¿Qué elemento químico eres?


Doble test:



Okcupid: Plomo
Pb... Lead
You scored 59 Mass, 29 Electronegativity, 34 Metal, and 10 Radioactivity!
You are a byproduct of radioactive decay... I don't know how to interpret that. Anyway, you're absolutely fixed in how you approach life, but it is really all okay to you. You're like that guy who flew too close to the sun, achieved omniscience for a couple seconds, and then forgot everything while returning to Earth only to spend the rest of his days as a blind man with a distant alien wisdom and sadness in his vacant eyes. You probably really love kids, but know to stay away from them because some aspect of your otherworldly nature makes them sick... especially when they eat you in the form of paint chips.

quizilla: Oxígeno
You are Oxygen, the Sustainer. Oxygen sustains most living things. People look to you for support, and you are the best from whom they could get it. You spread yourelf thin helping everyone, but no one seems to appreciate it. Your important job goes unnoticed and unthanked many a time.


No entiendo el inglés.

PD: Saber sé, pero si no dejan a los catalanes escribir en catalán me solidarizo con ellos.


You are Hydrogen [H], the desparate. You are
<br>alone, but you don't want to be. You want
<br>desparately to find someone like yourself to
<br>bond with, and you don't know what you will
<br>do if you don't find that person. Never
<br>fear, they're out there.


Maldita las ganas que tengo de hacer un test en inglés pF, me quede en la pregunta 7 u 8, :_).

A ver si más tarde tengo ganas ya edito.

Del 2º:

You are Carbon , the Backbone. Carbon is the basis for all living things. Its ability to make many, stable bonds makes it ideal for this purpose. You have many friends, and they all look up to you. You are important to them. You have many sides, however. Like Carbon, you can take several forms, an ability which you may use to inflate your friend-making capacity.

Del 1º:

Yttrium? Yttrium??? You're messing with me, right? That's not a real element. Really? If you say so. Okay... how about: You are really a solitary creature, and you're somewhat set in your ways. You work, consciously or subconsciously, towards the betterment of society, but I guess you do this by befriending it's strangest elements. You're kind of a spaceman/woman, but in the end you're allright. You should try to be with the benign weirdos of the world because, by goodness, no one else will. Oh, it says here that you are abundant on the moon. Interpret as you will.

You scored higher than 59% on Mass
You scored higher than 13% on Electroneg
You scored higher than 75% on Metal
You scored higher than 0% on Radioactivity




You are Sodium, the Explosive. Sodium explodes on contact with air or water. Similarly, it doesn't take much to get you going in a rage. You really need to lighten up.


You are Lead, the Poisonous. You don't like people, and you let them know. Your comments are quick, sharp, caustic, and they leave a lasting mark. Without even knowing it, someone on your hitlist will slowly be weakened by your psychological poison.

You scored 45 Mass, 15 Electronegativity, 65 Metal, and 10 Radioactivity!
Yttrium? Yttrium??? You're messing with me, right? That's not a real element. Really? If you say so. Okay... how about: You are really a solitary creature, and you're somewhat set in your ways. You work, consciously or subconsciously, towards the betterment of society, but I guess you do this by befriending it's strangest elements. You're kind of a spaceman/woman, but in the end you're allright. You should try to be with the benign weirdos of the world because, by goodness, no one else will. Oh, it says here that you are abundant on the moon. Interpret as you will.


You scored 23 Mass, 24 Electronegativity, 77 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity!
Oooohaaaaah.... shiny! You probably have an incredibly stable and well-maintained group of friends... that probably also don't get out much either. You're not one to get bogged down by a problem. Of course, I'm basing this upon Chromium's ultra-low water-exchange constant and it 's corrosion-resistant properties, and I wouldn't be too surprised if the analogy doesn't even apply.

You are Carbon , the Backbone. Carbon is the
basis for all living things. Its ability to
make many, stable bonds makes it ideal for
this purpose. You have many friends, and they
all look up to you. You are important to
them. You have many sides, however. Like
Carbon, you can take several forms, an
ability which you may use to inflate your
friend-making capacity.


You are Silver, the Lustrous. You are dreamy, and full of hope. Silver is the most lustrous of the elements, and the most conductive as well, so most things just go straight through you. People are dazzled by your charm, but you really don't care. You're too busy landscaping your dream house, or planning your wedding with your soulmate, or driving your dream car through a diamond snow on the planet Neptune. Your eyes can mesmerize.

Vamos, nada que no sepa.

EDIT: Lol, hago otro de la misma web sobre compuestos químicos y me dice exactamente lo mismo :S.
You are Luciferase. Luciferase is the enzyme that makes fireflies glow, and likewise, you glow with a charismatic light. People are drawn to your charm, your dreaminess, your romantic aura, and your way with words. You are a poet, a writer, a composer, an artist, or something of the sort. You daydream alot, constantly staring into space, and this confuses people, but they still like you, even though you really don't care. You have little use for superficial things, and only open up to close friends. You believe in soulmates and will settle for nothing but the sort. You would probably benefit if you took your head out of the clouds here and there.


No importa ni que lo mire, posiblemente sea algun tipo de acido.


Aço no pot ser, no vos entenc

No entiendo el ingles :/ xq postean cosas en ingles :(


Pt... Platinum
You scored 61 Mass, 46 Electronegativity, 73 Metal, and 10 Radioactivity!

Platinum is a rare breed, and one who's reputation as a stalwart bastion of virtue is well-earned. You stick up for what you believe in, never change, and get along well with others. I would recommend that you become a politician, but the sad truth is that you don't understand us lesser and less-confident beings all that well. With a couple good Carbon advisors to keep you in touch with the scuzzy non-metals I'd vote for ya though. You are loud, be proud... keep it up.




You are Radon [Rn], because you are a cabrón, in the far away, people think that the World is very big, but you know perfectly that the World is your, only your. So, you go out and run very fast, catch an apple, eat it and is delicious! kiss for all!


You are Carbon , the Backbone. Carbon is the basis for all living things. Its ability to make many, stable bonds makes it ideal for this purpose. You have many friends, and they all look up to you. You are important to them. You have many sides, however. Like Carbon, you can take several forms, an ability which you may use to inflate your friend-making capacity.


You are "sin ganas de hacer 1 test".
You are a dog, and don't want to do stupids tests for nothing


Fe... Iron
You scored 18 Mass, 44 Electronegativity, 53 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity!

I don't really need to describe you do I? You're the backbone of any well put together group... communally minded, out going and social, but you don't demand to be the center of attention. Without groups of people like you, human society would crumble. I mean that... don't change. With respect to realtionships, I don't know what to tell ya. I guess I'd reccommend a first row transition metal... or if you don't mind being submissive then go for an oxygen... everyone else will wonder how you ended up with one of those drama queens, but you'll probably secretly love it and he/she will bring out colors of you that you didn't know existed.


Zn... Zinc
You scored 8 Mass, 31 Electronegativity, 54 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity!
You have a strong sense of the communal good and you aren't too demanding. You know better than to mess with the powers that be. You value being surronded by the right people, but don't care too much about what people beyond your group think of you. You are also the last element to be mentioned in every vitamin commercial, and have gained recognition throughout the 50+ community as the very symbol of "completeness." Hmm, you might be good at taking care of sick people, but that might be hogwash too.


Bi... Bismuth
You scored 54 Mass, 40 Electronegativity, 41 Metal, and 70 Radioactivity!
Ever wonder where the name Pepto-Bismol came from? You. You exist within the gray area between metals and non-metals. Personality-wise you are inflexible in your approach to problems, and you are prone to giving up on everything when one thing gets rough... you may give up, but you don't walk away, and eventually you'll try again. You are a social element, but you have the tendency to let entire groups of friends lapse or disintegrate over time only to build them up again later. You might get along pretty well with Mercury or Lead. Of course, you might get along well with something else. You're actually kinda strange... I mean, look at you. Those are some freaky shapes you're forming.

PD: COmo mi ingles es spanglish me he inventado todo menos la primera xdddd


You are Selenium, the Wonderer. You don't know your purpose yet, and you're inclined to think that you don't have one. You ask a lot of questions starting with "Why" and "What if," but you rarely get a satisfying answer. Maybe someday you'll find your place.

Salu2 ;)


You scored 59 Mass, 15 Electronegativity, 41 Metal, and 70 Radioactivity!
Ahh, the isolationist. You might be in prison, or you might be living alone out in the desert with only your guns to keep you company, but you're certainly not mingling with society at large. You have little desire for what society has to offer, but if someone comes for what you have then there's going to be a rumble. Your best chance for interpersonal happiness will come after the dust settles and you and your opponent reawaken in a field of devastation that has scoured all other life from the Earth for miles around... if the opponent fought well, you can find happiness in that mutual admiration.

You are Helium, the Loner. You don't necessarily dislike people, you just don't know what to do with them. You'd prefer to be alone somewhere, by yourself, meditating perhaps. You generally are aware of goings on of the world around you, but you'd rather write it down or not say anything at all than talk about it.


You are Selenium, the Wonderer. You don't know your purpose yet, and you're inclined to think that you don't have one. You ask a lot of questions starting with "Why" and "What if," but you rarely get a satisfying answer. Maybe someday you'll find your place.


En el clavo, Sodio.

You are Sodium, the Explosive. Sodium explodes on contact with air or water. Similarly, it doesn't take much to get you going in a rage. You really need to lighten up.


Helio, lo que venia despues no fui capaz a traducirlo xd


a las 10 y media la noxe paso de traducir las cosas al español xD


You scored 27 Mass, 15 Electronegativity, 66 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity!
Oooohaaaaah.... shiny! You probably have an incredibly stable and well-maintained group of friends... that probably also don't get out much either. You're not one to get bogged down by a problem. Of course, I'm basing this upon Chromium's ultra-low water-exchange constant and it 's corrosion-resistant properties, and I wouldn't be too surprised if the analogy doesn't even apply.


soy el hachis!!! ta klaro no? :____D


Este test lo borda,silicona,aunque no estoy siliconado,la definicion es exacta xD

Si... Silicon

You scored 35 Mass, 30 Electronegativity, 21 Metal, and 20 Radioactivity!

Interesting. Take a bunch of really common person-elements and throw them together to get something truely exceptional... that's you. You are probably someone that gave up on trying to understand society at large a long time ago. You don't fear it, but you don't try to be one with it either. You are more or less unperturbed by things... if a problem comes up you might deal with it, or you might avoid it... whatever. You don't take kindly to people pushing you around, and you don't really push anyone else around. You're probably the only one that can tame oxygen simply because you don't understand it's raging neediness, but that doesn't mean that you'll really enjoy having a tame oxygen hanging around all that much either. You can probably get along with people like yourself really well, but you aren't your own soulmate... if only they could make entire colonies of people like you you'd be stoked. Just like you don't understand society, society doesn't understand you... and yes that is my excuse for not knowing how to describe you better.


En el primer link: zinc
En el segundo link: Carbono

2 Grandes elementos de la tabla periodica ^^