Hey everybody!
Hope your weekend was great. This week, we're going to talk about what it means to be a Neutral player and also a bit of what Criminal Players can expect. These sort of playstyle paths won't be easy to follow, but they won't be impossible either. That said, let's find out some more details now...
In a world torn by impending conflict, Neutrality is a touchy subject. This week, we finally come to shred some light over what Neutral players can expect from keeping themselves distant from the Faction conflict. Also, we know would-be criminals among our player base have questions of their own.
Q: Will there be a totally neutral NPC-faction, that provides services like cloning for everyone? I.e. will it be possible to be hostile towards every NPC-faction, without loosing the ability to be cloned again?
A: Aside from Continoma and Noir as major Factions, there are 10 smaller political groups (called Organizations), and 4 of them will be Neutral and will provide neutral players with quests that allow them to build their Reputation and unlock rewards that cater to their political standings. Cloning is currently independent of standings towards each Faction with the exception of several important resurrection points and teleporters that are meant to allow access only to Affiliated characters. We want to make sure that players won't get caught in a situation where important gameplay elements such as being cloned back to life is being denied or too heavily restricted to them.
Q: Who clones criminals? Insures their goods? Provides them a market? Offers them production facilities? Is the Autonomy the criminal version of Sal Vitas or the Noir Base? Or do criminals, unless they've built their own base, sacrifice some or all of these services when they decide to live by their own rules?
A: In order to operate on the island of Enterra, Criminals have been hard pressed to unite and fight back for survival leading to establishing their own settlement, operating under their own laws and authority. Hackers from the criminal establishment have been capable of hacking into the main grid, allowing criminals to be cloned back to life. The settlement will also provide criminals with market capable of buying back stolen goods, vendors, access to specific Factories for criminal crafters, and more. This criminal location is not part of the Autonomy but hidden away in a distant location where players will have to reach at least a mid-point of their character development to access without excessive risk. This is intended to discourage (but not prohibit) characters from going criminal from the very start of the game. Instead, once players understand the social mechanics of the game and the consequences of criminal life, they can access that distant location as a starting point of their underground life.
He tenido que resucitar el post, porque la noticia es cojonudísima:
Aquí el enlace:
Más o menos dicen que han sido atacados por un robot asesino y se han visto obligados a retrasar el lanzamiento del juego y de un prometido video de combate.
Dejo las fotos que tampoco tienen desperdicio...
We see part of the Masthead team including Atanas reading the "Jaberwokie" letter.
We see the evil robot assassin "Jaberwokie" getting aggro on the Masthead team.
Nota: No sé porqué no salen las imágenes en grande.. que lastima..
Bueno, al menos se toman con humor sus propios retrasos xD
El ER tiene una pinta visual que me encanta pero cada vez lo van retrasando más y más y el hype que había al principio, el cual no era mucho, se perdió ya hace tiempo.
Se sabe algo de este juego? a mi me dio mucho hype al principio hasta habia videos desde que lo anunciaron que parecia que no solamente hablaran por hablar.
"Is Earthrise in beta? I keep hearing conflicting information.
Closed beta has been going on for a while now. At this stage of beta, we currently have a limited number of community testers present, and look forward to issuing more community invites during each new build as appropriate.
Later stages of beta, including what is known as "open beta" will open up in the near future. We are committed to providing the very best game we can to our eager community and look forward to having you join us in a beta stage if possible!"
Extraído del foro de Earthrise.
Si no me equivoco aún siguen con la beta cerrada y no se sabe cuando abriran la open beta. Pero si quieres probar suerte aquí puedes apuntarte a la beta que hay en estos momentos.
También tengo que decir que no había visto el juego este nunca y tiene una pintaza...
#39 creo que llevo mínimo un año apuntado a esa beta xD. Saber que no esta parado y que sigue en funcionamiento en parte me reconforta, muchas gracias. A ver que sale y a ver si empiezan a mostrarnos que hay ganas de probarlo.
Puff, yo lo veo un poco a saltos y los combates muy sosos no? Esque quedarte parado y disparar pues no sé..
Pues si cumplen lo de la economia en manos de los jugadores, ya tiene para mi un gran punto a favor, aunque habra que esperar a ver que sale.
hehe no lo digo por ti forcem los de los videos estos chusteros xDD esque hacer el anterior video es WTF xDD
ya nose que les debe pasar pero ese sistema de prediccion es una chusta, y ecllipsa cualquier otra cosa, indagare a verque dicen por los foros de eso
Hola a todos!
Si alguno estáis interesado en el MMOG Earthrise, que sale el 4 de Febrero, deciros que unos cuantos veteranos del EVE, WAR y Darkfall nos hemos decidido a probarlo y hemos creado un guild. Que me conste es el único hispano y dado lo, aparentemente, reducido de la comunidad hispana para el juego, os dejo el link a nuestra web por si alguno os animáis a probarlo.
No frecuento este foro si está prohibido el hacer publicidad de guilds o lo he publicado de forma incorrecta pido disculpas.
Un saludo y espero veros por Enterra