Confirmado por investigadores de Stanford y 4C Air: tenerlas 30 minutos en un horno a 70 °C las esteriliza prácticamente sin pérdida de eficiencia de filtración.
4C Air confirmed all the proposed treatments have killed corona viruses. Labs have no way to test COVID-19 directly and as an accepted protocol, E. Coli is used for testing. We asked what methods can be used to decontaminate the facial mask for reuse safely and without loss to filtration efficiency. 4C Air confirms using 70 degree C hot air in an oven for 30min, or hot water vapor are additional effective decontamination methods.
In summary bleach and microwaves were failures at point of care because the bleachgases (skin and respiratory irritants) remained after multiple strategies were used toremove them, the microwave melted the masks and soaking them first led to reducedfiltration. EtO, UVGI, and hydrogen peroxide decontamination were safe and effective inthe models tested but it is not known if they would retain filtration, material strength,and airflow integrity with repeated use. EtO, UVGI, and hydrogen peroxide limitationsinclude time from decontamination to reuse and available space and materials todecontaminate in an OR setting. 70C /158F heating in an oven for 30min, or hot watervapor from boiling water for 10 min, are additional effective decontamination methods.