Es muy ortopedico el ataque con el cuchillo.
Como va esto chavales , no sé si comprarlo.. tentgo todo los survival posibles >< , me llama , aunque supongo que será igual que todos
Nuevas zonas para el mapa.
Nuevo parche # 10 - 01/15/2015
[ New ] EAC (EasyAntiCheat) is now required to play the game. It will be installed the first time the game is launched. This adds another layer of cheat detection and will detect and prevent many cheat programs from even being run.
[ Updated ] Streamlined and internally optimized the login process and in-game status of players
[ Updated ] Players will be taken back to the server browser screen if they are unable to successfully join a server within 30 seconds.
[ Updated ] Optimized network traffic for items - removed unnecessary data from stock SDK
[ New ] Military base is now accessible with several new buildings and models
[ New ] Area between Sultan and military base is accessible
[ New ] Drive-in East of the newest gas station is now accessible
[ New ] Added support for having flying boids underground (bats)
[ New ] More prefabs (interiors) added for buildings and houses
[ New ] Many stock SDK rocks around world replaced with better looking ones (and that you can't fall through)
[ Updated ] Adjusted procedural vegetation (we are continually working to improve the performance)
[ Updated ] Several areas of the map have been updated
[ Fixed ] Last floating fridge in the restaurant
[ New ] Press and hold left shift key while zoomed steady your shot
[ New ] Player cannot adjust their direction or velocity while jumping
[ New ] Strafe speed reduced
[ Updated ] Crouch minimum speeds adjusted
[ Fixed ] Cannot sprint while crouching
[ New ] Knife stabbing animation added
[ New ] Several sprint animations with weapons updated
[ Updated ] General cleanup to many animations
[ New ] Carlington BA-70 .223 rifle
[ New ] .357 Magnum revolver
[ New ] Wasteland Ranger .22 rifle
[ New ] Crafted Nails Knuckles melee weapon added
[ Updated ] All damage amounts adjusted for ranged weapons
[ Fixed ] Visual artifacts on trees when zoomed in
[ New ] Piles of .22 ammo
[ New ] Piles of .223 ammo
[ New ] Piles of .357 ammo
[ Updated ] Weight of car battery reduced
[ Updated ] Weight of jerry cans reduced
[ New ] Crafted rags can be used as bandages
[ New ] Nails added back into spawn tables
[ New ] All new weapons and ammo types added to spawn tables
[ New ] Generator sounds added for starting, stopping, and breaking down
[ New ] Carpet footstep sounds added for several buildings and houses
[ New ] Sound of player's footsteps is adjusted based on their speed
[ Updated ] Some of Spiker's sounds updated and new ones added
[ Fixed ] Jump sound added in
[ New ] Icons added for the car batter and drive belt
[ Updated ] Several ground textures
[ Updated ] Some road materials and textures have been updated to look better
[ Updated ] Warehouse models and textures
[ New ] Use crafting window to convert any oxford shirt into rags
[ New ] Added crafting recipe for Nails Knuckles weapon
parchecico de ayer, la verdad que ahora se lo estan currando
Patch #11 - 01/27/2015
[ New ] VOIP added with distance attenuation
[ New ] Keybind for VOIP. Press and hold CapsLock for push to talk, double-tap to toggle to voice activated
[ New ] Altered all object detail levels. Game should run much better on lower Object Detail settings
[ New ] Updated status bar display with percent levels
[ New ] Bleeding levels (up to three) added to the game - indicators are on top of new status bar area
[ New ] Changed the blood on the screen effect. You will only see persistent blood on the screen if you are bleeding
[ New ] Added e_shadows to command whitelist, so shadows can be completely removed via a cfg file for performance
[ New ] All food and water levels have been adjusted
[ New ] Players will now spawn with some randomized clothing
[ Updated ] General clean up in the military area
[ Updated ] Minor improvements in Woodhaven
[ Updated ] Tweaks to roads and decals to slightly help performance
[ Updated ] Several prefabs optimized for better performance
[ Updated ] Melee to a player's head will do slightly more damage now
[ Fixed ] Pistol animations (going down slopes and running in general)
[ Updated ] All damage levels for melee weapons (they all vary)
[ New ] Weapons have a different % chance to cause a bleed effect
[ New ] Shooting diesel jerry cans will cause them to explode and leave fire (particle effect not optimized yet)
[ New ] Added heartbeat sounds when low on health
[ New ] Added stomach sounds when low on food
[ New ] Added rain sound effect
[ Updated ] Keybind window updated for VOIP and Hold Breath (steady aim)
[ New ] VOIP volume controls added to Audio settings window
[ New ] When talking a VOIP icon will appear on the upper left side of the screen
[ New ] Chat window hide timer changed to 7 seconds
[ New ] Stance icon is now located on the left side of the new stats bar in the lower right side of the screen
[ Fixed ] Wall paper flickering in the new "rat" single story house
[ Updated ] Model 70 textures updated
[ Updated ] River textures
Han metido un fix porque había un problema con la comida y la bebida por lo visto y la verdad que ahora me va más fluido, han cambiado los indicadores de sed, comida, raciación, temperatura y tal, se ven perfectos. Ando por la zona nueva, la base militar, voy full para lo que hay, un par de escopetas, revolver, una 9mm, munición, algo de ropa de camuflaje y tal, si alguno está cerca o no quiere jugar solo que me diga.
señores parchaco!
lo mas importante:
Map Expansion!
New Weapons and Items!
Bug Squashing
New Animations
New Crafting Recipes
Sound Improvements
UI Improvements
En cuanto tenga un rato lo pruebo y os cuento si eso es verdad y si no me han reseteado el personaje!
Hago doble post, he dado una pequeña vuelta y he encontrado un par de vehiculos, la cosa esta que ambos estaban con las ruedas pinchadas y no he podido moverlos del sitio, si montarme y tal, alguien sabe si se pueden reparar?
Me autocontesto, he reparado un coche esta mañana después de recorrer cuatro gasolineras, me he dado cuenta que afecta el peso máximo que podamos cargar, he tenido que vaciar la mochila más de una vez, hay que buscar según el coche que encontreis, ruedas, bateria, bujias, correa, gasolina y aceite, he podido darme una vuelta con el coche y todo bien.
Buenas, llevo días echándole un vistazo a este juego, y lo poco q e visto me a gustado bastante, tanto el motor gráfico, como la distribución del loot, el pvp lo veo divertido por lo menos lo e visto, que me dicen ustedes que tienen el juego? merece la pena comprarlo, alguien por aquí sigue jugando?.
#167 Yo sigo jugando, mi pequeño análisis en steam "Después de la decepción con Dayz quise probar suerte en algun otro, aunque en pre-alpha en su momento el juego luce muy bien, tiene bastantes posibilidades, un mapa muy detallado, crafting, vehiculos, distintas ropas y armas, una gran sorpresa, recibe actualizaciones cada muy poco y todo esto movido por cryengine."
Ayer vi un rato un streaming, que los hacen cada poco y han metido lanchas para surcar los rios que molan mucho, estan metiendo más vehiculos, el pvp mola yo llevo sin morir y abre matado 5-6 tios, el loot sale en zona militar y tal, y el motor gráfico cada vez luce mejor, en mi perfil steam tengo algunas capturas.
Patch 21 - 05/22/2015
In addition to the following list for this patch there is a lot of work currently being done on the basebuilding system. There is no ETA for basebuilding yet, but we will be doing some streams of it as parts of the system are completed.
Vehicle wheels will now display correctly and the vehicle bouncing issue should be fixed.
Optimized networking layer to reduce bandwidth usage
All tractor props have been removed
Added logs at current river boundaries so players can avoid getting boats stuck there
Updated gravel texture material
Generators now have a physics proxy so you can't walk through them
Added vehicle spawn locations to some of the newer areas we've released
Increased running speed while using a Torch
Old rugged backpack model replaced with new model
New rugged backpack has four color variations
Added baseball bat - primary weapon and will appear on your back when not used
Jerry cans now spawn with a physics proxy
Torch no longer leaves behind a particle effect and sound when deselected or entering water
Fixed attachment points for the M40A5 so sniper scope is in correct location
Added in 5.56 rounds and spent rounds
Adjusted particle effects for the AT-15 and M40A5 rifles
Adjusted all spawn percentages for melee weapons
Baseball bat can be improved with nails
The tires don't display the damage % correctly. For now, you can drag a destroyed tire into your inventory and back onto the vehicle to repair it.
Added drivable tractor
Boats have pushable flag set, so players can push them a little when needed
Moved exit position for passengers to be inside of the boat instead of outside in the water
Adjusted wheel physics proxy so quadbike doesn't appear to float above the ground a little, fixed handle bar rotation
Fixed missing horn sound on the truck
Sniper scope icon added
Added icons for new baseball bat weapons
Added icons for new rugged backpack variations
Fixed incorrect display of vehicle wheels appearing
Fixed mutant spawning inside of a house and being stuck in the floor
There is an issue where you can currently hear firing sounds really far away (a byproduct of the reverb system we're working on). We will hotfix soon to remove those.
Sounds added for the tractor
Many weapon sounds updated with reverb now when firing
Fixed duplicate firing sound from the shotgun
Animation set added for the baseball bat
Altered the flashlight animations so he light is held up instead of the old down position
New rugged backpack properly skinned to deform with character movement
Added another fist melee animation variation
Sandbags texture adjusted to not be as bright
Adjusted textures on the large rock walls and stone rocks
ATM model updated
Fixed some flickering issues on one of the warehouses
Fixed LOD textures on the church
Fixed some flickering decals on some building floors
Fixed bodybags LODs
Fixed surface types for the military tent LODs
Improved texture on one of the shed models
Fixed wooden fence that didn't have a surface type assigned to it
Alguno que esté comentando puede dar opiniones sobre el estado actual del juego? Varios amigos estamos interesados debido a la rebaja en Steam
Para mi es muy buen juego y luce realmente bien, lleva un desarrollo más que interesante, lo ultimo el tema de construir bases, si sois unos cuantos y me puedo unir mejor que mejor, a mi me encanta, me falta esta claro pero todos los parche que han sacado han funcionado bien y no he encontrado más que un bug en un coche que ya lo han resuelto.
He estado viendo algun directo del juego y tiene pintaza... bastante mas que el h1z1...
No entiendo como está tan baja la base de jugadores.
Según los devs, en breve meterán un sistema de Casas no?
#173 No entiendo como está tan baja la base de jugadores.
Puro marketing, no tiene mas.
Este juego con poco mas contenido y pulidito en lo que rendimiento se refiere, promete mucho.
#174 Es increible que este jugo no tenga publicidad ninguna... se ve y se siente mejor que muchos juegos survival que tengo:
7 days to die
Day z Standalone
Me encantaria jugarlo, pero viendo que en un dia bueno pueden jugarlo 500 personas, de jugar con un amigo me despido... lo cual da pena, pues da unos feelings 10 veces mejores que cualquiera que pueda darte los nombrados anteriormente.
Están desarrollándolo pero es un juegazo y luce espectacular, casi 0. Bugs, ahora van a meter hacer bases, etc, yo juego en la sombra pero apunta muyyyyyy bien
Pues lo he estado viendo un poco en streamings, y la ambientación, sobre todo dentro de pueblos, está bastante lograda e. Y le han metido vehículos, snipers, etc.
Muy buen parche.
For this update we had to wipe all of the characters and items in the game. We really try to minimize how often we have to do it (this is only the second time in 6 months), but at times it is necessary.
Experimental Features
The basebuiding feature is currently undergoing rapid improvements and changes. It is still not ready for general release, but we will have a whitelisted server where some people will be testing the system and they are welcome to stream while they are playing and building bases. We hope to release it to everyone in the following update.
Keybinds are now accessible in the main menu of the game. This is our first implementation of them, so we'll be fixing any issues and improving the feature as needed.
Ladders have been added to several buildings and structures in the game. They are not working perfectly yet, but are good enough for an initial release. It can be difficult to still use them from the top of a ladder to get back down. Try pressing "F" (use key) at the top of ladders even if you don't see a prompt at times - may have to crouch and wiggle around a bit as well. We will continue to fix them.
All characters are now locked to each server. This means each server you play on saves your character independently. You can still switch servers at any time, but your items and character position will no longer be carried across every server.
There is now a 30 second wait timer before you can leave a server, a countdown is displayed next to the button.
Optimized more network messages to reduce bandwidth
Whitelist server support added
Fixed player temperature increase/decrease rates
Poison ability added to game - icon will appear in status bar area
Can now freelook while swimming
Fixed triple tapping on VoIP key, have to double-tap twice now to toggle it back
Ladders added to several buildings in the world (experimental feature)
EAC updated
Fixed oddities around the fire station in Pinecrest
Some new props added around the world and in buildings
New radio tower added to map
New shop signs and motels sign added
Made it easier to use the roof bridge between the large office buildings
Fixed spawners for items that you couldn't get
Fixed issue with being able to walk through one of the walls in the office building
Added Pickaxe item
Altered spawn rates for all melee weapons
Added protection levels for shoes - can view it in the item's tooltip
Healing mushroom can now be eaten
Antibiotics added to spawn tables, can be used.
Increased hip fire accuracy for the Carlington, adjusted particle effects and shell ejection
Added double-tap ability to toggle sprinting
Melee weapons now play correct particle effects when being used
Crafting guides added to the world to find, these will unlock unique recipes when used. Once learned you will always have it, even if you die.
Altered items that harvest materials. Hatchet is for wood, Hammer is metal, Pickaxe is rock.
New recipe system added to the game - old crafting UI has been removed
Find crafting guides and use them to learn more recipes. Recipes persist through death.
You can now right click and turn unused clothing into rags. Note: Only some clothing can be changed into rags.
Fixed exit location on Tractor
Added damage behavior for the fishing boat, so it can be damaged properly now
Added basic damaged model for the fishing boat
Adjusted handling on several vehicles
Adjusted particle effects on several vehicles
Fixed baggage car rear lights
If you see a "V" under the action menu that means you can use the mouse wheel to scroll down to see more options you can click on. Right-click to cancel.
Made action menu easier to read text
Keybinds UI added - if you made an old custom keybind xml file, delete it.
Pressing ESC with the inventory open will now close it.
Added new "Crazy" mutant
1p shotgun sounds will now not play duplicate sound effects
Adjusted some melee weapons to use correct "fire" sounds instead of select sounds
Added sound effects for throwable items
Fixed playback of footstep sounds - can't hear them across the map now at times
Adjusted 1p flashlight animations while sprinting
Removed reaction animations when standing in smoke
Many animations updated
Fixed swimming animation that was making the player bend oddly
Can now crouch and throw items
Fixed some texture issues inside the church
Fixed missing surface types on utility pole cables
Fixed missing surface types on steel military building
Lowered brightness on some graffiti
Optimized many textures for use on lower texture setting levels
Optimized some ground textures/materials to reduce size
Optimized many textures to reduce size or improve material setups
Removed tessellation from vegetation objects
Removed breakable flag on some assets that were causing network issues
Adjusted main road texture
Windsock model replaced and is now animated