Para opinar sobre sus videos lo suyo es verse unos cuantos, pasearse por la seccion de comentarios...y ya con toda la info, se reflexiona. Venir a los 5 minutos de postear videos de 20 minutos cada uno y opinar no es lo mas inteligente.
Me quedo con el comentario de uno de sus videos:
I understand where he is coming from, he lives in the capital and probably has many restrictions to where he is allowed to travel within the country
He is just filming what he sees of NK, what are you expecting of him, risking his familys' safety ? Going to places he is not supposed to be? That is not his job really !
He is there for a job and to make a decent living not as a journalist or a human rights activist
I think that this is 100% real; maybe it does not truly reflect the situation of NK and it certainly does not cover the whole picture, however it gives the world a realistic view of how the capital of NK looks like
Edit: posteo el primero de sus videos el cual fue de los primeros que me vi hace años, cuando el tema de NK estaba candente (1,1M de views). Quien piense que este video le hace bien a NK y es propaganda que se lo haga mirar, porque ahi veo a unas niñas que parecen sacadas de una linea de produccion de clones xD