"Good Morning, well, not that good... Wickd left SK, it was all so fast and no reason involved. Dunno what to say, but I'm pretty sure I did my best to keep him and make him happy. It seems he had some problems with some of the team. Just life goes on, Good luck in the future, friend."
"Life goes on. After begging him to stay, the whole Morning, I found out that is impossible to make him stay. Keep in mind, guys, that I did my best to make sure he doesn't leave SK. Even tho he talks about how bad were his days in SK, I can ensure u that we loved and protected him more than any other player.
He is my Online best friend, even after all this sudden, and my mind is totally Chilled about the fact that I always gave everything to help his relationship towards the team.
It's just normal that he trashtalks about the team, everyone would do that after leaving, and it's understandable, but be sure that we did our best to make him stay.
This is the last and the only Statement me and my team will do about all of this.
Good luck , man."
Palabras textuales del facebook de Ocelote, y se ve que en el stream de Wickd también ha habido merengue merengue. Por lo que sé, ha tenido problemas con Candy Panda y bueno, supongo que habrá más.
La foto que destapa lo sucedido:
¿Qué opináis? -yo creo que no es de los mejores solo tops que hay, pero a la vez sin él pierden mucho, sobre todo por su gran Irelia y básicamente el tiempo que llevan jugando juntos...-
EDIT: Acabo de ver que está en la taberna, si se cree conveniente pues lo seguimos hablando allí