Acabo de ver esto en internet muchachos, vaya tela.
Do not Buy WarZ -Scam and a Fraud-
Like some of you I was excited that today was the release of the Alpha version of the WarZ, but pretty much the moment the Alpha was released the floodgates of information that was attempting to be hidden from us was all shown at once.
The Terms and Conditions that you have to agree to are Copied directly from League of Legends, they even forgot to remove the League of Legends references from it.
Almost all if not ALL assets are directly copied and pasted from War Inc, if only a few assets were from it then I would say okay, but if from a game that has supposedly been in the making for TWO years has almost NO original textures, weapons, vehicles, or buildings then it should set off a Red Alarm at the least.
Also, the Minimum Requirements that were posted weeks ago were changed and we are only notified at the download page less then two hours ago, so if you assumed you could run this game, you most likely cannot due to them hiding this information until after you paid for it.
Also, this Alpha release is probably one of the worst releases ever, nothing is working, and when people finally get into the game they realize how the game is nothing but an empty shell of nothing, nothing works, there's very few zombies that usually don't even move, and the map even being only the proposed 1/3 of its size due to alpha is incredibly small and lackluster.
There are many other things that are wrong with this game, I will add more info as I find it and anyone else who finds more info should too.
Q. Are you sure about this?
A. No, I am not 100% sure, but I am sure enough that I CANCELED my CREDIT CARD and got the $50 back that I paid for this game.
This is a Video posted a month or so ago that I wish I saw that explains a lot of info easier than I can by creating a wall of text forum post.
Video #1
Video #2