
#1 Solo con Leer que el responsable es un tal "Maikel".... Denuncialo pero de fijo vamos, en la comisaria mas cercana pero ya mismo eh.


#1 Sí, booking siempre se porta de puta madre, tanto con los clientes como con los hoteles que trabajan con ellos. Trabajo en una recepción, y booking de todos los intermediarios es el más accesible a la hora de resolver problemas que pueden surgir.

Tienes que denunciarlos sí o sí.


#26 porque su padre le puso maikel y no miguel, y lo hizo porque le salio de los cojones


#1 Este es Michael?

1 respuesta

tienen página de fb

1 respuesta

Menudos hijos de puta, has hecho perfecto poniéndolo aquí para avisar a los demás y que se lleve la mala publicidad que se merece.

Que tengas suerte con la denuncia a estos hijos de puta y una pena que se hayan truncado tus vacaciones.


Ole por booking.

Menealo niño!

#35 ningún comentario, suspicious.

Se aprovecharán de guiris.


Maikel ens roba

3 1 respuesta

Si dudas si denunciarlo es que no te ha timado lo suficiente.

PD: #14 + #38


No os atrae la idea de ir a las oficinas de Novasol a verle la face al Maikel ese?





Porque es España, donde llamamos JAMES a un tío cuando debería pronunciarse JEIMS.

Cada vez que oigo JAMES me sangran los oídos.



4 meses después

Esta empresa Novasol trabaja a nivel europeo,llevo muchos tiempo con ellos y las cosas no son como las dices,los clientes nunca tratan con los propietarios,nunca,solo nosotras,las que damos las llaves y limpiamos las casas,si tú hubieras hecho la reserva directamente con Novasol,ellos serian los responsables,pero lo hicistes con booking y sin embargo desprestigias a Novasol,a mi personalmente,nunca me ha pasado nada asi con ningún cliente,pequeñas cosas como que se estropea la cisterna,se funde una bombilla,cosas asi,pero siempre que ellos han llegado a la casa,yo estaba alli y la casa limpia.Lo que haya hecho booking es responsabe él. Es que estás jugando con el trabajo de muchas personas.

6 respuestas

Seguramente será extranjero y ese sea su nombre.


Por lo pronto eso de Te llamo, y no llamarme.. me repatea tanto como para huir de novasol solo con leerlo. saludos.


#43 Buen intento.


#1 ¿Cómo quedó la cosa?


Dale duro kAm1


#43 foro equivocado. Fijate que yo ni vi el hilo en verano y ahora ya estáis en la blacklist de empresas cancer de sida.


#43 Espera que ahora te creo, a la blacklist de empresas de mierda.


#43 gracias por reflotar el hilo, ahora yo tambien estoy al tanto de como funcionais, tu jefe debe estar tela de contento xD


#43 es Maikel! A POR ÉL!


#43 Vetado de por vida, con empresas de mierda no se trata. Me hacen a mi lo que a #1 bajando también de Gijón y del apartamento en que me metas no te quedan ni los tabiques


que putada, menos mal que al final se soluciono xD


Primero yo no soy Mikel, ni tengo el placer de conocerlo,soy una mujer que tengo dos hijos a los que mantener,mi zona es Alicante y si he escrito es porque no es verdad todo lo que dicen aquí,quizás booking trabaja por amor al arte y pone dinero de su bolsillo,eso no se lo creo ni dios!!!,si él lo soluciono es porque era su responsabilidad....De todas formas visto lo visto ,la educación que hay en este foro,donde lo primero es insultar y faltar el respeto,me alegro que el 98% de las reservas sean de extranjeros,de hecho,gracias a Dios,el año pasado yo,que llevo 15 casas y todas en perfectas condiciones,no tuve ni un cliente español,todos extranjeros...Definitivamente este es un país de borregos!.
Que os vaya muy bien a todos!

11 respuestas

Creando imagen de marca.


#55 Te hemos pillado Maikel, déjalo ya.

1 comentario moderado

#55 lo diras por ti, estafador


#55 Ojalá te quedes tú sin trabajo paleta. Que vivís de timar a extranjeros que están acostumbrados a hoteles de mierda. Te dejo unas opiniones de extranjeros de los que tratáis muy bien.

"Very bad experience

Novasol is arrogant. Houses are bad. They will not help customers. They lie to customers. They will make customers pay as much as possible. Never again Novasol"

"Do not use Novasol

We rented a house from Novasol in Croatia this summer and to be honest, we had in general good experience, even though there were a few bumps on the way. In the end of the week we wanted to go through the house together with the houseowner so we could get our deposit back (which we paid in cash) but she did not have time and promised several times that she would never fool us etc etc. After 5 (unanswered) calls and two e-mails we contacted Novasol instead. We were quite upset so we stated all the problems we have had with the house in a list. I want to emphasize that a lot of the things below, like lack of TV and washing machine really do not bother us at all, but as we did not get the deposit back we wanted to state all the flaws.
1) no deposit back
Reply Novasol: the house owner found damages on a locker and granite plate.
Comment: it is a lie, and there is nothing we can do about it, word against word.
2) One out of three floors on the description is not available to the customer so the house is smaller in reality.
Reply Novasol: True, and we’re sorry. Will be taken it out from the description
3) Should be two kitchens not one (one was on the missing floor according to house map)
Reply Novasol: There are two kitchens, one close to the gym area.
Comment: Ok, if by “kitchen” you mean “fridge”.
4) One bathroom out of four was out of use:
Reply Novasol: The house owner admits they had problem with a bathroom but this was on the floor not available for the guest so it should not have been a problem.
Comment: This reply is so stupid! Of course we did not mean the bathroom we had no access to and hence have no idea whether it was working or not, we mean one of the four bathroom we did have access to: it was moldy to a quite extreme extent plus the drain was blocked.
5) Washing machine did not work.
Novasol: House owner regrets you did not tell her at once, and then they would have fixed it. Novasol wants to point out that it is important and according to the contract, to notify immediately on these types of issues.
Comment: We did not have to tell the house owner as this was one of the first things she told us when showing us the house….
6) No TV:s in the house, should be 2.
Novasol: There is 3 working TV:s in the house
Comment: No there weren’t. (word against word again…)
7) One table missing so we could not sit all 10 together. Did get one after a few reminders.
Novasol: agreed with our comment.
8) The beach was not 250 metres away, rather the double
Novasol: all distances are measured in straight line (as the crow flies)
Comment: Still not 250 metres.

We actually did get some money back from Novasol (about 85 Euro), so we seem to be more lucky than most of the people in here. However, it really annoys me that we were not trusted at all, and that they take for granted that all the things the house owner claimed was true but nothing of what we said.
Novasol actually mentioned that we would have had the right to the double of the compensation, if it wasn’t for us breaking this granite plate. Well…

Novasol: one tip for next time: Just say: very sorry for the inconvenience, please accept these 3,5% kick back, instead of trying to explaining in detail exactly how untrustworthy we are: what you actually say is that we are lying on most of the topics! Not great customer care…."

"Huge quality problems

We rented what was described in the internet catalogue as a 'single house in a large garden' in southern Italy. When we arrived there it turned out to be merely an apartment in a big complex, no garden at all, and with italian families having a noisy good time until late at night. Of course it was the weekend when we moved in and our complaints to Novasol ended at their swedish hotline.
We finally got called back on the Sunday by their italian agent who promised to offer an alternative. Unfortunately, there was none available in a 100km radius and we moved out to another house we had found ourselves.
Novasol admitted in writing that they had a 'quality assurance' problem in the italian branch, and finally they offered a refund of 20% for the inconvenience that we had to look for a new house while already there on vacation.
It took us almost 2 years in court to get the money back.
Stay away from Novasol if you want to avoid this experience"


I can´t tell you about the services if you are the owner but if you are the guess what I can assure is that as soon as they got the money you won´t hear nothing of them anymore.

I rented a property in Austria last on January 2011, what they describe in the picture nothing but lies, we tried to contact them via email and they never answered. They offered wifi, chimenee,central heating. Finally we got a studio inside a farm house with no heat and problems with hot water, no wifi for sure but a Hifi stero music set aged 25 years... awful!!

We never reach to contact Novasol altough they asked for the full price almost 2 months in advance.

I will never recommend them or rely them once more"

Timan a la gente por toda Europa y esto tiene que saberse. Trabajas en una empresa de mierda que intenta timar, y por lo tanto eres la misma calaña que ellos. Internet está petado de quejas y de gente que ha demandado/denunciado a la compañia, así que no se trata de un caso aislado.

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