Top-income women are much more likely to have partners who are also in the top of the income distribution. Out of the top-1% women who are married, 70% have a partner who is at least in the top 10% (and about 30% are also in the top 1%).
For married top-1% men, only 30% have a partner who is in the top 10%, and only a couple of percentage points are in the top 1% (see Boschini et al. 2020 for more details).
Curioso cuanto menos, la diferencia es bastante significativa, si bien la tendencia se está revirtiendo.
Qué factores creéis que son los determinantes de esta diferencia?
Qué factores creéis que están favoreciendo el cambio de tendencia en los últimos 20 años?
Son las mujeres más reticentes a emparejarse con alguien con un estatus económico inferior?