Como ya hemos visto la currada del post de las razas, voy a haceros una guía sobre las clases del TERA. Así que aquí os dejo una modesta guía para los que tengáis interes/curiosidad en este gran juego.
Los Archers son tiradores altamente cualificados capaces de reducir las filas enemigas. Disparando flecha tras flecha con una presición mortal, un Archer puede causar el pánico y la discordia en una batalla. Son muy ágiles y veloces.
Rol: Daño a distancia.
Arma: Arco.
Armadura: Ligera.
(hasta nivel 10 más o menos)
Normal Shot: Dispara una flecha a un objetivo a distancia (20m aprox).
Multi Shot: Esta habilidad es un AoE que permite alcanzar hasta a 4 objetivos. Es la primera habilidad del Archer lock-on.
Focused Shot: Es una habilidad que puede hacer mucho daño. Cuanto más tiempo permanezca cargado, más daño hará al liberarse.
Penetrating Shot: Habilidad AoE. Es igual que focused shot pero daña a varios objetivos.
Archer - High Level SkillsAs the archer progresses through levels, a noticeable increase in damage output is quite clear. This is, in part, due to the fact that many of the skills earned early on are upgraded in subsequent levels, rendering them much more potent. Added to the archer’s armory in the higher levels are several skills that no archer would ever want to do without.
Penetrating Shot, earned at level 12, is a charged shot that deals linear damage to multiple mobs. When lined up properly, this can hit numerous mobs, and has a high rate of knockback on reap mobs. Compared to a few other skills at your disposal, Penetrating shot uses significantly less mana, but is more difficult to pull off while being chased, and is not as efficient for initiating combat as Multi-shot or Focused shot. They key to using it right is putting some distance between yourself and the largest concentration of targets, then waiting for them to line up as they come after you. Just like all of the skills though, having damaged the mobs some first is the best way to make this skill useful, otherwise mobs will be left at 1 hp.
Soaring Attack, earned at level 14, is a handy knockdown-recovery skill. When in the knocked down state, this skill becomes enabled, and you may quickly do a 360 degree spin attack, which has a high chance to knock down or knock back (reap mobs) anything it hits. This takes a fair amount of your small mana pool, but is certainly worth the 2-3 seconds it would take to recover normally. Depending on your weapon and level, it does the damage of around 2 and a half normal shots. This skill is most useful, of course, for PVP.
Backstep, though not a damage dealing skill, is probably one of the most used skills available to an archer. As the name of the skill implies, the skill allows you to jump back about 5 meters, avoiding attacks, dodging, or just putting more vital distance between you and your foe. Used right, this skill can allow you to get behind a chasing adversary in PVP, to deal rear-attacks, and hopefully knock downs. It does take mana, and has a fairly long cool-down so it is not a skill that can simply be spammed. Binding it someplace with extreme accessibility, such as the center mouse button or other unused mouse button, is a must.
El Berserker es una clase melee (cuerpo a cuerpo) con lentos ataques. Tiene la capacidad de stunear y aturdir a los enemigos. Es la clase cuerpo a cuerpo por excelencia.
Rol: Daño cuerpo a cuerpo.
Arma: Hacha.
Armadura: Pesada.
(hasta nivel 10 más o menos)
Combo Attack: El Berserker puede lanzar hasta cuatro ataques consecutivos con esta skill, mientras va adquiriendo MP. Es un ataque básico.
Weapon Block: Sirve para mitigar el daño que se te inflingen. Hay que mantener el botón presionado para que surta efecto.
Bash: Salta en el aire antes de golpear en el suelo con su hacha, causando una cantidad gran cantidad de daño, así como derribando y aturdiendo a cualquier objetivo en rango durante varios segundos.
Blash Strike: Es la primera habilidad de carga que aprende (nivel 6). Lanza su hacha contra el objetivo para así aturdirlo.
Berserker - High Level Skills
After level 10, this class does receive several skills that reflect the class’s true role and improve the gameplay experience. A prime example of such a utility is the skill Soaring Attack at level twelve, which allows the Berserker to finally recover from being knocked down with a full 360° axe swing. While this rarely happens early on, this skill has a chance to counter with a knock-back of your own at higher levels. Vortex is received at level fourteen, giving the player an AoE with several full rotations of their axe. Be warned – this attack propels the character forward quickly.
Gameplay truly changes with the addition of Smash and Smash Intensified, the latter of which being a Passive skill. The former is a skill that will propel the character forward quite a number of feet, but is an extremely powerful non-charge attack that can hit multiple targets. It becomes essential; however, with the passive skill Smash Intensified, as it greatly increases the damage of Smash should an enemy be knocked down. Therefore, starting at this level, it’s generally best to unleash the standard Combo Attack as an opener to gain mana, and then use Bash to send the opponent flying. After the enemy is rendered helpless, properly (yet quickly!) aim a Smash towards it before it can recover. By doing so, a very nice ‘rotation’ is used that makes quick work of whatever the Berserker faces. How the player should use the rest of their skills for the duration of the battle is situational.
At much later levels, this class gains a few skills that are useful both inside and outside of parties. Will Concentration is obtained at a the rather distant level thirty-one, but allows the Berserker to not have their MP decrease for twenty seconds. It should go without saying how invaluable this is, especially with more dangerous encounters. Force Spin at level thirty-six is a nice upgrade to Vortex, providing similar utility. There are skills which would appear to be far more useful in a party, however. Such aforementioned skills are Enrage at level thirty-three, which increases attack power in exchange for high defense loss for fifteen seconds after use. Should the player use this while solo, caution should be used to make sure that this vulnerability cannot be exploited as the defense loss is more than double the attack power boost. Berserk Possession is also received at this level, and restores mana at the cost of exhasting HP. Caution should also be used with this skill should a healer not be present.
La clase Mystic es una clase de apoyo(como el Priest). Esta clase es una de las dos únicas clases de TERA que pueden realizar la fución de curar. Sin embargo, la clase Mystic sobresale en cuanto a buffs y debuffs en contraste con el Priest que sobresale en la curación.
Rol en party: De soporte y daño secundario.
Arma: Cetro.
Armadura: Tela.
(hasta nivel 10 más o menos)
Elemental Shot: Es un hechizo de inicio estándar (básico) para atacar a mobs de uno en uno.
Mana Boost: Es una skill de regeneración de mana. Es muy útil para mantener alto el mana con el fin de seguir jugando sin perder tiempo resteando.
Essence of Rejuvenation: Es la principal skill de curación del Mystic. Aparece como un orbe en el suelo que es clickado por ti u otros personajes con el fin de currse a sí mismo de forma instantánea.
Curtain of Retribution: Es un hechizo de daño en forma de cono que aparece como un grupo de mariposas que vuelan desde al caster e impacta en grupos de mobs.
Essence Leech: Imbibe: Es un hechizo AoE situacional que se obtiene a nivel 4 y es muy útil para el juego en grupo. Se trata de recoger vida de los mobs y autoregenerarte maná (daño + regeneración de maná).
Spirit of Bloodlust: Es el principal buff de grupo real que reciben los Mystics. Mejora el poder de ataque del grupo.
Mystic - High Level Skills
Many of the class defining skills are learned after level 10 ? offensive buffs are among the more important skills. The offensive buffs constantly consume mana. Mystics also get a variety of healing and utility spells. Rejuvenating Shot is a heal-over-time that locks onto a target and shoots them with the heal. Mystics also are able to resurrect other players and teleport a party to their location. Flash Shot stuns a target for 3 seconds and Binding Shot decreases the movement speed of a target to 89% for 6 seconds. For additional utility, Mystics gain Purifying Shot to remove all harmful effects from a single target.
Es una clase que consiste en recibir daño (tanke) pero también son capaces de hacer daño. A pesar de ser una clase lenta debido a su predisposición para bloquear en lugar de esquivar, el Lancer es capaz de enfocar el daño con bastante precisión.
Rol: Tanke.
Arma: Lanza, escudo.
Armadura: Plate.
(hasta nivel 10 más o menos)
Combo Attack: La naturaleza de la lanza permite enfocar Combo Attack, otorgando al Lancer la capacidad de atacar a un único enemigo con gran precisión. Golpea 3 veces y a la cuarta lanza un ataque más potente.
Shield Block: Aguanta una gran cantidad de daño. Para seguir utilizando esta habilidad cuando estan atacando tienes que permanecer apretando a la tecla C para mantener la postura.
Ferocious Charge: El Lancer se inclina hacia hacia delante y carga en la direccion a la que está apuntando, produciendo un aluvión de ataques contra los enemigos que esten en su camino. En los ultimos instantes de la carga, el Lancer da rienda suelta a golpes poderosos, seguido de un último movimiento estirando el brazo al máximo y empujando la lanza hasta el último de sus enemigos
Riposte: Habilidad pasiva que permita al Lancer realizar un contragolpe cada vez que finaliza de usar Shield Block.
Roar of Defiance: El Lancer libera un rugido que atrae la atención de los enemigos que le rodean. Es la primera skill aggro (atraer mobs).
Lancer - High Level Skills
While the skills received during the first ten levels represent the Lancer’s core functionality, the later skills involve significantly more utility, permitting the Lancer to further find their niche within the group.
An often frustrating experience for a young Lancer is being taken unaware and knocked down in a fight, unable to initiate Shield Block. The Soaring Attack ability remedies this nicely, allowing a Lancer to quickly rise from the ground and get back into the battle with a strong counter-attack. Though only usable every twelve seconds, this ability lets the Lancer respond that much faster to enemy attacks, which is essential when a second’s hesitation may be the difference between a successful block or certain death. While the Lancer’s powerful strikes are often enough to knock down opponents as a matter of course, the ability Shield Bash allows them to take advantage of this situation more accurately. Using this ability on an enemy and then rushing in with Ferocious Charge is often enough to frighten the staunchest of opponents.
At level twenty the Lancer is provided with the Noose ability, which allows the Lancer to pull enemies to them from a significant distance. Importantly, the range of this ability is fifty percent greater than that of Roar of Defiance, allowing the Lancer to have even further control over events on the battlefield.
Thus far, most of the Lancer’s abilities have directly impacted the battlefield either by damaging opponents with powerful attacks, or by controlling enemies by drawing their animosity and/or the monster itself. However, at level twenty-six the Lancer is granted its first debuff, Crash Gear. This ability reduces an enemy’s armor, allowing both the Lancer and their party to deal increased damage for ten seconds. It is important to note that this ability can be stacked up to three times on the same opponent for each successive attack after Crash Gear is applied. Getting in those attacks is certainly doable for an attentive Lancer, and even more so when activated with allies nearby!
Moving up to level thirty, this trend of granting the Lancer group-friendly abilities continues. Aura of Inspiration places a buff on group members which increases their defense by fifteen percent. The fact that this Aura does not affect the Lancer is very flavorful, further heightening the Lancer’s persona as the stalwart defender of their party. Granted at level thirty-six, the Lancer receives a second “aggro” ability called Infuriate. The primary difference between Infuriate and the similar ability Roar of Defiance seems to be one of degree. Infuriate has a significantly longer cooldown cost. However, the name of this ability seems to indicate that the hate generated by this skill is also significantly improved over the more frequently used, but less powerful Roar. This skill enables the Lancer to take charge of a chaotic battlefield, ensuring that the attention of surrounding enemies is securely focused on them, once again protecting their party from sure death!
Los priests son una de las dos clases de curación. Portando grandes e intrincados bastones, esta clase está equipada con un arsenal de curas, con la intención de ayudar al priest a adaptarse a tantas situaciones como sea posible.
Rol: De soporte y daño secundario.
Arma: Bastón.
Armadura: Tela.
(hasta nivel 10 más o menos)
Light of Retribution: Es la primera skill ofensiva del priest. El hechizo es dirigido con el punto de mira y con un click del botón de tu ratón lanza una bola de luz azul hacia el objetivo.
Healing Invocation: Es la única cura con la que empieza un priest. Este hechizo está bindeado en las teclas "C" y "Shift" por defecto y sólo cura al caster.
Mana Boost: Es una skill de regeneración de mana. Es muy útil para mantener alto el mana con el fin de seguir jugando sin perder tiempo resteando.
Curtain of Retribution: Es la segunda skill ofensiva y la primera en AoE que se le da al priest. Crea una barrera mágica con forma de abanico, haciendo un daño moderado a los enemigos.
Armor of Safeguard: Es un hechizo instantáneo que proporciona a 5 aliados en un rango de 15 metros del priest una barrera que absorbe daño durante 10 segundos o hasta que es absorbida una cierta cantidad de daño.
Regenerating Wind: Es la primera de las muchas curas en AoE que el priest recibirá (nivel 6). Esta skill es un HoT (Heal over Time) de 2.6 segundos de casteo que tiene un rango de aproximádamente 15 metros.
Healing Wind: Es una cura en AoE que se aprende a nivel 8. Este hechizo tiene un radio mucho más pequeño que el Regenerating Wind y por tanto es algo más difícil de apuntar, pero cura más.
Divine Explosion: Esta skill es un Aoe de 1 segundo de casteo que libera una esfera mágica directamente delante del priest (nivel 10). Si golpea directamente a múltiples monstruos, el daño de la explosión se extenderá entre los monstruos, pero si se usa contra un único objetivo, se inflingirá la misma cantidad de daño contra ese objetivo.
Priest - High Level SkillsA priest's level 1-10 arsenal of skills are truly their core, basic skills and upon leaving the Island of Dawn, a priest will have a fairly good sense of identity. The skills learned post level 10 serve to enhance the usefulness of the class, adding a run speed increase called Trot at level 12, a party summon skill at level 18 called Peer Summon and a skill that returns the priest?s party to the nearest camp at level 24 called Camp Return. To further increase their necessity in parties, around level 30 priests begin to receive a series of ?blessings? which are 15 minute duration party buffs. So far, the blessings give special effect resistance through Blessing of Endurance at level 30, critical strike resistance through Blessing of Agility at level 32, and HP regeneration through Blessing of Regeneration at level 32. Given these great party skills, one may easily predict that each five man group will seek a priest as they level.
A look at later spells also shows that in addition to being all around resourceful, priests will continue to add to their healing abilities as they level. At level 16, the priest will learn their first lock-on heal. Aimed with the cross-hair, Healing Light allows the priest to send a directly targeted ally within 15 meters a powerful but fairly mana intensive heal. At level 14 they receive the all important Resurrect skill.
Although they appear quite powerful ? and truly they are ? one must remember priests are clothed in low-defense robes. Because of this, they are very susceptible to taking hard hits and thus, must have some counter. Soaring Attack learned at level 20 is the answer to a situation in which a priest is knocked back and unable to heal in PvE or PvP. It allows the priest to rise up and attack the enemy on a 12 second cooldown. At the same level, priests also gain the powerful instant skill, Awake. When cast, this skill helps up one knocked-back ally within 20 meters of the priest, increasing their usefulness in a group PvP situation, but also in difficult PvE environments where enemies do have a tendency to use skills that knock-back players.
Slayer es una de las clases más temidas de ver en el campo de batallas. Es un combatienente portador de una gran espada, capaz de esquivar ataques y causar daño a gran distancia. Sin embargo, lo que le falta en velocidad lo compensa con sus habilidades muy temidas en batalla PvP.
Rol: Daño cuerpo a cuerpo.
Arma: Espada de dos manos.
Armadura: Ligera.
(hasta nivel 10 más o menos)
Combo Attack: Es una habilidad en el que el Slayer avanzará hacia adelante con un golpe de su espadón. En cada giro ininterrumpido, los ataques del combo van ganando más fuerza y haciendo más daño hasta llegar a los 4 ataques ganando maná.
Rushing Dodge: Es una maniobra evasiva del Slayer. El Slayer puede saltar hacia adelante para evitar un ataque gastando mana, cada 4 segundos con esta skill.
Whirlwind: Aprendido a nivel 2, es un ataque en AoE en el que el Slayer arremolina su espadón en una rápida ráfaga de 360 grados. Si es interrumpido, se cancelará.
Trip Attack: Es un ataque frontal de gran daño con un cooldown de 8 segundos (nivel 6). Esta skill tiene una alta probabilidad de derribar al objetivo.
Slayer - High Level Skills
As the Slayer levels, they gain skills that increase their PvP viability. At level 12, Soaring Attack allows the Slayer to recover from knockbacks and counter attack the enemy. Also affecting PvP, at level 26 the class receives a Dash skill which currently increases the Slayer’s movement speed by 100% for 10 seconds. This could help the player in many PvP situations such as to escape melee range and return to it quickly or to get out of the line of a spellcaster’s fire.
Slayers also receive a few more high-damage dealing offensive abilities as they level. At level 16, they gain Smash and the passive damage increase to knocked back targets, Smash Intensified which, when coupled together, allow the Slayer to leap forward instantly with a large, lethal blow. At level 28, they also gain Decisive Slash which is a highly powerful, 1.2 second cast time attack. When Decisive Slash is used after Whirlwind, Smash, Trip Attack, or the last hit of a series of Combo Attacks, its cast time is decreased, forcing the player to choose the proper moment for this skill’s use.
Although Slayers may seem similar to Berserkers, at level 36 they receive a skill that seems to greatly differentiate them from their heavy-armored friends. According to its tooltip, Vicious Stance alows the Slayer to agilely approach the target’s back looking for a blind spot, making it sound almost like a backstab skill. How this maneuver actually works will be interesting to learn about!
Los Sorcerers utilizan la esencia del poder de las clases mágicas. A pesar de su reducida defensa debido al uso de armaduras de tela, poseen la capacidad de lanzar poderosos ataques mágicos. Su habilidad para aturdir y rechazar enemigos los hacen letales y dificiles de derrotar.
Rol: Daño a distancia.
Arma: Disco.
Armadura: Tela.
(hasta nivel 10 más o menos)
Fireball: Es un ataque básico asignado por defecto al click izquierdo del ratón. Esta habilidad debe ser lanzada en dirección al enemigo.
Ice Needle: Es una habilidad que da la posibilidad de hacer retroceder a un grupo de enemigos dandonos una gran ventaja, permitiendonos maximizar la distancia entre el taumaturgo y el enemigo. Asignada ala tecla "C" por defecto.
Mana Boost: Proporciona una recuperacion de maná sobre el tiempo. El efecto puede cancelarse al recibir daño o al usar otra habilidad.
Blastball: Es una habilidad que concentra una enorme cantidad de energía en una esfera enorme, dando como resultado una poderosa barrera capaz de hacer retroceder y aturdir al enemigo.
Flame Column: Esta habilidad de cuerpo a cuerpo libera una columna de llamas frente al sorcerer causando una cantidad moderada de daño, básicamente sirve para defenderse cuerpo a cuerpo.
Contract of Wreck: Es una habilidad que acumula una cierta cantidad de poder y lo transfiere a su disco, concediendole poder adicional para su siguiente ataque.
Backstep: Sirve para esquivar un ataque y otorgar al taumaturgo una posibilidad de alejarse del rango melé.
Sorcerer - High Level Skills
The classes gameplay slightly changes due to the very useful trap skill Seal of Thunderbolt. This skill has a chance to stun the enemy upon trap activation, rendering the enemy immobile for a short period. This grants more time for the sorcerer to plan another wave of attacks. This skill can also be used as a helping tool to stun enemies attacking your group member(s). The main role of the sorcerer remains the same, this class also receives a whole arsenal of powerful damage dealing skills.
The sorcerers will often initiate their attack with the Blastball in combination with Contract of Wreck. It is harder to cast a fully charged Blastball during on-going battle, as the skill requires a certain safe distance between the enemy and the caster in order to gain full power. Contract of Wreck amplifies the damage giving this first blow a great deal of power. Most of the time this brings small minions close to death and the caster can either use Fireball and finish each mob single handily or cast Ice Needle to create a piercing damage killing most of the enemies.
A sorcerer must keep his distance from the enemy at all costs. Flame Column might be a very useful tool but only recommended to use on enemies with a very low health, it’s a perfect skill to finish off an enemy who remains alive after the sorcerer’s main attack wave. Backstep will play a major role in the sorcerer’s survivability, it would be very wise to shortcut this skill on a key with quick accessibility.
As many of us know, the sorcerer is nothing without its mana, luckily Mana Boost grants the sorcerer a brilliant ability to restore its mana during and/or after a fight. Most sorcerers will cast this skill on a tactical moment in order to keep their mana pool in top shape.
Los Warriors confían en su velocidad y sus dos espadas. Son capaces de evadir los ataques del enemigo y contrarrestarlos rápidamente. La destreza de sus movimientos y las rápidas evasivas hacen que sea tarea fácil para un warrior mantener el nivel de amenaza, a la vez que evitan cualquier daño. Rápidos para tomar decisiones y todavía más rápidos para empuñar sus espadas, los warrior nunca se retiran del campo de batalla.
Rol en grupo: Tanque especial, tanque de apoyo.
Arma: Espadas gemelas
Armadura: Ligera.
(hasta nivel 10 más o menos)
Combo Attack: Asignada al botón izquierdo del ratón por defecto, Combo Attack es la skill más básica del Warrior. Con cada click, el Warrior ataca hacia adelente con sus espadas, cada movimiento consecutivo aumentando el daño inflingido, así hasta cuatro veces.
Rushing Dodge: Ws una skill defensiva básica en el combate del Warrior. Asignada a la tecla "C" por defecto, el Warrior es capaz de esquivar un ataque recibido saltando hacia adelante. Cuesta maná y no tiene CD.
Blustering Strike: El Warrior se mueve hacia adelante con una serie de ataques consecutivos, y de gran daño. Tiempo de casteo 1s.
Stunning Roar: Es una habilidad que se aprende a nivel 6, es capaz de aturdir a los enemigos cercanos, obteniendo así una ventaja contra un enemigo complicado.
Warrior - High Level Skills
As the warrior levels, its role most definately sees a dramatic change! At first however, between levels 12-16, their ability to deal damage and recover from deadly stuns is improved with the hard hitting Smash, the passive Smash Intensified and the useful Soaring Attack, which allows the warrior to stand up and counter an attack after being stunned.
Beginning at level 20, the warrior gains a few new skills that begin to flesh out the actual role of the class, which appears to be that of an evasion tank. The skill Dual Sword Dance, learned at level 20, is said to be a hard hitting consecutive attack that actually awards aggro. Elusive Strike at level 24, allows the warrior to evade attacks and become invincible for a time, while dealing a ‘surprise attack.’ At level 28, the skill, Venomous Blow allows the warrior to attack its target with a poised weapon, applying a damage over time (DoT) effect to the enemy.
Furthering their high level role as tanks, at level 30 a warrior may learn the skill Will of Iron which increases their defensive stat while draining their mana. At level 36, Will of Menace allows all skills to award more aggro at the cost of a mana drain.
Overall, the warrior is an interesting and fun class to play. Equipped with light armor, this class has the opportunity to redefine just what a tank is.
P.D: Las imágenes son de teralevelingguide.
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