Mortal Online - F2P - Ya disponible en Steam!


Vamos a introducir un par de nuevas características que implican la minería en Mortal Online con el próximo parche Sarducaa.

Cuanto mayor sea la minería y el conociemiento de su personaje, mayor es la probabilidad de que puedas encontrar valiosas gemas y piedras cuando minas. También hemos añadido nuevos tipos de rocas que se pueden encontrar dentro de los tipos de roca que se encuentran actualmente por el mundo, estas nuevas versiones son muy raras y pueden tener un aspecto diferente de las piedras normales.

También hemos añadido nuevas zonas de mineria por el mundo.
Los bandidos, saqueadores y más criaturas monstruosas buscan refugio en estas cuevas. Algunas se encuentran en áreas que hacen que sea casi imposible para los jugadores construir murallas o asegurar las entradas, lo que significa que siempre están abiertas para todos. Esto hace que sea muy difícil mantener las minas seguras todo momento.

La mayoría de las cuevas son casi del todo oscuras, por lo que se tendrán que preparar en consecuencia antes de aventurarse profundamente en ellas.

Además, hemos hecho uso de algunas nuevas funciones de IA. Los animales pueden salir de su escondite de las profundidades de las cuevas en busca de alimento.
Bandidos y otros tipos de humanoides también pueden aventurarse en estas cuevas y agujeros de las minas en busca de refugio y pueden matar a jugadores y robarles.

En la mayoría de estas minas es imposible construir máquinas mineras grandes. Esto requerirá mineros profesionales cualificados para explotar los nuevos minerales y rocas.

Estas son algunas screenshots de una mina.

aquí 3 screens de nuestro sistema climático en proceso, tornados en este caso.


Friday Update:

Progress update:

Durante la última semana hemos estado actualizando la comunidad sobre nuestro progreso con el nuevo continente.
Henrik habló con ustedes acerca de los cambios en la minería y la adición de minas la semana pasada.
Si te lo perdiste puedes ver el post aquí. #601
También hemos dividido la sección de capturas de pantalla de la página web y ahora tienen una sección especial donde recogemos el trabajo de las screens del nuevo contienente y del nuevo trabajo.
puedes encontrarlo aquí.

pero hoy queremos daros una actualización.


El concept art de la parte superior muestra el concepto de arte de Kamin mara (clic en él para una versión más grande) muestra el concepto de arte para la gran Kamin Mara.
Esta extraña tierra cubre un área enorme de Sarducaa.
La mayoría de los hombres se quedan lejos de Kamin Mara pero el gran poeta Tindremic Carlous Pingue describe el área con las siguientes palabras:

Sobre el mar mas allá del oeste
Existe un lugar maravilloso
Se desconoce como llego a formarse
La gran misteriosa Kamin Mara

Ha sido esculpida desde el cielo
O ha brotado de la tierra
Trajo el calor de los dioses
Derritiendo la arena, convirtiendola en vidrio

En una noche clara en el desierto
Uno podria ver su brillo
Mas allá de las altas dunas y rocas
En lo profundo al sur de Sarducaa

Desde las crestas al valle petrificado
El más odiado de los peligros te encontrará
Si te aventuras sin los ojos sobre tu espalda

Solo los caminantes ilusos con sus pasos pesados
Un oasis sin vida
Una salvación sin esperanza
Donde la belleza y lo malvado reside

Ningún alma ha sobrevivido para contar la historia
Acerca de los secretos que yacen en el centro
Fortuna o muerte le espera al valiente
La agonía ardiente de mil soles

Los elementos bailan como espejismos
Protegiendo el deseo codicioso de todo hombre
Donde tu sangre hervirá
En el caldero reluciente de Kamin Mara



Durante las últimas semanas hemos hecho el concepto de arte final para dos de las armaduras de donación.
Los jugadores que donaron $ 2,500 o más en una de las anteriores campañas de donación tuvieron la oportunidad de diseñar su propia armadura junto con el equipo.
Estos son los dos conceptos finales que hemos hecho hasta ahora, en la misma izquierda verá el concepto que tenemos del jugador ya la derecha nuestra versión de la misma.


También hemos elaborado algunos conceptos sobre posibles nuevas armas y escudos.


La mayoría de los nuevos mobs humanoides han hecho su camino desde el concepto de arte al juego.
Queremos mantener la mayoría de ellos en secreto, pero en la última actualización mostramos el concepto de arte para 3 nuevos monstruos.
También puso de manifiesto la malla final de uno de esos conceptos por lo que hoy hacemos lo mismo con el segundo concepto de arte.


Las principales ciudades están siendo construidos pero hoy podemos dar un primer vistazo de Bet Jedda.

Esto es todo por ahora!

Nos gustaría agradecer a la comunidad por todo el constructivo feedback que hemos recibido en este nuevo continente y el arte que hemos lanzado hasta ahora.
Ustedes son increíbles!


Dios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Por fin escudos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Traduje al español el poema del gran poeta de Tindrem, Carlous Pingue. Es interesante ya que contiene mucho lore acerca del nuevo continente:

Sobre el mar mas allá del oeste

Existe un lugar maravilloso
Se desconoce como llego a formarse
La gran misteriosa Kamin Mara

Ha sido esculpida desde el cielo
O ha brotado de la tierra
Trajo el calor de los dioses
Derritiendo la arena, convirtiendola en vidrio

En una noche clara en el desierto
Uno podria ver su brillo
Mas allá de las altas dunas y rocas
En lo profundo al sur de Sarducaa

Desde las crestas al valle petrificado
El más odiado de los peligros te encontrará
Si te aventuras sin los ojos sobre tu espalda

Solo los caminantes ilusos con sus pasos pesados
Un oasis sin vida
Una salvación sin esperanza
Donde la belleza y lo malvado reside

Ningún alma ha sobrevivido para contar la historia
Acerca de los secretos que yacen en el centro
Fortuna o muerte le espera al valiente
La agonía ardiente de mil soles

Los elementos bailan como espejismos
Protegiendo el deseo codicioso de todo hombre
Donde tu sangre hervirá
En el caldero reluciente de Kamin Mara


Historia y evolucion del mortal:


este juego sigue estando muy capeado si no pagas? o cambiaron eso

1 respuesta

#606 si, este juego si vas a jugarlo enserio tienes q pagar si tu intencion es entrar 1 o 2 veces por semana para jugar 1 o 2 horas te sobra sin pagar ^^


Han añadido 2 nuevas screens de Sarducaan, parece que de la ciudad, pongo el link donde aparecen todoas para que las veais:

Por cierto puede que el teaser este cerca.


Habria que ir cambiando el tema del post no? lo digo por que lleva mas de 1 año con el Breve en Steam xDDDDD

1 1 respuesta

#609 están trabajando en ello, ahora viene el nuevo continente y luego steam, un año no es nada.

1 respuesta
7 días después



#610 cabrón no se tu que entenderás por breve xDDDD


Nuevo update:

Progress update
First off, we want to apologize for the server-downtime during the last days. We have upgraded the server hardware and moved everything from the old server to the new. This is a important steps since the new server is much faster and larger and we have to do this to support the new continent once it goes live.
With that out of the way today we bring you some more information about one of the more extreme groups in Sarducaa: The Cultists.
The cover art for this week shows the sacred ritual Val Gora. Click the picture for a larger version.
Note that the previous covers can be found here where you can see them in full size.
About The Cultists
There are whispers coming from the ancient ruins in the mountain. Incoherent chanting and mumbling joins the sharp cracks of whips that echo through the broken stone walls. Then there is a sound that travels over the dunes and sends chills down the spine. A tortured cry from a beast in agony silences the desert night life. The warm blood flowing in the veins freezes to ice. Anyone who enters the fallen monastery stands in imminent peril. For therein reside the infamous Sarducaa cultists.
Known throughout Nave as being a tribe of deeply sadistic believers with a far more extreme conviction of religion than most of the Sarducaans. Devout followers that are recruited as children and raised with hate for the heretics. They suffer long periods of starvation and chastise themselves to rise in the ranks. Only the most hateful and sinister can become curators, which is the highest of honors. But they all strive to die for the cause.

By pain and bloodshed they are preparing the desert for the end of times. According to their prophecy it will happen when the sun is darkened by a moon with the colour of pure blood. The prophecy is called Lona Macta and they praise it by cutting the limbs of their enemies and leaving them to bleed out in the sand. To bleed is a sacred act, according to the cultists whom also cut their own skin in meditation.
The ruins are guarded by mutilated Goriax and Intrepredius. Young troll spawns are taken and tortured to submission until they are fully grown. Through the gruesome procedure of Val Gora their limbs severed by the cultist curators and replaced with blades. They are kept both as slaves or pets and ruthless ruin guards that crave blood of intruders. Although mostly keeping to the ruins the cultists also have a thousand eyes in the desert. Young tribesmen on trial are sent on long missions throughout the continent. One would be wise to stay clear of their path. Other could be soon to follow. Cultists are ever watching the sands.

Ever craving the bloodshed of the nonbelievers. Ever waiting for the rising red moon.


Evento de anoche, realizado por un GM:


Pvp en Medulli.


Una construcción divertida:



Un poco de baile


Asedio hace dos dias, pronto mas videos grabados por nosotros:


Nuevo update sobre sarducaa:


enlace oficial:

  • video de pvp que me parecio interesante

se sabe para cuando esta free?

1 respuesta

#621 se puede jugar free con limitaciones a 60 en skills, lo bueno es que puedes probar muchas skills con los 1200 puntos de skills que tienes.

quien quiera descargarlo el mejor enlace es este torrent, te baja el juego casi parcheado

11 días después

Update 4 de la nueva expansion:

Progress update
Art has spent the last weeks creating new foliage that is used in the rather large jungle part of Sarducca. Time has also been spent on finishing the last animations and improving the day/night cycle.
A lot of new bosses have also been added to Myrland as well as a couple of new “quests” that players need to figure out.

We have added a dedicated programmer to the team who has started fixing and improving the UI.
A new system for has been added that makes it possible to add a lot more chest and other lootable objects to the game without it being to costly on the server. This new system makes it possible to add chests,crates or other lootable object that randomly spawn in different places. This should make it a lot more interesting and profitable to move out of the cities and explore the lands.
But beware, we now have the option to add traps to these objects when they are opened or you break a lockpick.

Today’s cover art (click it for a larger version) shows a Sarducaan hunting group trying to take down a massive scorpion called Akrep. These horrible beasts are dangerous to hunt but its meat and poison is of great importance to the Sarducaa people.

The red glazed eyes of the Sarducaa people are not only the result of dry dusty winds from the desert, but also from a drug with a sinister origin. This drug is not farmed and harvested by farmers. It is not a mysterious potion concocted by a druid or spell maker. No, it can only be hunted and extracted with a method suited for those born without fear or nerves. You see, buried in shallow sand in the Sarducaa desert lays giant Akreps waiting for the next meal to pass by. The scorpions do not have a preference of food and will kill and devour anything with a beating heart passing by. Their sensitive leg feels the vibration in the sands even from the smallest snake or spider. Faster than a blinking eye it strikes the target with its heavy pincers. It clasps the target by the body and then strikes with the stinger and injects the target with its poison. When stung the heartbeat slows down and causes paralysation of the limbs. By the time the heart finally stops the body is already halfway consumed by the scorpion. This, of course is the case for its intended victims, greater beasts like the Goriax. For smaller humanoid victims the fate is far more terrifying. The sheer force of the pincers could easily cut a person in half like a twig. In panic the victim tries to move away from the scorpion, leaving the lower body behind with a trail of intestines. The swift eight legs of the Akrep would quickly scurry after the crawling upper body and crush its head with its strong jaws. And if, by skill or luck, one dodges the pincers and only get struck by the stinger, wearing no body armor, the telson will smash into the ribcage cracking it open and then force its way through the torso and shoot out the spine from the back, with the heart hanging from the tip of the stinger. The latter death is considered to be the preferred and most painless.

There are Sarducaan hunting guilds called The Wardaki that are specialized in hunting these horrible creatures. They wear a golden talisman of a scorpion on their capes. Their main reason for hunting the scorpions is the poison from the stinger called Krrft which is the source of the drug with the same name. Armored with scorpion breastplate and a zahato, a goatskin bottle attached to the breastplate, the hunter must lure the scorpion to strike its stinger into the zahato and inject the poison. After a successful gathering of poison the other hunters kill the scorpion with spears to harvest the hard shell from the body and meat from the pincers. The meat is regarded as a delicacy and the shell is a good material for making strong armor. It is forbidden for anyone other than the Wardaki to carry these items and those who do will be hunted themselves if caught. But if one escapes it could be worth the effort.

After the daring extraction of the fluorescent oily poison, it is hardened to resin and smoked in long iron oak pipes. Krrf is a big part of the Sarducaa culture and is used by most adults recreationally. The user is said to experience the sensation of warm milk coursing through the veins. All worries leave the mind and the head feels light as a feather at same time the body feels as heavy as gold. Horse mounted warriors are known to smoke before battle for taking the edge off fear and pain. But on foot one is not encouraged to smoke before fighting as it slows down the reflexes and movement. Heavy users are usually disoriented and paranoid under abstinence. Most elderly Sarducaans have these conditions permanently due to a lifetime of smoking.

There is a saying among the Wardaki, “If you taste the Akrep beast once, you will ride it for life. Mind and body become as slow and glowing as the oil itself”

The Wardaki
The Wardaki, or Wardaki-el-Akrep (Scorpion Dancers) hunt the Akrep and other desert creatures by ritual dancing, often leading to a type of trance. The dances and songs are called Horoi, most of them are performed by the group forming a loose circle with the animal in the middle. There are many various types of Horoi for different animals and different situations, and most have rather complex and unusual meters (Usuls) such as 9/8 or 21/16, which are believed to confuse the animals or bring them out of balance.

The Horoi music mainly consists of rhythms, deep throat singing and hums. A low droning tone is often played on a Huchir, a special hunting bow which has a small resonator. Melodic instruments such as flutes are only used for specific creatures. The main instrument is the Dhol, a rather large double-sided drum which requires two hands. The hunters use Daf, their small round shields, which often have small cymbals attached that can be loosened to act like tambourines.

New Mobs
All 3 mobs we have been following the production of are now animated. The last step is to create sounds for them.
Today we bring you a in-engine screenshot of the second monster.

Today we bring you screenshots from our latest build that depicts the poorer parts of Bethjedda and a night shot of a bandit camp.
Please keep in mind that these are very much work in progress.

1 respuesta

#623 en breve en steam?

1 respuesta

#624 el titulo fue precipitado, pero ya no lo vamos a quitar porque en cuanto salga el nuevo continente lo meten en steam, no se lo que tardara igual meses pero bueno.




yo acabo de hacerme un pj y lo estoy probando, siguen los clanes activos?

1 respuesta

#627 Aqui nos tienes, registrate y haz apply!

15 días después

Mortal Online sraducaa update 5

Progress update
First off let’s welcome our new programmer Jonas!
As of this week we have a new programmer working here at the office, throw him a welcome in the welcome thread.
During the last week art has spent a lot of time using the brand new loot system to add a ton of new random and hidden crates, chest, urns etc to find all over Sarducaa and Myrland. Work has been put into building the jungle and this final part of Sarducaa is now really starting to take shape, you can see some of it among the screenshots this week.

On the programmer side we are starting to see UI fixes coming in from the new dedicated UI guy and we hope that we can solve most of the UI issues before the patch.
Apart from that most of the time right now for the programmers is spent fixing new bugs from the test server reported by the QA but also old things that have been floating around in the bug tracker.

The cover art for today (click it for a larger version) depicts a man of great importance for the entire continent of Sarducaa.
You can read all about the great Ibn Kazar in this week’s massive lore section!
Ibn Kazar
Not more than five generations ago the desert was a disarray of nomadic tribes and small settlements. Warlords had roamed the land longer than anyone could remember. With bands of mounted thieves and murderers they tried to gain control of the Krrft trade through ruthless violence and terror. And terror begat terror as the vendettas spiraled into a vortex of blood and punishment. The tribes drifted further and further apart and became more isolated. Fear, hate and suspicion were passed on to the children and the children’s children. The sound of thumping hooves still makes Sarducaans uneasy to this day.

In the middle of it all was Zanthenes, the one city the raiding bands avoided. Since ancient times the city was ruled by Labbah Madar – Mother of the Flame – who governed this isolated sanctuary which was protected by huge walls and the strange magis in the nearby oasis of Yesil. This alliance seemed to have little or no intention of peacemaking, gathering tribes or ruling the lands outside of the small region – which probably would have been impossible anyway, should they have tried. The war of Krrft brought the prices down and the treasure chests slowly grew with the trade, however at the same time a high price had to be paid in blood and money by the caravans to and from the city.

When times seemed most dire there was a humble man in the north desert. Born a bastard child of a raped mother, he was orphaned at the young age of seven by raiding thieves led by the warlord Luz the Hideous. A saddle maker found him homeless in dirty rags and begging in the village and took him on as an apprentice of his trade. The saddler raised him as his own and taught him all that a man should know, but for one thing, hate. The saddler was a pure pacifist and a believer. He saw it as his mission to end the vengeance blood thirst in the younger generations, and his young apprentice followed the peaceful code as he grew up to become a master of the craft himself and saw his teacher die of old age.

He was a quiet and gentle man with the burly physique of a stone-cutter. Whenever the raiders came to his settlement he would shy away and stay out of trouble. He did what he was supposed to and spent the nights smoking the Krrft and praying to the gods. Then one day he found a little girl begging in the settlement. She was an orphan due to raiders just as he, and he adopted her and raised her to become a craftsman as well. There was something special about the girl he adopted her as his daughter. She made him smile and he began to greet his neighbors and sing when he tanned camel skin to leather in his shop. But his singing stopped when the raiders rode in to the settlement, one silver moon. They took all the women and bound them to their horses and rode off. No one heard from them for many days until a carriage dragged by a mule came back. The bodies were beaten and mutilated almost beyond recognition and the little girl whom the saddler loved lay on top of the pile. Her blue lifeless eyes pierced his soul as he lifted her off the carriage and carried her slowly through the settlement and out to the open desert. The tribe followed him and carried their own dead women and children. He finally stopped by the stone arch of Bos Talia and buried the girl by the eastern post.
On the back of his camel he spoke to the tribe with a sword in his hand, “I, Ibn Kazar, son of a murdered mother and father to a murdered child will not rest until I have sought repentance from these thieves, murderers and rapists. And all of you will go home and wait for the next full moon and then return to this place. You may not seek blood for blood on your own.”

The tribesmen wondered who he was to give such an order. They all wanted revenge for the raiders’ savage actions and cried for the heads of the guilty to be placed on spears. Ibn Kazar looked upon them and calmed the troubled tribe to silence.
“I am the chosen one and will be the last in this tribe to sully my soul in vengeance. If you feel your blood boil in hate and you reach for the sword in anger, I urge you to reach for your pipe instead. To forget is divine and to smoke the Akreps oil is godly.”
And so Ibn Kazar rode off to the next settlement and told them what has happened and what he intended to do. He learned that they too were mourning their women who had fallen by the hands of the raiders. With haste he rode from tribe to tribe, all over the Sarducaan desert and they were all victims of one and the same warlord, Luz the Hideous. The tribes wanted to follow Ibn Kazar and seek revenge, but he told them as he told his own tribe, to meet him under the arch of Bos Talia the following full moon and they agreed under the Krrft smoke cloud.

It was close to dusk when he rode into the raiders’ camp on his camel. The sun was setting behind the ridges of Bos Kamin. In sheer confusion the savage raiders just watched him ride all the way up to the warlord’s tent. Luz the hideous stormed out from his tent in rage and screamed for the raiders’ attention. Within seconds Ibn Kazar was surrounded by a hundred raiders with swords and spears pointed at him. He calmly stepped off his camel and gazed into Luz the Hideous eyes.
What is the meaning of this? Are you a mad man who wishes to die?” said Luz the Hideous and drew his sword.
“I have come to seek your repentance. Ask the gods for forgiveness and promise to stop your wicked ways and your life will be spared. I give you three chances to repent”, said Ibn Kazar with his empty hands in the air. “Repent!” he shouted. “You truly are mad. The Krrft oil must have rotted your mind!” laughed Luz the Hideous and the raiders joined in, pointing and laughing. Ibn Kazar steadily lowered his hands.

“Repent!” he shouted again. They stopped laughing and moved closer. The tension rose and they could feel the vibrations in the air.
“Repent!” he shouted a third time.
Luz the Hideous pointed at him a screamed, “Archer!”, and a single arrow flew through the camp and burrowed its iron in the camels head. The camel fell to the ground instantly with a thud and thick dust blew up in the air. Quicker than the akrep stinger Ibn Kazar drew his sword and swung it through the dust cutting one raider after another. With his swift feet he danced with his sword around the disoriented bunch. He slashed off a limb for every life they had on their hands. There were no raiders left standing when the dust finally settled, just hands, feet and heads spread all over the sand. Luz the hideous dropped his sword and fell to his knees crying. Begging for his life and promising that he would repent. Ibn Kazar kicked him to the ground and said that the time for repentance was too late and bound him on the back of a donkey.
It was the night of the following full moon when they arrived on the donkey to the arch of Bos Talia. All the Sarducaan tribes had gathered and stood in silence as Ibn Kazar rode up a hill. He placed Luz on the ground and told him to stretch his arms to the sky.
“This is Luz the Hideous. He is the one who has plagued us with fear and blood in the desert. His followers have already been punished, he is the only one left”, said Ibn Kazar and let his blade sever the reaching hands of Luz the hideous.
“If you have a stone in your heart, take that stone and throw it at his head so there will be peace” he said and one by one the tribesmen picked up a stone and hurled it at Luz the hideous. Soon his body was only a broken pile of flesh, blood and bone.
The march of the thousand nomads began and within days they arrived in Zanthenes. The Labbah Madar met them outside the city gates. Ibn Kazar knelt before her asked for her forgiveness.
“My queen, for too many generations have we been spilling blood in the desert, separated by hate and greed, all because of the wealth from Zanthenes pouring into the chests of warlords. This ends today if you accept my unified army of nomads as yours. Then will we be united as one single tribe under the Labbah Madars’ rule and keep peace in the desert. My requests are that the trade of Krrft is solely handled by the desert tribes and that we have the right to live our lives in peace.”

The Labbah Madar agreed and exclaimed the nation of Sarducaa to be born. The city of Zanthanes became Beth Jeddah, “Home of the mother”. She gave Ibn Kazar the title of Protector of the desert, which he kept for the remainder of his years.

The songs of the brave saddler Ibn Kazar are still sung to this day in the tents and huts of the desert.

New Mobs
We are still waiting for the final sounds for the 3 monsters we have been following but we have now settled on their names.
They are known by the Sarducaan people as Lesser Charul, Am Yarasi Lurker and this last one is Dev Murah.
Here is a in engine screenshot of the Dev Murah!

Today we show you a early screenshot from the jungle but also some shots from the glas furnace.
Please keep in mind that this is work in progress!

That’s all for this week!
Please leave your feedback and thoughts on the forums!

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