Cancion del anuncio de Heiniken ( Benidor )


ola como se llama la cancion del anuncion de Heiniken del nuevo festival de benidor.. !! la musika q sale d fondo please


The Strokes - Room On Fire - 02 - Reptilia(1). Es la lexe yo la oigo un dia si y otro tambien xDDD.:D:D:D:D:D.Que la disfrutes.


me la toy bajando ya te dire !


asias es esa !! jefe !


De nada ;););)

Disfrutala q es muy wena :D:D:D


Heineken no Heiniken.


alguien sabe cual es la cancion de heineken pero del anuncio ese q llama una tia a la puerta se saludan y va el tio le dice q si quiere una cerveza y en la nevera tiene 2 de cada marca y segun le dice la tia elije la heineken o la otra marca? (q al final elije la otra marca)...? :D q mola muxo xD


Comodín del publico.



madre mia... benidorm dice!


#10 aro festival rocker de benidorm xd


¿Benidorm? 0_o

Aqui os la dejo, para los que os interese:

"He seemed impressed by the way you came in.
"Tell us a story
I know you're not boring"

I was afraid that you would not insist.
"You sound so sleepy
just take this, now leave me"

I said please don't slow me down
If I'm going too fast
You're in a strange part of our town...

Yeah, the night's not over
You're not trying hard enough,
Our lives are changing lanes
You ran me off the road,
The wait is over
I'm now taking over,
You're no longer laughing
I'm not drowning fast enough.

Now every time that I look at myself
"I thought I told you
this world is not for you"

The room is on fire as she's fixing her hair
"you sound so angry
just calm down, you found me"

I said please don't slow me down
If I'm going too fast
You're in a strange part of our town...

Yeah, the night's not over
You're not trying hard enough,
Our lives are changing lanes
You ran me off the road,
The wait is over
I'm now taking over,
You're no longer laughing
I'm not drowning fast enough"

Les debo mucho a los strokes, gracias a sus canciones me entran subidones de coca automaticos, sin la cara participación de esta ^^


Usuarios habituales

  • ManOwaR
  • BecK
  • maRc
  • psic0pat
  • slump
  • GryF
  • demoNy