[SWTOR] SWTOR's Guild Summit


BioWare ha reunido a mas de 160 clanes en Austin, Texas, desde lugares tan lejanos como Noruega, Brasil y Francia, esta semana para el Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild Summit, y el espectáculo ya ha comenzado.


El evento previsto de hoy incluye la presentación del parche 1.2 ( previsto para "pronto" ), las discusiones acerca de las operations y flashpoints, y los paneles que cubren el PvP, el sistema de Legacy, la economía, el rol, las funciones del clan, y la interfaz de usuario.

BioWare anunciado también el programa "amigos de Star Wars", que dará a todos los jugadores actuales la capacidad de dar tres trials de una semana de duración a los demás para ver el juego. Finalmente, BioWare presentara un sistema nuevo de eventos por el mundo (Rift? PQ? Quien sabe).

Calendario de Eventos (CST):

  • 10:00am Welcome & Introductions

  • 10:30am State of the Game and Game Update 1.2 Presentation

  • 11:00am Break (Livestream offline from 11:00am to 2:00pm)

  • 2:00pm Operations/Flashpoints Discussion

  • 2:45pm Player vs. Player Discussion

  • 3:30pm Legacy Presentation

  • 4:00pm Economy/Crew Skills Discussion

  • 4:30pm Roleplayer's Discussion

  • 5:00pm Guild Features Discussion

  • 5:30pm User Interface Presentation

  • 6:00pm "...And The Rest"

  • Se irá actualizando el post a medida que salgan novedades.
    ** Hay una diferencia horaria de 7 horas.


ericmusco: Hello everyone and welcome to the first ever STAR WARS: The Old Republic Guild Summit! BioWare Austin welcomes 160 guilds from all over the world, along with over 5000 internet viewers from around the world for this awesome two day event!

ericmusco: Here are some general rules for the stream:

ericmusco: 1) If you want to get in on the conversation, head on over to our Guild Summit forum: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=371 or follow us on Twitter @SWTOR and don’t forget to get use #SWTORSummit

ericmusco: 2) At the end of each panel we will be taking questions and comments from the stream, so make sure to submit any questions or comments you may have right here in CoverItLive (remember to keep them short please)

ericmusco: 3) And most of all, have fun!

ericmusco: Now we are going to talk a little but about the current state of STAR WARS: The Old Republic, and to help us do so we present James Ohlen, Game Director!

ericmusco: Here are some numbers – SWTOR has sold over 2 million copies and is the fastest growing subscription-based MMO ever! With each player averaging over 5 hours of playtime in game each day and over 3.8 million characters created!

ericmusco: Less than one month following launch we released our first Game Update, 1.1: Rise of the Rakghouls where we released a new Flashpoint and Operation! Also, on March 1st we expanded to the Asia-Pacific region.

ericmusco: What’s next for STAR WARS: The Old Republic? We are happy to announce the launch of “Friends of STAR WARS: The Old Republic.” Players will be able to give up to three of their friends a one week trial of the game.Stay tuned to www.swtor.com for more details.

ericmusco: The real question on everyone’s mind is what can we expect to see in Game Update 1.2? We would like to introduce Game Update 1.2 Legacy.

ericmusco: Let’s talk about some of the features more specifically. First, we have expanded functionality of our Legacy system…make sure to check back later today at 3:30pm CST for all of the details!

ericmusco: Game Update 1.2 will come with a new Warzone, Novare Coast; a new Operation, Explosive Conflict and a new Flashpoint, Lost Island.

ericmusco: New Warzone functionality including expanded rewards like a new tier of PvP along with Ranked Warzones which will give you a personal rating for solo and group play!

ericmusco: Limited- time in-game events, Guild Banks and UI customization round things out and much, much more!

ericmusco: Don’t forget that we will be hosting panels throughout the rest of the day so make sure to stay with us! You can find the Agenda for today at the bottom of the Guild Summit page: http://www.swtor.com/guildsummit

[Standby] Don't forget to stop back at 2pm CST!


A ver si ponen una lista de razas para lo de legacy system que tengo ganas de hacerme OTRO alter más xD.

1 respuesta

#2 A mi me esta frenando ese tema, por que como pongan que los jk/sw puedan hacerse twi'leks .... pues eso xD.

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#3 Que me he perdido? Desde siempre que te has podido hacer twi'lek JK :/

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#4 Bue me refería a SW, no recordaba que JK si xD.

Darth Talon ftw.

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#5 Como ese pero mas oscuro? xD


No mancilles el nombre de Darth Talon zomg.


Swap abilities? OMFG.

El trailer pinta bien, a ver si no la cagan.

*Lo que pone al final del trailer:
New Vehicles
Craftable Augments
New Crafting Schematics
Extractable Tier 2 Mods
New Lightsaber Colors
Ship Droids Gain Affection
Legacy Item Drops
New Roleplay Emotes.

Vamos, después de ver el trailer lo único que tengo claro es que esto es parte de o que faltaba para el juego completo XD.


estoy requetespeso lo de swap abilites como es?

1 respuesta

#9 Bueno, en un rato hablaran del Legacy con más detenimiento, pero en el trailer se ve claramente un SW usando el lanzallamas del BH, y un Sniper usando el ahogar del Sw...

"You CAN get other classes abilities, but ONLY if you have a level 50 of the class who's ability you want. In addition that ability ONLY functions when you have an active companion."


lo de "Extractable Tier 2 Mods" quiere decir que se podrá extraer los mods del equipo de tier y pvp? espero que sea así porque si algo no me gusta del juego es tener que ir igual a todo el mundo, también espero que se pueda cambiar los colores del sable pvp, que TODO el mundo va con el morado xDD.

Por lo demás pinta todo bastante bien, a ver si se lo curran.

1 respuesta

#11 Si, incluso los bonus parece ser. Se recupera la idea inicial suena muy bien.

Mañana editare #1 con toda la información nueva, que es bastante... Pinta muy bien este parche, especialmente el legacy system.


He aqui el juego completado al 100%.

1 respuesta

#13 Bueno aun queda mucho camino por recorrer, pero desde luego este parche es más que un parche de contenidos, es un buen puñado de mejoras, contenidos e ideas que debieron estar desde un principio, si.

Se pone interesante la cosa, ahora veremos que tal es la base que pueden aguantar con la llegada de nuevos títulos al mercado.


La cagaron demasiado sacando una bazofia incompleta y ahora para remontar el vuelo van a necesitar dios y ayuda


Lo que me quema y me pone malo es que no dicen fechas en la puta vida, ni pal 1.2 que se sabe que sale este mes hace un siglo pero no aclaran la puta fecha

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#16 Finales de mes, no es tan difícil de prever.

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#17 Han dicho más del Legacy System? Suelta prenda lokoh!

1 respuesta

#18 Si han soltado bastante al respecto (entre otros interesantes temas).

Básicamente el Legacy sirve para construir una familia (subirse personajes) y darle un sentido a los alters. Habrá muchos perks para desbloquear, como el jetpack. Podremos usar skills de un personaje que tengamos al 50, por ejemplo si tenemos un Sith Warrior al 50 y subimos un Imperial agent, este podrá usar el force chock. Será una skill que ellos llaman "heroic moments", es decir, para poder usarla tendremos que tener un companion activo (asi que salvo open world pvp, no funcionara para nada más que questear). En principio sera una skill de cada clase, no se si más.

También podremos ir consiguiendo buffs de otras clases, y bonus de presencia para los companions, etc.

Items sociales (que cobraran mas importancia ahora que podremos manejar los mods de forma adecuada), cosillas para light/dark side, y bastantes novedades más como poder desbloquear razas que antes no podias usar, emotes nuevos, bailes, etc...

Ya crearemos un hilo más detallado.

#20 No, como ya te digo, es algo muy puntual. No podrás usarlo en PVP WarZones. Ni en Raids. Nada destacable salvo para questear.

1 respuesta

Que mierda es esa del SW lanzando llamas y el Sniper estrangulando...? Espero que no se les vaya mucho la olla con lo del legacy.

A ver si lo ponen antes del dia 21 y veo algo interesante por lo que renovar.

Edit: No me parece tan mal entonces no te lei sorry #19

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Extractable Tier 2 Mods

A ver si asi los consular dejamos de parecer payasos


Es un fail que solo se puedan a usar las habilidades de otras clases questeando solo...

1 respuesta

#22 Fail ( y tremendo desbalanceo ) sería que pudieras usarlas en PVP libremente.

#24 El legacy brinda bastantes más cosas que dan jugo a subirse alters. Bastante desbalanceo y hay en PVP como para darle un fC a un Sorcerer, no gracias.


Pues eso daría muchisima chica a la motivacion a subirte alters..

1 respuesta

Operations and Flashpoints Discussion

  • The new Operation, Explosive Conflict will be the hardest Operation
  • Nigthmare mode will have a different loot (gear) post Update 1.2
  • Normal mode wil be replaced by "Story Mode", to allow casual players to enjoy the story behind the Operations
  • Character copy to PTS will be available soon
  • New Flashpoint: Lost Island continues the Kaon story
  • Game Update 1.3 will include a Group Finder (single server only)
  • Game Update 1.2 will not come with any in-game combat log or any metrics for that matter

Player vs. Player Discussion

  • New Warzone: Novare Coast (same faction vs same faction gameplay). It's an objective control type Warzone.
  • Game Update 1.2 will bring Ranked PVP.
  • Group queue will be available in 1.2 (up to 8 players)
  • New PVP dailies in 1.2
  • 18 new objective medals are going to be introduced in 1.2
  • Winning the games faster is encouraged in 1.2
  • Vote to Kick will be added in 1.2
  • Players who afk in Warzones or don't do anything (0 medals or objectives), won't receive any rewards in 1.2
  • New PVP gear (tier) in 1.2
  • New PVP Crafting (expertise crystals)
  • Voidstar and Civil War will have a training version which will allow same faction vs same faction battles
  • Cross-server Warzone queues will be implemented in the future
  • Warzone Tournaments will be introduced post Game Update 1.3
  • Persistant groups through Warzones (the ability to keep the current group while queuing) will be implemented with no ETA atm
  • Ilum will be redesigned in the near future
  • Minor changes to Outlaw's Den (quicker travel route)
  • Player bounties are planned in the future of SWTOR (no ETA)
  • Warzone challenges are planned (challenging another guild/group directly)
  • War Hero commendations will be available only via Ranked Warzones (doesn't require to have Valor Rank 70, it's just named the same)
  • The current focus of valor is not to get different gear, it's more of a prestigious thing but it will yield several items such as mounts, titles etc.

Legacy Presentation

  • Family Tree type legacy
  • Once you reach level 50 with a species, you can unlock that species to all classes
  • Human species alts give you extra Presence
  • Legacy Global Unlocks: - unlock class emotes
  • Unlock other class buffs (ex. as a Bounty Hunter, with a Sith Warr alt, you can buff with both class buffs)
  • Heroic Moment ability (not usable in Warzones/Ops etc)
  • Unlock Heroic Abilities (ex. using Force Choke on your agent - again, not usable in Warzones/Ops and usable only with an active companion)
  • Complete all missions for a companion “type” (e.g. ranged tank) unlocks a shorter cooldown for Heroic Moment, a small stat boost and additional Presence buff for all your companions.

Social Rank Unlocks

  • Dance with your companions
  • Brawling abilities for unarmed combat
  • Purchasable Legacy Rewards
  • Dark/Light/Neutral rewards
  • New "Sprint" ability - short duration buff
  • Ship training dummies and Warzones dummies will be available at 1.2 (testing damage etc)
  • Ship repair droid that will repair your gear, which you can sell gear to and from you can buy different items
  • Ship mailbox
  • Ship Neutral GTN (high legacy level only)
  • Legacy Weapons and Armor
  • Legacy appearances
  • Unique orange items only unlockable by legacy levels.
  • Multi spec is coming (a type of Dual spec but allows you to save multiple specs - more than 2)
  • Voice restraining mod for the ship robot (aka mute)
  • Ship droid gains affection

Economy and Crew Skills Discussion

  • 84% of players have less than 1 million credits and repair costs are currently seen to high. The developers are working for balance adjustments to correct this situation
  • Legacy upgrades for Crew Skills are coming in Game Update 1.2 such as better RE system, crafting Operations gear with critical augment slots and more.
  • Armstech and Armormech will be able to make different types of augments
  • Slicing will supply augment materials
  • Cybertech speeders will become BoE
  • The costs of training a level 3 speeder will be reduced
  • Shorter cooldowns for cybertech grenades
  • New color crystals will become available for crafting through Artifice
  • New schematics will be implemented, including for PvP crafting (gained by PvP-ing). Artifice will be the first crew skill to benefit from this
  • Overall, efforts are focused to motivate players to become crafters by offering them exclusive benefits that will allow them faster credit gains, better looking gear and performance
  • A tooltip will be implemented in Game Update 1.2 that will tell you if you can Reverse Engineer an item and if there is a new schematic that you can learn by doing so
  • High-level (purple) missions will no longer have a chance to fail starting with Game Update 1.2

Roleplayer's Discussion

  • New possible features include character re-customization and chat bubbles
  • Social, alignment and family tree unlocks will be available through the Legacy system
  • In the future all cosmetic gear should work for all types (light, medium and heavy armor)
  • Animal mounts will be implemented at some point in the future
  • More role-play emotes will come and many of them will have lines.

Guild Features Discussion

  • Guild banks will come in Game Update 1.2 (with up to 7 tabs that you can buy with a gradually increasing price)
  • Detailed guild logs will allow guild leaders to see all incoming/outgoing transactions

Post Game Update 1.2 Guild Features

  • Guild Emblem (useable on armor)
  • Guild Calendar
  • Guild Advertising (to support guild recruitment/joining)
  • Guild Progression will be implemented, but not in the near future
  • Guild Capital Ships design exists (will also not be available to soon)

User Interface Presentation

  • You will be able to move and scale most UI components while in "Edit Mode". Components that are always visible and the ones that are only visible sometimes will be displayed with different colors
  • For now only four quickslot bars remain available
  • Game Update 1.2 confirmed to bring the "target of target" feature
  • You will be able to flip the map axis
  • You will be able to move secondary windows anywhere on the screen and have more than one open at the same time
  • UI configurations will be save-able as XML files and shared between players
  • Macros will not be implemented any time soon
  • Spec-specific quickslots will be implemented at some point
  • Many improvements to the GTN will come in Game Update 1.2. (such as less mandatory filters)
  • You will be able to share UI settings between characters (altough not in Game Update 1.2)

...And The Rest

  • The "Unify to Chest" option is being brought back in Game Update 1.2 and it will be toggle-able for each armor piece (default setting "off")
  • New daily quests on Corellia will be implemented in Game Update 1.2
  • Dual-multi spec is coming in two stages: first you will be able to switch between tree builds; in the second stage switching will also change the gear loadout (not in 1.2)
  • Same gender romance will be implemented at some point (quote: "Sometime this year") with story updates included
  • Warzone team balancing will be optimized through the improved match-making system and the incentives provided to discourage warzone quitting
  • The option to to turn down shader settings that is coming with Update 1.1.5 will make the game playable on lower end machines. However, there is a dedicated team working constantly on optimizations to make the game run better

Que ganísimas de este parche, toca esperar.


de este parche depende mi sub... ya pueden medio arreglar, esta bochornosa release xd


Tampoco ha sido tan bochornosa no exageréis


La gente mete mierda por meter.

#30 Lo que no me queda claro es que si la release ha sido tan bochornosa, cómo es que te has subido cuatro personajes al 50. Será que no es para tanto, ¿o sí?

2 respuestas

#29 q mierda meto ni q ostias, es mi opinion como player en la beta, preorder y a dia de hoy con 4, 50s y manteniendo mi sub, el juego me gusta, pero llega un punto q se te keda corto, aclarado?

1 respuesta

Usuarios habituales

  • AwK_SoRa
  • StumKrav
  • RaYoTe
  • Misantropia
  • Soltrac
  • Mako666
  • Lafy
