Allods Online 3.0 anunciado

Servidor elegido: ISA, Europe
USA - Nezeb

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Canal Allods Online
Si quieres un canal privado, envía pm a thunder_


somos de la liga! si es que son los de la izqierda xD. ahora me pillas dudando.


De la liga. Llevo tiempo sin conectarme por eso, pero es porque estoy bastante liado xD.


¿Alguien sigue jugando en el servidor USA? He estado bastante liado por temas de trabajo y ahora que he vuelto sólo veo a los guiris activos en el clan -bastantes por cierto- pero de nosotros no hay ni perry.

¿Habéis huído hijos de mil putas?

EDIT: Una pregunta a los que juegan en el EU, ¿cómo conseguís lo Gpotato para hacer las runas? En el USA se consiguen tiradas haciendo el trapi del móvil, pero en el EU los han quitado si no he visto mal, y además hay miembros de nuestro clan que cambian gold por gpotatos a un ratio bastante bajo. ¿Cómo lo hacéis allí ahora?


Que sois la mayoria? alianza server europeo ? alguien juega conmigo desde el principio? tengo muxo tiempo libre : D


Un colega y yo, somos level 8 y no tenemos ninguna quest para hacer y nos queda como medio level para subir y nos estamos rallando.. es normal que haya subir griendo porque estamos flipando y nos estamos empezando a cansar..

PD: Somos Empire

1 respuesta

#845 no sé si lo sabes pero la fatiga(la barra azul) se cambia por experiencia... y yo soy lvl 12 y no recuerdo que me faltaran quest! osea que algo has de andar haciendo mal xD


Todos los que esteis en sv europeo, liga, preguntar a la guild SICARIOS, que es española.


Erm... yo llegué a nivel 38 y me sobraban quests, así que sí, o sois MUY hardcore o estáis haciéndolo lo que viene siendo bastante mal. Es cuestión de aprovechar las quests y cobrarlas sólo cuando tengas la barra de la fatiga no llena para de ese modo petar la barra en 1 o 2 horas de juego. El resto una vez lleguéis a nivel 23 -cosa bastante asequible- generalmente lo empleaba en petar el ojete al bando enemigo y conseguir combat glory para el equipo.

Si alguien sigue jugando, soy Bastísimo lv43 en Nezeb - Empire. Sólo juego por las noches y cuando puedo xD pero bueno, ahí sigo.

1 respuesta

#848 Yo aún juego, lo que pasa es que aún soy nivel 37 :(

8 días después

Yo también estoy jugando, aunque ahora mismo parece que ha petado el server. Me da el maldito error de contraseña incorrecta. A alguien más le pasa?

P. D. Arkhand, lvl 24 en Nezeb - Imperio.

Corrijo: Se me olvidó cambiar la password, por eso me la resetearon xD


Hoy empiezo con un amigo en los servidores de USA, por fin hemos sacado un poco de tiempo para hechar unos ratos al Allods. Si alguien se apunta, mensaje privado y os paso mi skype y hacemos una llamada o algo!

2 respuestas

#851 Justo yo empecé con unos amigos hacé dos días jajaj. Somos lvl 9-11, aunque yo tengo un personaje al 18 también. Así que por nosotros perfecto de hacer llamada en skype/party/loquesea.


Alex.demez es mi skype, pero no saco una mierda de tiempo para jugar así que en teoría si queréis preguntar en el curro lo tengo on todo el rato xD


Agregadme a skype quien quiera jugar y hacemos llamadas por ahi xdd.

Skype: thunderwut

No usamos ts xq ya lo intentamos una vez para el allods y fue un desastre. Quien esté interesado en montar algo en Nezeb - USA (aunque sea una party diaria for fun) que me agregue al skype y nos organizamos por ahi ;)


#851 metete en los europeos, que somos muchos españoles :'(.


Yo soy Pwnurculo lvl 45 xad (empire) physical paladin a menos de 20% para el 46, estoy en el servidor Nezeb de USA y en el clan Disturbeds y por ahora ya no me dedico mucho a subir experiencia sino más que nada a hacer Astrals (lvl 45 instances) para recoger gear y upgradearla y las daily quest de dinero para ir cogiendo poco a poco algo de dinero... agregadme a amigos y hablamos por dentro si queréis y os resuelvo alguna duda y os intento ayudar en todo lo posible.

1 respuesta

#856 Yo soy el que te ha whispeado hoy preguntando si eras español y por la comunidad española en el juego. Epic nik llevas jajaj

1 respuesta

#857 xDDD pos mira jajaja ya sabes aqui tienes unos cuantos como tu que están comenzado y podéis ayudaros poco a poco, cualquier cosa como he dicho antes, un /w y os intento ayudar si no estoy ocupad.

pd: gracias por lo del nick xd

9 días después

Una preguntilla sobre este juego, el pago como es de imprescindible?
Es decir en todos los f2p llega un momento antes o despues en el que o pagas o...

¿Como va eso en este juego? estas son las opciones que mas veces he visto:
1-Los que no pagan tienen que pasar horas y horas de grindeo para conseguir lo mismo que los que pagan
2-Llega un momento en el que los que pagan tienen mejor equipo que los que no y no se puede hacer nada al respecto
3-Los que no pagan pueden hacer cosas ( o hacer ciertas cosas) pocas veces al día y los que pagan de forma indefinida.


Gala Networks Europe
ha anunciado la primera actualización de Allods Online que esta prevista para finales de julio y que se denominará Renaissance.

Esta actualización incluye una nueva mazmorra para los jugadores de nivel alto, además de un innovador sistema de la reencarnación, y una interfaz mejorada para la creación de personajes.

La nueva interfaz de creación de personajes estará disponible para Allods Online: Renaissance. Fuente de la imagen: MMOsite

Esta nueva actualización se basa en la llegada del Renacimiento al mundo de Sarnaut y aquellos jugadores que se creen un personaje nuevo para esta etapa tendrán una ventaja sobre el resto.

La nueva mazmorra llamada Cueva Tka-Rik, será el nuevo desafío para los aventureros de Sarnaut pues será la mas dificil de todo el juego y esconderá grandes premios y recompensas.

En cuanto al rediseño se la interfaz de creación de personajes se ha hecho mucho mas intuitiva y mejorado visualmente. Tambien se han añadido otra serie de modificaciones que os detallamos a continuación:

  • Los viajes Astrales serán un 60% mas rápidos.

  • Nuevos eventos dinámicos que mejoran la experiencia de las misiones.

  • Incorporación de un sistema con códigos de color que facilitan la navegación astral.

  • Ahora los barcos pueden ser perseguidos por terribles monstruos de un vortice a otro.

Allods Online: Renaissance estará disponible a partir de la segunda quincena de julio en todos los servidores europeos.

Fuente original del texto


Que pinta :D.


¿Y los que jugamos en el Americano que? ¿nos jodemos?

1 respuesta

#862 la actualización en el americano debería llegar a la par que al europeo, es más, las fotos y demás las he sacado de la noticia de la web americana, la cual comparte fechas con la actualización europea.

Creo que la prioridad de actualización es: Ruso > Americano > Europeo, si me equivoco que alguien me corrija :P

1 respuesta

¡Pasaros al EU conmigo maricones!

2 respuestas

#863 Gracias thunder.

#864 Pásate tu al americano!! xD


#864 for president

1 respuesta

y alguna nota mas especifica ? xq vamos eso no me dice nada xD , aver si lo de los eventos dinamicos hacen que las quest sean algo menos horrorosas y cansinas .

1 respuesta

#867 supongo que darán los patchnotes dentro de poco, por ahora solo han dicho qué van a actualizar, cómo y cuándo, por lo tanto quedan los patchnotes pendientes.

A mi las quest me gustan, aunque es un quest grinder como el WoW es el mejor free2play actualmente, es bueno ver que van metiéndole contenido y tal :)


¡Los patchnotes sí que han salido! ( )


Twilight Isle, a new zone for high level players, has been introduced. Twilight Isle is one of the most gruesome and dangerous locations in the Misty Lands. A group of cultists has turned the whole allod into a huge Astral ship. Chains hanging from its edges are used as harnesses for powerful demons

The Cave of Tka-Rik, a new area for high level players, has been introduced

Players who are level 46 and higher can now speak with Veronika Gipitskaya on the Isle of Revelation to go through a reincarnation ritual and become a progenitor, allowing them to create one alternate character of another archetype called an incarnation that has special characteristics

    An incarnation can be made by talking to a Reincarnation Master in Novograd or Nezebgrad

    A player can switch between the progenitor and the reincarnation by talking to a Reincarnation Master in Novograd or Nezebgrad

    The incarnation starts at level 5 and does not have to complete the beginning instance

    The progenitor and the incarnation share all of their mounts, all of the items in the Item Shop tab of their bag, all of the bonuses from items that come from Radiant Strongboxes, their bag size, their deposit box size, their runes, the duration remaining on their patron’s blessing, their gold, some of the items in their Currency tab, and their Astral ships

    Until level 45, when the incarnation is able to gain experience its damage dealt and healing done is decreased by 33% and it loses 10% of its experience earned for its current level when it dies. These penalties can be removed along with the incarnation’s ability to gain experience by talking to the Reincarnation Master

    Until level 45, incarnations cannot use the abilities of Dreadnaughts

    The incarnation can gain one of two specified abilities from the progenitor’s archetype, and the progenitor can gain one of two specified abilities from the incarnation’s archetype when the incarnation reaches level 45

Added Lucky Moments which appear at random and grant a special bonus effect to an entire server for 1 day or 1 hour. The special bonus effects can increase:
    The amount of treasure chests received from monsters in the Astral
    The amount of prestige earned
    The amount of gold and poor items received from normal monsters
    The amount of Combat Glory earned
    The amount of experience earned from killing monsters
    The amount of loot table items received from powerful monsters
    The amount of experience earned from completing quests
    The amount of quest items received from normal monsters
    The amount of gold received from completing quests
    The amount of reputation earned
    The chance for random uncommon, rare, and epic items to drop from normal monsters

Mounts can now be used at level 4

Changed the effects of object highlighting so that the interactive objects now flash

Added a button on the left tool bar that can be used to access the Guild window

Fixed a bug where whispers were not displayed in the Allies tab

Fixed a bug where not all types of messages were displayed in the General tab

Added additional objects to existing environments

Added new icons for various items and spells

Optimized client-server interactions

Fixed some bugs that were causing the client to crash

Fixed a bug that was causing the loading screen to freeze at 92%

Fixed a bug where the mini map would appear on top of the Calendar

Added the ability to plan out how talent points or rubies will be spent before learning them

Fixed a bug where some spells’ and abilities’ descriptions would not update correctly

Added the option to turn sticky targeting on or off that can allow players to deselect their current target by clicking on something that is not the target

Fixed a bug where selecting party members by using the F2 to F6 keys wasn’t working properly

Added the ability to customize the quest tracker’s height

Fixed a bug where items that were located behind the quest tracker could not be selected

Fixed a bug that prevented some user addons from working properly

Fixed a bug where NPCs in Purgatory would occasionally disappear

Reduced the amount of gold required to refine items by 50%

Fixed a bug where class trainers were selling rubies for more gold than intended

Mailed gold to all players who bought rubies for more gold than intended

Fixed a bug where players could not use potions while affected by the Draconic Aspect effect
Increased the stats of draconic relics

Pants, shoes, bracers, belts, necklaces, and capes no longer increase Stamina and Endurance and now increase Agility

Helms, shoulderpads, chestpieces, gloves, weapons, off-hands, earrings, shirts, rings, and trinkets no longer increase Agility and now increase Stamina and Endurance

Changed the sell price of various poor items

The Rune of Enduring Strength now increases all stats by 20

Added training dummies to various locations that allow players to practice their attacks

Players can now teleport between faction specific portals and neutral portals

Bundles of Astral Megaphones that are obtained from Chests of the Recruit now bind when picked up



Increased the cast time of Aura of Potency and Aura of Ferocity to 3 seconds

Changed the attack speed of paired maces and axes


Martyr’s Protection and Holy Shield can now remove the movement impairing effect inflicted by Binding Light

The cast time of Purification is now 1.5 seconds at all ranks

The cooldown duration of Purification is now 10/5/0 seconds

Healers can no longer use melee abilities while affected by the Holy Shield effect
The duration of the Holy Shield effect is now 5/7/10 seconds

Fixed a bug where Holy Shield did not prevent damage from some summoner and psionicist spells

Fixed a bug where Hold in Contempt did not prevent the use of some psionicist spells

Fixed a bug where Light’s Reach did not work when using one-handed spears

Improved the audio of some healer spells


When Sanctuary is used on a far Astral allod it will now teleport players to their Astral ship instead of their faction’s capital

Fixed a bug where Thunderbolt applied 2 stacks of the Superconductivity effect

Fixed a bug where Elemental Shield did not absorb damage from some psionicist spells

Fixed a bug with Arcane Mastery


The Mental Weariness effect now makes the target immune to the Light Infusion and Light Immersion effects

Strike of Justice can now be interrupted by control effects

Vengeance now increases the paladin’s damage dealt for 20 seconds or for the next 10 spells when a party member dies

Fixed a bug where the magic power on wands was not working correctly


The Mental Fatigue effect now only decreases the cast time of Hypnosis

The Mental Fatigue effect now stacks up to 5 times

Fixed a bug where the Will Suppression and Mental Link effects did not disappear when a psionicist ran out of mana or exited the game

Convenient Confusion now affects the Spectral Assassin

Mental Suppression now increases the radius of Mental Pulse and Telekinetic Pull and increases the duration of the stun effects inflicted by Mental Pulse and Telekinetic Pull

Will Suppression no longer prevents the target from using abilities

Taking damage now decreases the duration of the Temporal Acceleration effect by 3 seconds

Pain Transfer and Pain Shift now inflict damage before inflicting the psionicist with the Mental Overload effect

Mental Cleansing now heals the target before inflicting the psionicist with the Mental Overload effect

Fixed a bug where Clone Mastery did not correctly decrease the damage taken by the Spectral Assassin

Fixed a bug with Mental Calm when the target was affected by the Aura of Potency effect


Incendiary Arrow, Tesla Arrow, and Tranquilizing Arrow can no longer be used when a scout’s quiver is full

Escape Artist can now remove the Hunter’s Focus effect

Fixed a bug where Lunge and Thrust did not share a cooldown duration

Fixed a bug with the calculation of the cooldown durations of Steady Shot and Double Shot

Increased the duration of the Vanish effect to 10 seconds

Fixed a bug where Master of Paired Weapons did not affect paired maces

The Jagged Wounds effect now stacks up to 5 times

Fixed a bug where Caltrops did not disappear when a scout exited the game

Fixed a bug where Caltrops did not deal the correct amount of damage


Reset all rubies

Fixed a bug where Summoning Mastery did not increase the healing done by Potent Blood, Dark Renewal, and Demonic Curse to a summoner’s minions

Accelerated Metabolism now causes Siphoning Fever to inflict periodic damage

Changed the location of Accelerated Metabolism in the Acid Bolt talent grid

Added the Swift Massacre ability which decreases the cast time and mana cost of Acid Bolt

Added the Cold Blooded ability which increases the summoner’s Wisdom

Added the Poisoned Blood ability which increases the critical strike chance of Putrefy, Decay, and Neurotoxin

Fixed a bug where Siphoning Fever generated drops of blood after the summoner had died


Added the Lightning Link ability which causes Rip and Shred to inflict the Lightning Link effect to targets that are affected by the Searing Pain effect. The Lightning Link effect increases the chance for a player’s next Lightning Strike or Lightning Flash to knock the target down

Decreased the damage dealt by Lightning Strike by 10%

Fixed a bug where Clout did not inflict the Predatory Urge effect

Fixed a bug with Bear’s Blow when the target was affected by the Open Wound effect and the Exposed Weakness effect


Decreased the damage dealt by Jagged Slice

Charge can no longer be used when a warrior is affected by movement impairing effects

Charge can now be interrupted by control effects

Fixed a bug where Flawless Blow did not inflict a bleed effect



Changed the quest rewards so that they are useful to a wider range of classes

Evermeet Isle

Fixed a bug with the quest “Returning Home”

The quest “The Power of the Martyrs” now rewards players with Drops of Myrrh


Increased the size of the Arena


Added a new quest that can reward players with a unique costume

Increased the level of the guards to 47

Moved the Goblin Banker

Oreshek Fortress

Icy Needle used by Mutinous Wizards now inflicts a movement impairing effect

Fixed a bug with the spells used by Timur Kruchinin in the heroic version and the Astral version


The quest “Unearthed Treasure” now rewards players with an Iron Chest

The quest “Growing Power” now rewards players with seven Incense

Castle Blight

Modified the mechanics of all NPCs that are not bosses

Darkblood Citadel

Fixed a bug where Armando de Doucer would sometimes recover all of his health

Reduced the difficulty of Armando de Doucer in the heroic version and the Astral version

Fixed a bug with the visualization of the flying spheres


Increased the size of the Arena

The quest “The Ritual in the City” now rewards players with Drops of Myrrh

Added a new quest that can reward players with a unique costume

Increased the level of the guards to 47

Moved the Goblin Banker


Modified the mechanics of Ugy the Dull and Igy the Dim

ZIT Headquarters

The quest “The Battle with the Demon” now rewards players with seven Incense

Tensess Temple

Martyr’s Protection can now remove the Searing Light effect

Martyr’s Protection can now remove the Blizzard effect


Fixed a bug where some quest items did not disappear when quests were turned in to Plu the Tightwad

Fixed a bug with the quest “Bet on the Gar”


Players no longer receive damage when teleporting to Gipat using a Mystical Stone

Players can now return to a ghostly form during the “Conversations with Ghosts” quest by talking to Evgenya Radova

Decreased the range of the Soul Catcher for the “Restless Spirits” quest

Fixed a bug where the broken sword from “Peace to the World!” would become lost if the player’s inventory was full

Sihal the Blighted now rewards more experience when killed

Fixed some bugs with the “A Test of Cunning” quest which would occur for players that had a pet or mount active


Whirlwinds now decrease movement speed

Players can now teleport to their faction’s camp from the Whirlpool of Time

Demonic Fear effect cast by Astral Assassins can now be dispelled by Martyr’s Protection and Battle Frenzy

Demonic Assassins and Ethereal Assassins can now be slowed, but they are still immune to knockdowns

The Knowledge Extractor item can now only be applied when the target has less than 20% health

The “Standard of Summoning” and “Battle Standard of Death” quests will now be failed upon logging out before their completion

Completing the first two objectives of the “Dragon’s Heart” quest will count towards all party members

Monsters killed for the “Cleansing the Allod”, “The Monstrosities”, and “The Foul Ones” quests now count towards all party members

Players are no longer allowed to loot corpses for the “Deadly Psychology” quest after having gathered the correct amount of rotten flesh

Added additional spawn locations for crocosaurs

“The Dust of the Past” is now marked as a raid quest

Increased the number of items required for some of the Warden of the Past’s collection quests. Increased the drop rate of the items as well

Race participants are no longer allowed to use potions that increase movement speed

Fixed a bug where the “Ship of Time” quest would fail when using the empty bottle

Fixed a bug where players would occasionally die when passing over the canyon

Isle of Revelation

“Cold-blooded Decision” is now marked as a group quest

Added map markers indicating target locations for the “Live now!” quest

Added a map marker indicating the location of the sealed entrance for the “Examining the Wormfaces” quest

An error message will now appear when attempting to trade June Charms for Wormface Protoplasm with a full inventory

Draconid Signal Horn is no longer removed from a player’s inventory upon completing the “Side by Side” quest

Upon discarding the Wormface Protoplasm required for the “Examining the Wormfaces” quest, the quest will be failed

The “BLUH!” effect from drinking Bog Hydra Blood can no longer be dispelled by Holy Shield
Fixed a bug where monsters would evade players standing on objects

Kingdom of Nature

League players can no longer collect Toad Mucus

Gorluxor’s Tower

Mana Shield can no longer remove the Astral Downpour effect

Increased the drop rate of relics from Nogrom, War’kaz the Mindreaver, and Zalmar the Twisted

All of Kazul the Astral Watcher’s phases now last 30 seconds

Arena of Death

Increased the level of Shadowy Curators to 45

The event now takes place 3 times a day and starts at 5:00, 7:00, and 9:00 P.M. PST

Amalgam will now be sent directly to players via in-game mail instead of being looted from chests

Astral Plankton effect is now removed upon logging out

When a character delivers a chest to the camp, they receive a stackable Greed effect that reduces stamina. For chests of higher quality, the player’s party will receive stacks of this effect

Nightstrike Talisman and Talisman of the Sacred Lore are no longer useable in Arena of Death

Method of teleporting to the Arena of Death has been changed and a player’s actions during the teleporting no longer affect the outcome

June Catacombs

June Wings now bind when equipped

Gift of the Raider effect has been changed. Damage dealt by this ability is now modified by Intelligence for casters and by Strength for physical damage dealers

Increased the damage inflicted by Vigilant June Golems’ Electrical Charge

Adjusted how some of Aurakh’s abilities react to different threat levels

Fixed a bug where a party would be locked in a room if a disconnect occurred on the final boss

Fixed a bug where the minimum level to participate was displayed incorrectly

Melting Isle

The Melting Isle event is now available from 4:00 P.M. to 12:00 A.M. PST only. After being teleported to the Isle, all players receive the Freezing Cold effect that lasts 2 hours and 30 minutes. When the effect fades the player is no longer allowed to enter the Melting Isle that day. When a player opens a chest the duration of the Freezing Cold effect for all party members is reduced by 10 minutes. If a player dies, the duration of the effect is reduced by 3 minutes.

When a player opens a chest, all players in their party receive one drop of amalgam for a small chest and three drops for a large chest

Revised drop rates on items

Astral Confrontation

Added four more Isles of Confrontation

Martyr’s Protection can now remove the Eternal Frost effect

Fixed a bug where players did not receive amalgam from the Astral Confrontation

Fixed a bug where the checkpoint status window would not appear


Added new wormholes leading to the Third Astral Layer

Redesigned parts of the Astral and ship interface. It should now be easier and more intuitive to navigate the ship to a location manually. Ships must now fly through an Astral Vortex on the border of their hub to teleport to the adjacent hub. Each Vortex leads to a particular hub and is color-coded

Introduced two new types of Astral demons in addition to the current Savage and Young types: Zealous and Predator Sentinel

Astral demons no longer wander randomly but patrol certain areas

Astral gems of different types required for access to the Third Astral Layer can now be traded at the Astral Gates in factions’ capitals

Increased the chance to loot ship helms during adventures in the Second Astral Layer

Ship Driver’s License will be removed from the bag after completing the “Knowledge of the Astral” quest

Keys to Astral Layers can no longer be sold to vendors

Added a confirmation message for actions that would make another player ineligible to loot Astral chests

Adjusted drop rates of Astral gear

Fixed a bug where Astral Transporter Charges were consumed at inappropriate times

Fixed a bug where shields were not correctly restored while the ship was in the Hangar


Revised the damage inflicted by cannons and artillery

Revised the stats of goblins

Unsummoning a ship will cause all players remaining on board to be teleported to the hangar entrance

Players can now use a destroyed motor, although its maximum speed will be reduced dramatically and it will shut down periodically

Players can now use a destroyed helm, but the turning speed will be reduced and it will become jammed periodically

Added the Ethereal Veil ability to the scanner. Ethereal Veil will make the ship invisible to Astral demons and disables cannons and artillery for 45 seconds

Added the Trace Route ability to the scanner. Trace Route will reveal the quickest path to the object detected on the scanner

Players can no longer interact with the motor in the engine room
Increased the speed of all motors by 60%

Increased the regeneration rate of Pulsating Astral Shields and Shimmering Astral Shields

Increased the strength of Pulsating Astral Shields

Increased the power and strength of all reactors

Compact Reactor now cools down faster

Reduced the weight of device cannons

Reduced the amount of energy consumed by the helm when a ship turns at high speed

Fixed a bug that prevented players from constructing a ship using an Imperial Shipbuilder’s License

Fixed a bug where the energy consumption of Experimental Stream-Lined Motor was not behaving properly

Fixed a bug that prevented a ship from being summoned after upgrading the hull
Quests for hull upgrades are no longer dailies


Introduced a new optional boss on Zavert Isle

Introduced an new optional boss on Bloodclaw Isle

Agitated Wolves on Bloodclaw Isle no longer respawn after death

Cultists summoned by the final boss on the Abandoned Pyramid no longer cast damage-over-time spells

Reduced the amount of time it takes to depart from the Goblin Republic


Removed all stats from poor items that are crafted


Alchemists now need to turn in the following items for the quest “Help for the Imperial Crafters’ Guild”:

    Level 10+: 5 Minor Elemental Resistance Potions
    Level 20+: 10 Lesser Bodyguard’s Potions
    Level 30+: 10 Refined Poisonous Grenades
    Level 40+: 20 Greater Armor Potions


Blacksmiths now need to turn in the following items for the quest “Help for the Imperial Crafters’ Guild”:

    Level 20+: 5 Helmets of Ordinary Spiked Metal

Item Shop

Added new Item Shop items – Tome of Knowledge, Tome of Honor, Tome of Charm, Elegant Elven Underwear, Festive Gibberling Underwear, Romantic Underwear, Traditional Orcish Underwear, Advanced Arisen Underwear, Traditional Gibberling Hat, Ceremonial Gibberling Hat, Traditional Gibberling Outfit, Ceremonial Gibberling Outfit

Permanently removed Scrolls of Knowledge, Greater Scrolls of Knowledge, Greater Scrolls of Enlightenment, Small Deposit Boxes, Medium Deposit Boxes, and Large Deposit Boxes from the Item Shop

Tokens of the Explorer can now also be used to upgrade the size of a deposit box

También han anunciado un evento para el veranito ( )

Han hablado de las dos nuevas zonas ( ) y de la reincarnation ( )


no se sabe nada de que tipo de ventaja tendran los personajes creados a partir de la expansion?