Kanye West anuncia su nuevo album, June 1st


#30 Se hizo en 2h para la radio.


Parece que esta va a ser la portada del disco con el título "LOVE EVERYONE".


Making of ye vs the people http://www.kanyewest.com
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Bueno, me dispongo a ver la entrevista más importante de los últimos 5 años.

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Sobrevaloradisimo, metido en el mundillo Kardashian y colega de Trump ¡Puag!

1 respuesta

como si le come la polla a trump los domingos en la hora de la merienda. Que siga haciendo música, es lo que me importa.

1 respuesta

#36 Dice que su próximo objetivo es construir ciudades, esta empezando a construir una urbanización en unas tierras que ha comprado y quiero tirar por ahí.

1 respuesta

#35 Full Summary :

  • Had a breakdown, but calls it a breakthrough
  • Credits exhaustion, robbery, not being on the radio (jealous of Khalid and Drake's radio success)
  • Was 45 min late to a Fashion Meeting/Show and they roasted him, he felt like they were calling him (N*gger)
  • Didn't go to therapy, uses his friends and aquaintences as his therapists
  • Says he thinks some of his breakdown had some elements that was amazing (references Out of Body experience in Saint Pablo)
  • Thinks if a white publication uses the term rapper, he thinks it's not complimentary
  • Wants to remove the stigma off the word "crazy"
  • Says he is not media trained, and he might not say the right thing always, but he is saying what he exactly feels at the time
  • Jay didn't give him money so to speak, Live Nation gave it to him as a touring deal, says he didn't like how Jay phrased that
  • However, Jay cosigned for him with Live Nation
  • Says Jay did something good for him, but it's the way he did it or the attitude he did it with
  • He says he doesn't know who he can trust
  • He says Jay did the diss in a brotherly way, says Jay could have dissed him way worse if he wanted to
  • Says he is "good" with Jay, they haven't seen each other but they tweet
  • He says he did WTT in service to Jay, "his idol"
  • When asked about Jay saying Ye went too far talking about his family, he says If him and Jay are "brothers" then Jay's fam is his fam and it's not too far, but if they are business associates, then it did go too far
  • Says he was very hurt that they didn't show up to the wedding
  • Says he doesn't know why they didn't come
  • Never asked them why they didn't come, Charla asks why he didn't ask, and he says he doesn't think the answer fixes it
  • Says he's big on going from your gut, not thinking so much, like in sports or karate
  • The universe will assist you when you're "acting in love"
  • Mentioned bitcoin lol
  • Says there is no "bad" and there are no "enemies". That even peope who want to kill you aren't your enemy.
  • Doesn't know if he will write a book or just a "stream"
  • Loves the word and concept of stream
  • Retired using @kanyewest email
  • Says he's glad he made it to 39 expressing himself
  • Lost his confidence when he went to the hospital
  • Never had the empathy for people who had lost self confidence, since he never experienced it before
  • He stopped speaking up, even at the next fashion show
  • He thinks the next fashion show got better reviews because he didn't speak up and that's what they wanted, someone with less confidence
  • He says if the media said "Ye fucked a goat (literal quote)" it would not take his confidence from him normally
  • Seems to only refers to the breakdown as a "breakthrough"
  • Thinks the humility helped him to grow, previously thought of it as negative
  • Now doesn't believe in positive or negative
  • He wants to push future concepts other than racism
  • Agrees there is still racism, but wants to push forward
  • He wants to use bitcoin when he saw seeing Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill, doesn't want to be kept reminded of slavery
  • He thinks the issues of slavery are too far in the past thats why they can talk about it, but not about modern economic empowerment
  • Basketball and Rap are someone else's industry, so you are always a player
  • Thinks that the world needed to see that Obama was a possibility, thinks perhaps the world needs to see Virgil could be in the position at LV
  • Thinks attempting things are good just to put the idea out, maybe inspire someone else
  • He felt that he especially let the black people working in the hospital down, like he was sort of deified a bit for black people especially and that he let them down
  • He felt when he met Trump ppl looked at him like Clayton Bixby (Chapelle thing)
  • Many ppl told him not to say anything positive about Trump
  • We was asked why is George Bush more racist than Trump, and Kanye said racism isn't a deal breaker for him or he wouldn't live in America
  • He says he felt like Obama's image was too perfect
  • Says he thinks Obama is like "Nike" not willing for too much change
  • Thinks he has some karma waiting on him for dissing Mark Parker @ Nike cause they gave him his first shot, and he'll accept it
  • Was heartbreaking to have to leave Nike, but had to cause they refused to give him royalty on the shoe
  • They would only give proceeds from the shoe to Ye's favorite charity
  • Final straw was when his friend who owned a store and was getting royalties off his shoe (not sure how) but he couldn't get royalties
  • Says YEEZY was $15m a few years ago and now he's gonna hit $1bn
  • Says he has the phone number of the CEO of Adidas but Mark Parker won't even take a call with him
  • Charla says if that's the case I don't think Ye should apologize and Ye sort of says yeah
  • Obama met with Kanye and his mom before he was gonna run cause Obama said that Kanye was his favorite artist of all time

  • Calls himself the best artist of all time, of all time upto this date, better than Michael Jackson, Howard Hughes Prince, Disney, Jobs, he feels the truth is he is greater than anyone ever of all time LOL

  • He was pretty upset about Obama calling him a jackass, and never called him to say sorry or anything,

  • He felt bad that Obama said that Kanye is his favorite artist, that he played touch the sky at the inauguration, but now he only invites people like Kendrick and Jay, but won't tell the world he loves Ye, just only put out that that he's a jackass

  • In general he was pretty upset about that whole comment

  • Felt that Obama thought that Kanye wasn't "safe"

  • Says he doesn't know if it's true or not that Beyonce refused not to perform at the VMAs unless she won, that someone told him but he didn't hear it from Beyonce herself

  • He says he thinks Obama didn't appreciate Kanye's purity

  • He thinks he could be President one day

  • He understands why it could be that Obama didn't fix Chicago, but he also has feelings about it, so it's complex

  • He says Obama left a fundraiser Kanye held right before Kanye performed, and it also hurt him

  • He says "HE'S BEEN FEELING A WAY" x 10 cause of Obama's actions towards him

  • He feels Obama could have just said something to him and said that he appreciates Ye

  • He says he isn't backing down about meeting Trump, says he would meet again with him today and talk about Chicago first, and other elements

  • He believes that Trump might have to break some things in order to get real stuff down, unlike Obama who had the appearance of things looking good (paraphrasing/implying)

  • He thinks the idea of black perfection is a form of control, that a Black person has to be perfect in the public eye, and that Ye is here to show the imperfections and the beauty is in the imperfection

  • Thinks that Virgil going to LV is a big deal cause he was trained from Donda instead of going to one of the two elite fashion schools

  • Seems like he might have wanted Virgil to stay with him, says he knows people know to be sensitive with him when giving information about stuff like that (going to LV, versace), once he heard that he's going to LV he showed him the new yeezy season and new stuff going on etc

  • Says it's all good Virgil leaving

  • He says it's hurtful for Virgil and Demna to leave

  • Thinks people are trying to buy security through a brand (Don't mess with me in highschool, I'm wearing supreme)

  • Thinks that people are trying to buy validation

  • He says he wants YEEZY to be a relief company, when there is a disaster, they will clothe people... and give them water

  • He wants YEEZY to be the biggest service provider of apparel

  • Says he won't take a position at a fashion house

  • Says that the Music Industry isn't setup for artists to have a lot of money, just enough to have money with a car, and to stay on tour for life

  • Music Industry is like boxing, more people end up retarded than rich

  • Mark Zuckerberg wanted to meet with Ye, met with him but there was no follow up with anything

  • Didn't want to help him get an evaluation for his company

  • Says he just cant be managed

  • Says Scooter Braun is jewish so he understands business but can communicate to a black person, cause his brother is adopted black

  • Calls Scooter Braun his gateway drug to business

  • He thinks that it could also be the death of the Music Industry

  • Says that music artists are businesses and should have CEOs

  • He thinks that Travis Scott should have the same number of employees as Dropbox in the first year, so that he can IPO

  • He thinks 360 deals makes him think of Harriet Tubman, it's some slave shit

  • He bought 300 acres, and is going to make his first community, that he's super into making homes

  • About Trump, he says he loves real change, people who challenge norms, says he loves people who don't love Trump as well and that they are expressing yourself

  • Ye thinks that his mom may like Trump Charla said that he refuses to believe that Ye's Mom would love Trump, Ye says he isn't sure about that

  • He says he doesn't have all the answers that a celebrity isn't supposed to have, but when Trump was running he felt something, and cause he won, he felt that anything is possible in America

  • He says that when Ye first announced that he was gonna run, that people in his camp was making jokes and making fun of him, but now he feels it's possible

  • He connected with Trump being an outsider infiltrating

  • He says his mix could be the Trump campaign and the Bernie Sanders principles

  • He was scared being taken to the hospital, he thought that they were going to kill him, because he told his friend to promise not to leave him and then they left his side

  • That moment was super traumatizing, and when he woke up they put him on meds

  • He refuses to say what meds he is on but he most definitely on them

  • Says the meds are an imperfect solution, but it calms him down

  • Says he wants to create music that is theraputic, like "Real Friends"

  • Asked about whether the Kardashians and the lifestyle affected his breakdown,

  • Asked if he trusts his in-laws and if they will turn his life and what he's going through into a storyline

  • Says he has to give a slick answer cause he has he to go home

  • Says he likes how his wife documents things

  • Asked what would the College Dropout Kanye would think about things, answered he he would be satisfied and that he would believe the success, that he always believed it

  • Says he's gonna be one of the biggest real estate developers of all time, as big as Hughes and Ford

  • He's planning to develop cities (final line in the interview)


#34 "Ver más tarde" con un café como una catedral


#37 barrio de famosos, pa la familia kardashian,sus colegas... una beverly hills pa la to la crew

1 respuesta

#41 https://twitter.com/madebythrd/status/991820253100494848

Ya lo dijo ye hace 10 años, rule nº1 no te creas nada que veas en tv.



Skit de Gambino sobre Kanye en la SNL, buenisimo xdddddd

9 días después

Tracklist y preview

9 días después

Pusha T tremendo.

El siguiente es Kanye's solo.


Alguna forma de escuchar la listening party o es privada? Si hay alguien stremeandolo por directo en insta y eso que se haga saber

1 respuesta

#46 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tv.wavmusic.android
iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wav-watch-the-music/id1133388943



No comentemos hasta el release official porque puede cambiar todo el disco xd

1 1 respuesta

#48 thanks!


a kanye se le va, 2 horas enseñando animales, una candela y un monte... por qué no ha empezado el stream 2 horas más tarde y ya? En fin, me pongo a escucharlo ahora, no aguanté 2 horas haciendo nada.

Me busco un zip rápido, del stream sólo quería ver memes de kanye bailando con la crew


Esta fuera.

1 comentario moderado

Primero de sus discos que es una mierda grande

1 respuesta

#53 Tranquilo Yeezus, MBDTF fueron peor acogidos las primeras semanas.

Me parece top 5 ye. Musicalmente es top.

Más complejo y profundo que 808s.
Más personal que TLOP y Yeezus.
Más CDO / Samples cadencia/flow.
Menos accesible.

Es muy minimalista, los temas en progreso seguro que tenían varias capas más de instrumentos. La mayoría de temas que salen producidos por Kanye suelen llegar a los 6-8 minutos y luego se cortan a 2-4 min. Rick Rubin paso la tijera como siempre xd.
Los drums son muy colorados y los patrones muy a la cara.
Las transiciones son a la cara como en ITAKY o creando tensión como en Wouldn't Leave.
Outros como en Ghost Town o Yikes.

Tremendo despliegue, muy complejo por dentro, muy destripado de cosas innecesarias. La letra igual, de frases más duras personales, a las tonterías de toda la vida.

En 7 temas encajar una paleta tan variada de sonidos y texturas es completísimo pero vamos, es la historia de siempre, cuando Kanye lo hace nunca es suficiente luego solo hace falta que alguien coja una idea del disco y la repita y ése tío es un crack. La gente actúa como si hacer 3 beat switch en un tema es fácil o no es nada del otro mundo cuando no hay nadie creando contenido como Kanye lo hace. xd Daytona era la polla pero éste disco tiene beats "inacabados". Ahora lo de minimalismo y destripar sonidos parece que se aplica a quien quiere, da igual que sea el mismo productor xd

Hyped para KSG.

2 respuestas

No está mal


#54 Menudo análisis, te como la polla desu.

Muy de acuerdo con la mayoría de cosas, sobretodo recalcar los puntos de que es un disco muy personal y difícil de coger a la primera, segunda o tercera escucha y que musicalmente es magia, hace puras virguerias con los samples.

@desu fuiste tu el que analizo todos los discos de Ye en el antiguo hilo del Rap?

1 respuesta
24 días después

#54 Hey, no haces analisis de los demas discos producidos por ye?

1 respuesta

#56 Si. #57 Podría.