#78 lo que dices es mentira, os estais tragando titulares falsos
Te paso el link directamente de las conclusiones
"One of the priorities of this Committee is to ensure transparency. The Spanish government informed that almost all the information is published. However, we have found that a lot of data is available but difficult to be found for the public and the journalists. There are reports published every three months, and a webpage where different documents are published, We recommend to the Spanish authorities to
ensure that the information on projects payments and reforms is published in a more timely, structured and accessible manner, including information on the final recipients of funds.
We have also found that the control system, CoFFEE, and the Minerva system to avoid conflict of interest are operational, functional and mostly implemented by now, but suffered from delays. It is a strong technical internal tool for auditing and control of the expenditure by the central government. We acknowledge the strong efforts of Spanish authorities to put this system in place.
We strongly recommend to the Spanish government to facilitate its interoperability with other systems, such as Fenix or Regional IT tools; and ensure that it can contribute to the publication of useful data at a larger level. An example to follow can be the Kohesio platform, which allows for excellent traceability and allows for easy access to the information"