#5671 no creo que la cobertura funcione así, quiero decir, que estar detrás te dará automáticamente el bonus de defensa y te hará inmune a ciertas habilidades que te lleven al cac, estés "asomado" o no, yo la cobertura la veo como un buff que se va si te mueves del sitio, tan sencillo como eso xD
Ahora que estoy en el pc, copio la respuesta:
DevtrackerFor the cover specs, cover is very viable in PvP. The ability to entrench grants them immunity from a wide range of effects, including ballistics and makes them impossible to charge. Their superior range means they are guaranteed to get the first shot, which could be a powerful alpha strike, a snare or one of several other options.
An entrenched sniper guarding a choke point like a bridge on the Voidstar or objective in a Warzone is painful for most solo classes to deal with. If you get a sniper or gunslinger with cover spec set up in your flank during a battle and don't do something about it, expect the fight to be over quick.
In our last round of testing, I've seen a single Smuggler guarding a bridge wiping out four attackers trying to swarm him by sending them into the bottomless with a well timed cover pulse. Granted, they weren't exactly smart charging him head on, but these things happen when people get overconfident.
A number of interesting mechanics, such as the powerful Cover Pulse AOE defense and the ability to instant snipe for a short duration after exiting cover allow characters that got surprised to regain control of the situation or transition into an organized retreat.
Of course, cover based classes are not suited for all roles equally (few classes are) and the cover gameplay is surely not for everyone, especially not people who just like to charge into the fray. Playing in our Alderaan Warzone for example, cover based classes are more likely to act as defenders than scouts and that requires patience and tactical movement to be successful. Charging head on into a Lightsaber wielding enemy is a very good way of getting a free speeder ride in these scenarios.
We don't expect them to be as wildly popular as a Jedi Knight or Consular, it is definitely a class that is harder to master than most, but I do think that players who like this kind gameplay will be satisfied with their options here and do well in competitive PvP.
Como véis también habla de un contrabandista aguantando el envite de 4 personas en un puente, gracias al "cover pulse", una habilidad que lanza lejos a los que te lleguen al cuerpo a cuerpo. Entre eso, el "instanshot" y las inmunidades, es viable llevar la iniciativa a cubierto, algo que yo creía imposible, de hecho pensaba que serían completamente inútiles en pvp, pero esta nueva información está haciendo que me lo plantee, si consigues cubrirte y atacar primero consigues un margen de unos valiosos segundos de "buff" de cobertura que pueden darte una ventaja significativa, por supuesto no dudo que pasados esos segundos estemos casi vendidos xD