Pues ha sucedido hoy mismo en Novosibirsk.
Esto es lo que pasa cuando un motor revienta, y las piezas que están girando a altísima velocidad (los álabes de los compresores y turbinas) salen disparadas hacia afuera, rompiendo otras partes del avión y afectando a otros sistemas.
En este caso, un Antonov 124, uno de los mayores aviones del mundo, y cargado hasta arriba de combustible y 85 toneladas de carga, ha sufrido el fallo catastrófico del motor número 2, ha dejado inoperativo el sistema eléctrico, ha creado problemas en el hidráulico, y ha afectado al control del motor número 1, haciendo que éste estuviera con la potencia fija al 70%, creando problemas de simetría, alta velocidad en la aproximación... etc...
Básicamente los pilotos se han quedado a ciegas, han tenido que tirar de lo más básico (potencia y actitud de morro) para adivinar su velocidad, y volver al aeropuerto sin poder declarar siquiera emergencia, porque no funcionaban ni las radios. Se salieron de pista por la alta velocidad y los problemas hidráulicos, pero ha quedado en un susto.
The second engine exploded and cut electric wires, so we lost all the electricity. And we returned to the aerodrome of departure on an airplane having a total electric failure. We lost all the communication, both intra-cockpit and with the ATC. We just gained 300m altitude at that point. We were a crew of 6, and other technical crew of 8, they were in the rear cabin. We took a decision to return to the aerodrome of departure, visually, we tried to establish visual communication but that didn’t work. We took a decision to land on RWY25, since it was a critical situation and we took a decision to land as soon as possible. Since we didn’t have a lot of altitude and excess of thrust too. There was a complete electric failure, brakes didn’t work, reverse didn’t work either since the wires were cut. The landing was soft, there was no damage during the touchdown, all the damage was due to the runway excursion. The gauges in the cockpit didn’t work, from the angle of attack we figured out the speed was about 280, it was a calculated airspeed. We haven’t even raised the flaps at that time, just raised the gears and we heard a bang. We still had control, but the electrical system failed completely.