Mortal Online


Franky y malganis en el MO ya no juego pure noobs.


#2280 Ni me interesa (por si no lo sabes).

#2281 Toran ven al MO y juega con nosotros y déjate de mariconadas :muac:


:( .


Pero que grande!


No os fieis demasiado del Skill Planner que nostros ya lo utilizamos para hacer nuestras builds hace tiempo, y el resultado que te da no es el mismo del juego :clint:


Eso ya lleva tiempo? Anda, yo lo he descubierto hoy.


hazte un semiorco khurite, varia la edad a 30 o cerca, y haztelo en el jueg y compara xD


Kallard FTW!


Kallard? O_o, si lo quieres para guerrero un kallard no tiene ni la mitad de stats que un thursar xD. Y respecto a la actura el par de centimetros mas no le da un 1% mas ni nada, asique no merecen la pena.

La verda que las razas estan un poco hechas al boleo, hay 1 que es la mejor para melee, otra para usarla cmo arquero, otra para mago, y la ultima para crafter... 4 razas, y pusieron tropecientas que no sirven para nada.


pero esque solo estas viendo las ventajas hay unos supuestois inconvenientes a corto plazo, monturas armaduras...


Pero yo tengo un kallard por el lore y demas no por las ventajas ni los stats que tiene.


ya queda nada!



Cuando lo pongan me avisas xD.

EDIT: lool puse habisas, bueno nadie a leido nada ¬¬


<@HenrikNystrom> you need a strong horse ala "bullhjorse" or similar if you are big and use heavy gear
<@HenrikNystrom> or it will look like your riding a donkey


Aqui la completa, muy interesante:

<@HenrikNystrom> busard, I just found out that the correct armor system is not in this patch... pretty anoying..

<[LGSN]Sakho> HenrikNystrom the server seems more stable, no lag or desync, sounds look great, IA is better but there are a few mounts bugs
<@HenrikNystrom> ya, we got one major important patch left, to solve most areas, then further tweak from there.
<narsor> annoying mount bugs, agreed there also
<@HenrikNystrom> ya, we have a crossing node bug, fixed in next patch
<@HenrikNystrom> it mess up all mounts pets etc
<narsor> henrik will plate armors have any form of penalty to wear on release:
<@HenrikNystrom> narsor yes in next patch

<[V]Busard> some mobs still aren't very smart. For example, pigs near Morin Khur still have some pain to attack me =p
<@HenrikNystrom> busard, is it when it tries to get to yuou or simply to slow to hit yuou?
<[V]Busard> when it tries to get to me
<@HenrikNystrom> ok, ya we know we will probabnly still have navigation problem in a few areas till we got a fix from epic
<@HenrikNystrom> ya, it will get one more improvement patch, but navigation wont be perfect in all areas tillw e get a patch from epic

<@HenrikNystrom> light to heavy armor will effect, stamina drain, jump height, speed, swimming in next patch
<@HenrikNystrom> it was suposed to be in but it was not active...

<@HenrikNystrom> busard, there will be depleatable nodes later on, atm we make it so the "harvesting" process is more in handling the raw materials

<@HenrikNystrom> aster no Tindrem wont be open for release

<@HenrikNystrom> you need a strong horse ala "bullhjorse" or similar if you are big and use heavy gear
<@HenrikNystrom> or it will look like your riding a donkey

<@HenrikNystrom> busard, there will be more bow types and arrow types, some more effiient for heavy armor
<@HenrikNystrom> we have not even got to the xbows yet
<@HenrikNystrom> there are gonna be hand xbows to heavy stationeary bows

<@HenrikNystrom> we wont stress in to much now this close to release if we aint sure it aint crashing a node or so

<DenonSix_> are more weather fixes cloud lightning flashing every 1/2 a second...vs more natural?
<@HenrikNystrom> denonsix yes, there are further tweaks on weather

<[AI]Sindas> Henrik, do you think we will ever see water-based mounts?
<@HenrikNystrom> sindas, good question... hard to say
<@HenrikNystrom> thou we have big plans for underwater

<[OL]Revir> Henrik will the player vendors be in for sure on release?
<@HenrikNystrom> revir no
<@HenrikNystrom> there will only be manual hard work mouth to mouth trading in release


¿Sabeis si el juego tendra cuotas mensuales?


Sí, tiene cuotas mensuales.


Cuando sale la relase?¿ Falta poco, no?


el 9


#2298 El miercoles.

2 Dias 4 horas 47 minutos 40 segundos


Mas cosas de nuestro hamijo Henrik (muy MUY interesantes):

Henrik on IRC today

<@HenrikNystrom> It's raid time!
<@HenrikNystrom> first MO raid eva!
<@HenrikNystrom> Im hyped for this one
<@HenrikNystrom> we gonna raid a dungeon
<@HenrikNystrom> here at the office
<@HenrikNystrom> and your gonna do it tomorrow it seems

<@HenrikNystrom> tomorrow is gonna be a large patch to rule them all (Monday)

<[CIR]Bosh> will we be able to lower skills again?
<@HenrikNystrom> skills will work yes

<@HenrikNystrom> get busy on the armor stamina usage tests tmorrow
<@HenrikNystrom> so we can get new feedback
<@HenrikNystrom> lots of changes there

<Bigg> Henrik, we getting houses tomorrow
<@HenrikNystrom> houses/guilds

<[CIR]Campana> Any chance of a res timer Henrik?
<@HenrikNystrom> res timer yes

<@HenrikNystrom> new mobs
<@HenrikNystrom> new dunegon
<@HenrikNystrom> one kick ass dungeon
<@HenrikNystrom> its not an instance

[CIR]Abremylin> Henrik - if you want us to test armor / weapons stamina we need to have refining fixed
<@HenrikNystrom> Abremylin it is fixed in the patch as well

<@HenrikNystrom> I dont think we need to whipe for the patch

<kyledoubleyou> Henrik do you guys ever plan to implement a cooking/food system?
<@HenrikNystrom> kyledoubleyou yes

<[WSX]Kaylem_Sothenic> Are patch notes done Henrik?
<@HenrikNystrom> we release them tomorrow as well

<@HenrikNystrom> ritual, server is up, login server is down every now and then cause of its being updated

<Erinian> LOL i logged in my acount and got someaone acount here... :P
<@HenrikNystrom> erinian fixed in tomorrows patch

<@HenrikNystrom> we gonna get to the boss room now, this is gonna be so hard.

<@HenrikNystrom> taming fixesd tomorrow

Not sure if this was a response to this:
<tongar> who cares bout taming i want wotking inventory
<@HenrikNystrom> dismount problems all related to that

<@HenrikNystrom> ya we got a small isssue on the login server, we are working on it

2nd Q&A session today.

<@HenrikNystrom> Raid was chaops
<@HenrikNystrom> if we didnt "cheat" we would never make it

<[Myrm]Warchild> Hey Henrik: Will the armor balancing tomorrow be based on equipment weight or the armor type you are wearing?
<@HenrikNystrom> warchild, weight effects
<[Myrm]Warchild> Henrik: Will it be total equipment weight that impacts speed (to include weapon weight) or simply the armor weight?
<@HenrikNystrom> both have effects

<Fosk> any idea on the ratio US v EU players?
<@HenrikNystrom> I think its closer to 55-60 us rest eu

<[AI]BaurusJA> Henrik, butchery at release?
<@HenrikNystrom> baurus no, after release

<[Myrm]Angarato> henrik what is SV gonna do about naked zerging with thiefs mages brawlers and tamers
<[Myrm]Angarato> what will you do to give more risk to being naked
<@HenrikNystrom> angarato, nerfed

<[IMG]Jeln> @Henrik is the support staff fully staff now are not until gold?
<@HenrikNystrom> Jeln not full "strenght" atm, so ya more on rel day and forward

On cooking : <@HenrikNystrom> Madelene yes food will have a good reason, for stats and wounds

<[Mahti]Zheo> HenrikNystrom will u make int and psyche more important.. they are almost useless stats atm
<@HenrikNystrom> zheo yes

<[Inc]RichTBiscuit> henrik, i know quests arent planned, but have you thought about epic 1 time quests or quests that are availible every month or something. once someone completes them they arent availible?
<@HenrikNystrom> richbiscuit yes

<Katana> henrik will we ever get a option to change the lod distance for those whith better computers
<@HenrikNystrom> katana, there will be more options soon yes.-

<[Myrm]Warchild> will sledgehammers and other large mace weapons become viable after the patch tomorrow?
<@HenrikNystrom> viable in what way uyou mean?
<[Myrm]Warchild> if they will become useful. At this point the stam drain is not worth the damage value
<@HenrikNystrom> warchild, yes they should get a better purpose
<@HenrikNystrom> those weapons have their strenght vs armor

<Harkrom> henrik, in next patch there will be a full option menu in game? I mean, can we set audio, video, controls, ui in game?
<@HenrikNystrom> harkrom, there will be a few ones in next patch yes, the most inmportant ones, such as invert mouse, music on off yes

<Hellros> Henrik, any plan to have murder counts tied to your account and not to your character?
<@HenrikNystrom> hellros not really

<Swen> henrik, will you change the default sensitivity of the game in the future? it's way too high now
<@HenrikNystrom> swen, there will be a option for that as well

<@HenrikNystrom> theres a huge mob balance patch tomorrow
<@HenrikNystrom> will change everything as well
<@HenrikNystrom> also taming

<Hellros> are the new magic schools added tommorow?
<@HenrikNystrom> no hellros
<@HenrikNystrom> magic gets a large update after release


De que lo traduzcan al Español puedo ir olvidándome, no?


#2302 pos supongo que si, basicamente porque jugaras con gente que habla en ingles. aunque creo que se pueden editar las frasecitas esas que sueltan pero con npc hablas 0 asique la traduccion seria facil pero n tendria sentido


Justo el día 9 acabo exámenes xD pero en una semana tengo recuperaciones :no:


ersion – Beta

Patch Size: 250 MB

------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------


  • Your total equipment weight will now affect the amount of stamina that gets drained, your movement speed and your jump height. With this change we hope to see a larger variation in what armor types are worn by players. In short, there is now a reason to wear lighter armor.
  • A resurrection timer has been added. Players must now wait at least ten (10) seconds after dieing to resurrect.
  • Most of the stamina-drains have been reduced.

AI & Mounts:

  • Stats optimized for every creature in Myrland.
  • A blue priest has been added in Fabernum City.

Art & Sound:

  • Clouds will now move across Myrland.
  • A new Risar dungeon has been added. Don't venture in alone!

Guilds & Housing:

  • Housing is now re-enabled (Including Bridges and Palisades). Also the amount of materials needed for construction and costs for plans etc have been heavily reduced to help speed up the testing process.
  • Guilds are now re-enabled (Please note that the Guild War system is not active). Cost of Guild Stone Deeds reduced to make it easier to form Guilds.

Skills & Attributes:

  • Locking and Decreasing of skills and attributes is now re-enabled.
  • Alchemical Minerology has been moved up one level and is now a child of Petrology.
  • The amount of jumping height gained from the Jumping skill has been reduced.
  • The lowest height you can jump out of combat mode has been increased.
  • Catalysts used in Extraction will now get consumed.

------ BUG FIXES ------


  • Fixed a bug that allowed dual-wielding two-handed weapons.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Red flagged players to resurrect at Blue priests.
  • You will no longer be able to use/swing weapons while in "mouse-mode" (and players playing in windowed mode came together to celebrate this joyous occasion and all was well!).
  • Added some missing client-messages.
  • Guard zones removed outside city borders.

Art & Sound:

  • The rain should no longer stop falling when you mount.
  • Bow Graphics have been fixed.
  • All NPCs should now correctly play animations.
  • All animals should now have the correct textures.
  • Weather has been removed from caves and dungeons.
  • Music removed from all spider caves and mines.
  • Fixed some collision errors in Morin Khur that caused players to fall through the ground and get stuck.
  • Fixed collision errors in Houses that caused players to fall through the floor and get stuck.
  • Fixed the graphical issues in Toxai that caused the water foliage to float in the air.
  • The broken torch effects have been fixed.

AI & Mounts:

  • Creatures should now react faster in combat. The rotation issues have been polished (though not perfected) and the attacks are more accurate.
  • Mounts will no longer clone themselves.
  • You should no longer be stuck on your mount after crossing a node line.
  • Stabled creatures won't re-spawn by your side after a server crash.


  • Fixed a bug that caused Magic damage/healing messages to not get displayed in the chat window.
  • Fixed a bug that caused creatures that were killed by Magic to not drop loot.

Skills & Attributes:

  • Refining will no longer create a stack of one material when the actual result gained was zero materials.
  • The attribute cap listed in character creation no longer differs from the actual in-game cap.
  • You should no longer deal more damage when you do not have a melee skill when using a weapon assigned to that skill.
  • You should no longer gain skill experience from beating on defenseless NPCs.
  • Fixed certain exploitable issues with Extraction.


  • The backgrounds in Character Creation are now corrected (Recruits are Recruits and so on).
  • Stacks in your inventory window will now update correctly when diminishing (For example: Consuming a potion).
  • When splitting stacks in the inventory window the stacks should no longer auto stack themselves.
  • Weapons now have their correct icons (This fix won't show for weapons created prior to this patch).
  • All UI windows should now correctly close when you move away from things you interact with.
  • Icons can now be removed from the actionbar by right-clicking them.

------ KNOWN ISSUES ------
Issues not listed here can be found in previous patch notes and on the Bug Tracker under the 'confirmed' status.

  • If you delete a character without leaving a guild and then recreate the character with the exact same name, that character will be in “guild limbo”. It can't get invited to a guild again and it can't get kicked from the former characters guild.
  • Issuing an 'attack' command to your pet followed by a 'follow me' command will not make the pet follow you. Between 'attack' and 'follow' issue a 'stay' command and it should then work.

------ DISABLED SYSTEMS ------

  • Thievery


ya tienen el juego visto para sentencia?


Hoy es el gran día, el juego me lo descargo de la pagina web, no¿? Lo compre hace eones (la edición digital)


Si descargalo de la web oficial, pero hazlo ya, sino nose si lo tendras para las 16:00, ya que ocupa mas de 24 gigas todo el cliente.


Ocupa 24gb el juego+los parches descargados.El juego ocupara 15 o asi.

Tema cerrado