroes del juego. xD