#210 Bueno, cuando las máquinas lo produzcan todo, ese todo será para el dueño de las máquinas.
Ya que el mundo se ha repartido antes de que yo llegara aquí, pues creo que tendré derecho a reclamar un trocito del pastel cuando llegue el momento, al igual que todos. No me atrae el sufrimiento propio ni ajeno, y no veo muchas alternativas.
[quote=David Autor, Why Are There Still So Many Jobs?
The History and Future of Workplace
Automation]A final point, typically neglected in recent dismal prophesies of machine-human
substitution, is that if human labor is indeed rendered superfluous by automation,
then our chief economic problem will be one of distribution, not of scarcity. The
primary system of income distribution in market economies is rooted in labor scarcity;
citizens possess (or acquire) a bundle of valuable “human capital” that, due to
its scarcity, generates a flow of income over the career path. If machines were in fact
to make human labor superfluous, we would have vast aggregate wealth but a serious
challenge in determining who owns it and how to share it. One might presume that
with so much wealth at hand, distribution would be relatively straightforward to
resolve. But history suggests that this prediction never holds true. There is always
perceived scarcity and ongoing conflict over distribution, and I do not expect that
this problem will become any less severe as automation advances. [/quote]