Guía de series de TV - ¿Qué veo esta semana? - 2022 / 2023


Siguiendo los pasos de la anterior guía de series, aquí tenemos por decimoquinto año consecutivo la guía de las emisiones de las series más seguidas en el foro y que disponen de hilo para comentarlas.

Cada domingo publicaremos los episodios de las series que se podrán ver en la siguiente semana. Asimismo, este post servirá para encontrar los enlaces a las series correspondientes a cada semana.


Semana del 28 de Agosto al 3 de Septiembre

Semana del 21 al 27 de Agosto

Semana del 14 al 20 de Agosto

Semana del 7 al 13 de Agosto

Semana del 31 de Julio al 6 de Agosto

Semana del 24 al 30 de Julio

Semana del 17 al 23 de Julio

Semana del 10 al 16 de Julio

Semana del 3 al 9 de Julio

Semana del 26 de Junio al 2 de Julio

Semana del 19 al 25 de Junio

Semana del 12 al 18 de Junio

Semana del 5 al 11 de Junio

Semana del 29 de Mayo al 4 de Junio

Semana del 22 al 28 de Mayo

Semana del 15 al 21 de Mayo

Semana del 8 al 14 de Mayo

Semana del 1 al 7 de Mayo

Semana del 24 al 30 de Abril

Semana del 17 al 23 de Abril

Semana del 10 al 16 de Abril

Semana del 3 al 9 de Abril

Semana del 27 de Marzo al 2 de Abril

Semana del 20 al 26 de Marzo

Semana del 13 al 19 de Marzo

Semana del 6 al 12 de Marzo

Semana del 27 de Febrero al 5 de Marzo

Semana del 20 al 26 de Febrero

Semana del 13 al 19 de Febrero

Semana del 6 al 12 de Febrero

Semana del 30 de Enero al 5 de Febrero

Semana del 23 al 29 de Enero

Semana del 16 al 22 de Enero

Semana del 9 al 15 de Enero

Semana del 2 al 8 de Enero

Semana del 26 de Diciembre al 1 de Enero

Semana del 19 al 25 de Diciembre

Semana del 12 al 18 de Diciembre

Semana del 5 al 11 de Diciembre

Semana del 28 de Noviembre al 4 de Diciembre

Semana del 21 al 27 de Noviembre

Semana del 14 al 20 de Noviembre

Semana del 7 al 13 de Noviembre

Semana del 31 de Octubre al 6 de Noviembre

Semana del 24 al 30 de Octubre

Semana del 17 al 23 de Octubre

Semana del 10 al 16 de Octubre

Semana del 3 al 9 de Octubre

Semana del 26 de Septiembre al 2 de Octubre

Semana del 19 al 25 de Septiembre

Semana del 12 al 18 de Septiembre

Semana del 5 al 11 de Septiembre


Temporada 2008-2009

Temporada 2009-2010

Temporada 2010-2011

Temporada 2011-2012

Temporada 2012-2013

Temporada 2013-2014

Temporada 2014-2015

Temporada 2015-2016

Temporada 2016-2017

Temporada 2017-2018

Temporada 2018-2019

Temporada 2019-2020

Temporada 2020-2021

Temporada 2021-2022


  • Negrita - Inicio de Temporada

  • Tachado - Final de Temporada

    • Serie renovada
    • Final de serie

Semana del 28 de Agosto al 3 de Septiembre


Lunes 5

City on a Hill S03E05 - Take Me Home
House of the Dragon S01E03 - Second of His Name
Rick and Morty S06E01 - Solaricks

Martes 6

Industry S02E06 - Short to the Point of Pain

Miércoles 7

Reservation Dogs S02E07 - Stay Gold Cheesy Boy
The Good Fight S06E01 - The Beginning of the End
The Patient S01E03 - Issues
What We Do In The Shadows S04E10 - Sunrise, Sunset - SERIE RENOVADA

Jueves 8

American Horror Stories S02E08 - Lake
Archer S13E03 - Saturday
Mike S01E05 - DESIREE
Mike S01E06 - JAILBIRD
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law S01E04 - The Retreat

Viernes 9

Bad Sisters S01E05 - Eye for an Eye
Cobra Kai S05E01 - Long, Long Way From Home
Cobra Kai S05E02 - Molé
Cobra Kai S05E03 - Playing With Fire
Cobra Kai S05E04 - Downward Spiral
Cobra Kai S05E05 - Extreme Measures
Cobra Kai S05E06 - Ouroboros
Cobra Kai S05E07 - Bad Eggs
Cobra Kai S05E08 - Taikai
Cobra Kai S05E09 - Survivors
Cobra Kai S05E10 - Head of the Snake
Five Days at Memorial S01E07 - Nobody Knows The Troubles I've Seen
Primal S02E09 - The Colossaeus, Part III
See S03E03 - This Land Is Your Land
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S01E03 - Adar

Sábado 10

Domingo 11


Sin duda el mejor hilo de Mediavida


Muchas gracias por seguir haciendo éste currazo semana tras semana, año tras año.


#1 <3


Muchas gracias!


Pregunta tonta, pero soy nuevo en este lo pongo en favoritos se va actualizando casa semana con lo que hay nuevo, sin tener que cambiar de hilo, no?
Perdonad si la pregunta es demasiado "imbecil" no será la primera vez que pasa.

1 respuesta

#7 Cada semana hace un post nuevo con todas las series, y actualiza el primer post con el enlace directo al nuevo.


Gracias una temporada más


Lunes 12

American Gigolo S01E01 - Pilot
City on a Hill S03E06 - Tenderness
House of the Dragon S01E04 - King of the Narrow Sea
Rick and Morty S06E02 - Rick: A Mort Well Lived
The Serpent Queen S01E01 - Medici Bitch

Martes 13

Industry S02E07 - Lone Wolf and Cub
The Patient S01E04 - Company

Miércoles 14

Reservation Dogs S02E08 - This Is Where the Plot Thickens
The Good Fight S06E02 - The End of the Yips
The Handmaid's Tale S05E01 - Morning
The Handmaid's Tale S05E02 - Ballet

Jueves 15

Archer S13E04 - Laws of Attraction
Mike S01E07 - CANNIBAL
Mike S01E08 -
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law S01E05 - Ribbit and Rip It

Viernes 16

Atlanta S04E01 - The Most Atlanta
Atlanta S04E02 - The Homeliest Little Horse
Bad Sisters S01E06 - Splash
Five Days at Memorial S01E08 - The Reckoning
Primal S02E10 - Echoes of Eternity
See S03E04 - The Storm
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S01E04 - The Great Wave

Sábado 17

Domingo 18

7 días después

Lunes 19

American Gigolo S01E02 - Pretty Baby
City on a Hill S03E07 - Boston Bridges, Falling Down
House of the Dragon S01E05 - We Light The Way
Rick and Morty S06E03 - Bethic Twinstinct
The Serpent Queen S01E02 - To War Rather Than To Bed

Martes 20

Industry S02E08 - Jerusalem
Reboot S01E01 - Pilot
Reboot S01E02 - New Girl
Reboot S01E03 - Growing Pains
Quantum Leap S01E01 - July 13, 1985
The Patient S01E05 - Pastitsio

Miércoles 21

Andor S01E01 - Kassa
Andor S01E02 - That Would Be Me
Andor S01E03 - Reckoning
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story S01E01 - Episode One
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story S01E02 - Please Don't Go
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story S01E03 - Doin' A Dahmer
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story S01E04 - The Good Boy Box
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story S01E05 - Blood On Their Hands
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story S01E06 - Silenced
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story S01E07 - Cassandra
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story S01E08 - Lionel
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story S01E09 - The Bogeyman
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story S01E10 - God of Forgiveness, God of Vengeance - FINAL DE MINISERIE
Reservation Dogs S02E09 - Or Get Off the Pot
The Good Fight S06E03 - The End of Football
The Handmaid's Tale S05E03 - Maypole

Jueves 22

Archer S13E05 - Out of Network
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law S01E06 - Mean, Green, and Straight Poured Into These Jeans

Viernes 23

Atlanta S04E03 - Born to Die
Bad Sisters S01E07 - Rest in Peace
See S03E05 - The House of Enlightenment
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S01E05 - Partings

Sábado 24

Domingo 25

La Novia Gitana S01E01 - La Novia
La Novia Gitana S01E02 - El Niño Perdido

10 1 respuesta

#11 Hoy comenzaron a emitir de nuevo Seal Team


Hoy domingo ha salido la serie de La Novia Gitana en esa plataforma que nadie paga: A3 Premium, supongo que estará por las bahías dentro de poco.


Lunes 26

American Gigolo S01E03 - Rapture
City on a Hill S03E08 - Whipping Post
House of the Dragon S01E06 - The Princess and the Queen
Rick and Morty S06E04 - Night Family
The Serpent Queen S01E03 - The Price

Martes 27

Reboot S01E04 - Girlfriends
Quantum Leap S01E02 - Atlantis
The Patient S01E06 - Charlie

Miércoles 28

Andor S01E04 - Aldhani
Reservation Dogs S02E10 - Goin' Back To Cali - SERIE RENOVADA
The Good Fight S06E04 - The End of Eli Gold
The Handmaid's Tale S05E04 - Dear Offred

Jueves 29

Apagón S01E01 - Negación
Apagón S01E02 - Emergencia
Apagón S01E03 - Confrontación
Apagón S01E04 - Supervivencia
Apagón S01E05 - Equilibrio
Archer S13E06 - Bank Run at Mr. Bank's Bank
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law S01E07 - The Retreat

Viernes 30

Atlanta S04E04 - Light SkinnedEd
Bad Sisters S01E08 - The Cold Truth
See S03E06 - The Lowlands
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S01E06 - Udûn

Sábado 1

Domingo 2

La Novia Gitana S01E03 - El clan del sordo


Lunes 3

American Gigolo S01E04 - Nothing is Real But the Girl
House of the Dragon S01E07 - Driftmark
Rick and Morty S06E05 - Final Destination
The Serpent Queen S01E04 - A New Era
The Walking Dead S11E17 - Lockdown
The Walking Dead S11E18 - A New Deal

Martes 4

Quantum Leap S01E03 - Somebody Up There Likes Ben
Reboot S01E05 - What We Do in the Shadows
The Good Doctor S06E01 - Afterparty
The Patient S01E07 - Kaddish

Miércoles 5

Andor S01E05 - The Axe Forgets
The Good Fight S06E05 - The End of Ginni
The Handmaid's Tale S05E05 - Fairytale

Jueves 6

Archer S13E07 - Distraction Action
Chucky S02E01 - Halloween II
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law S01E08 - Ribbit and Rip It

Viernes 7

Atlanta S04E05 - Work Ethic!
Bad Sisters S01E09 - Going Rogue
Grey's Anatomy S19E01 - Everything Has Changed
See S03E07 - God Thunder
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S01E07 - The Eye
The Midnight Club S01E01 - The Final Chapter
The Midnight Club S01E02 - The Two Danas
The Midnight Club S01E03 - The Wicked Heart
The Midnight Club S01E04 - Gimme a Kiss
The Midnight Club S01E05 - See You Later
The Midnight Club S01E06 - Witch
The Midnight Club S01E07 - Anya
The Midnight Club S01E08 - Road to Nowhere
The Midnight Club S01E09 - The Eternal Enemy
The Midnight Club S01E10 - Midnight - FINAL DE MINISERIE

Sábado 8

Domingo 9

La Novia Gitana S01E04 - La noche oscura


Lunes 10

American Gigolo S01E05 - The Escape Wheel
House of the Dragon S01E08 - The Lord of the Tides
Let The Right One In S01E01 - Anything for Blood
Rick and Morty S06E06 - JuRicksic Mort
The Serpent Queen S01E05 - The First Regency
The Walking Dead S11E19 - Variant

Martes 11

Quantum Leap S01E04 - A Decent Proposal
Reboot S01E06 - Bewitched
The Good Doctor S06E02 - Change of Perspective
The Patient S01E08 - Ezra

Miércoles 12

Andor S01E06 - Episode 6
The Good Fight S06E06 - The End of a Saturday
The Handmaid's Tale S05E06 - Together
The Winchesters S01E01 - Pilot

Jueves 13

Archer S13E08 - Dough, Ray and Me
Chucky S02E02 - The Sinners Are Much More Fun
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law S01E09 - Whose Show Is This?
The Watcher S01E01 - Welcome, Friends
The Watcher S01E02 - Blood Sacrifice
The Watcher S01E03 - Götterdämmerung
The Watcher S01E04 - Someone to Watch Over Me
The Watcher S01E05 - Occam's Razor
The Watcher S01E06 - The Gloaming
The Watcher S01E07 - Haunting - FINAL DE MINISERIE

Viernes 14

Atlanta S04E06 - Crank Dat Killer
Bad Sisters S01E10 - Saving Grace
Grey's Anatomy S19E02 - Wasn't Expecting That
See S03E08 - I See You - FINAL DE SERIE
Shantaram S01E01 - The Three Nos
Shantaram S01E02 - Down and Out
Shantaram S01E03 - Strange Bedfellows
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S01E08 - Alloyed - SERIE RENOVADA

Sábado 15

Domingo 16

La Novia Gitana S01E05 - Un buen padre


Gracias @NoFiSoX por el currazo con este hilo :clap:


buen hilo!


Lunes 17

American Gigolo S01E06 - Sunday Girl
House of the Dragon S01E09 - The Green Council
Let The Right One In S01E02 - Intercessors
The Serpent Queen S01E06 - The Last Joust
The Walking Dead S11E20 - What's Been Lost

Martes 18

Quantum Leap S01E05 - Salvation or Bust
Reboot S01E07 - Baskets
The Good Doctor S06E03 - A Big Sign
The Patient S01E09 - Auschwitz

Miércoles 19

Andor S01E07 - Announcement
Notre Dame S01E01 -
Notre Dame S01E02 -
Notre Dame S01E03 -
Notre Dame S01E04 -
Notre Dame S01E05 -
Notre Dame S01E06 - - FINAL DE MINISERIE
The Good Fight S06E07 - The End of STR Laurie
The Handmaid's Tale S05E07 - No Man's Land
The Winchesters S01E02 - Teach Your Children Well

Jueves 20

American Horror Story: NYC S11E01 - Something's Coming
American Horror Story: NYC S11E02 - Thank You for Your Service
Chucky S02E03 - Hail, Mary!
Gangs of London S02E01 -
Gangs of London S02E02 -
Gangs of London S02E03 -
Gangs of London S02E04 -
Gangs of London S02E05 -
Gangs of London S02E06 -
Gangs of London S02E07 -
Gangs of London S02E08 -

Viernes 21

Atlanta S04E07 - Snipe Hunt
Barbarians S02E01 - New Legions
Barbarians S02E02 - Captured
Barbarians S02E03 - Fathers
Barbarians S02E04 - The Oath
Barbarians S02E05 - Doomed
Barbarians S02E06 - The Price
Grey's Anatomy S19E03 - Let's Talk About Sex
Shantaram S01E04 - Bad Medicine
The Peripheral S01E01 - Pilot
The Peripheral S01E02 - Empathy Bonus

Sábado 22

Domingo 23

La Novia Gitana S01E06 - Uroboros

7 días después

Lunes 24

American Gigolo S01E07 - Atomic
House of the Dragon S01E10 - The Black Queen - SERIE RENOVADA
Let The Right One In S01E03 - Broken Glass
The Serpent Queen S01E07 - An Attack on the King
The Walking Dead S11E21 - Outpost

Martes 25

Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities S01E01 - Loot 36
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities S01E02 - Graveyard Rats
Quantum Leap S01E06 - It's a Disaster!
Reboot S01E08 - Who's The Boss?
The Good Doctor S06E04 - Shrapnel
The Patient S01E10 - The Cantor's Husband

Miércoles 26

Andor S01E08 - Narkina 5
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities S01E03 - The Autopsy
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities S01E04 - The Outside
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi S01E01 - Life and Death
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi S01E02 - Justice
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi S01E03 - The Sith Lord
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi S01E04 - Practice Makes Perfect
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi S01E05 - Coda
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi S01E06 - Choices
The Good Fight S06E08 - The End of Playing Games
The Handmaid's Tale S05E08 - Motherland
The Winchesters S01E03 - You're Lost Little Girl

Jueves 27

American Horror Story: NYC S11E03 - Smoke Signals
American Horror Story: NYC S11E04 - Black Out
Chucky S02E04 - Death of Denial
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities S01E05 - Pickman's Model
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities S01E06 - Dreams in the Witch House

Viernes 28

Atlanta S04E08 - The Goof Who Sat By the Door
Big Mouth S06E01 - The Hookup House
Big Mouth S06E02 - Twenty Two and You
Big Mouth S06E03 - Vagina Shame
Big Mouth S06E04 - Rice Purity Test
Big Mouth S06E05 - Andrew's Gonna Touch A Boob Tonight
Big Mouth S06E06 - The Apple Brooch
Big Mouth S06E07 - Dadda Dia!
Big Mouth S06E08 - Asexual Healing
Big Mouth S06E09 - The Parents Aren't Alright
Big Mouth S06E10 - F**ked Up Friday - SERIE RENOVADA
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities S01E07 - The Viewing
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities S01E08 - The Murmuring
Grey's Anatomy S19E04 - Haunted
Shantaram S01E05 - The Sin in the Crime
The Devil's Hour S01E01 - 3:33
The Devil's Hour S01E02 - The Velveteen Rabbit
The Devil's Hour S01E03 - Tchaikovsky
The Devil's Hour S01E04 - After the Storm
The Devil's Hour S01E05 - The Half of Ourselves We Have Lost
The Devil's Hour S01E06 - Amor Fati
The Peripheral S01E03 - Haptic Drift

Sábado 29

Domingo 30

La Novia Gitana S01E07 - El hijo de Abraham


Apuntar que en AHS salen dos episodios cada semana y no uno


Big mouth s01? No es como la 5?


Lunes 31

American Gigolo S01E08 - East of Eden
Let The Right One In S01E04 - Outings
The Serpent Queen S01E08 - A Queen is Made
The Walking Dead S11E22 - Faith
The White Lotus S02E01 - Ciao

Martes 1

Quantum Leap S01E07 - O Ye of Little Faith
The Good Doctor S06E05 - Growth Opportunities

Miércoles 2

Andor S01E09 - Nobody's Listening!
The Good Fight S06E09 - The End of Democracy
The Handmaid's Tale S05E09 - Allegiance
The Winchesters S01E04 - Masters of War

Jueves 3

American Horror Story: NYC S11E05 - Bad Fortune
American Horror Story: NYC S11E06 - The Body
Chucky S02E05 - Doll on Doll
Titans S04E01 - Lex Luthor
Titans S04E02 - Mother Mayhem

Viernes 4

Atlanta S04E09 - Andrew Wyeth. Alfred's World.
Grey's Anatomy S19E05 - When I Get to the Border
Manifest S04E01 - Touch-and-Go
Manifest S04E02 - All Call
Manifest S04E03 - High Flight
Manifest S04E04 - Go-Around
Manifest S04E05 - Squawk
Manifest S04E06 - Relative Bearing
Manifest S04E07 - Romeo
Manifest S04E08 - Full Upright & Locked Position
Manifest S04E09 - Rendezvous
Manifest S04E10 - Inversion Illusion
Shantaram S01E06 - Dead Man Walking
The Mosquito Coast S02E01 - The Damage Done
The Peripheral S01E04 - Jackpot

Sábado 5

Domingo 6

La Novia Gitana S01E08 - Toda la verdad - SERIE RENOVADA


Lunes 7

Dangerous Liaisons S01E01 - Love Or War
Let The Right One In S01E05 - Quoquo Modo Necessarium
The Walking Dead S11E23 - Family
The White Lotus S02E02 - Italian Dream

Martes 8

Quantum Leap S01E08 - Stand by Ben

Miércoles 9

Andor S01E10 - One Way Out
The Crown S05E01 - Wolferton Splash
The Crown S05E02 - Hyde Park Corner
The Crown S05E03 - Windsor
The Crown S05E04 - Act of God
The Crown S05E05 - Smoke and Mirrors
The Crown S05E06 - Gelignite
The Crown S05E07 - Scientia Potentia Est
The Crown S05E08 - Pride & Joy
The Crown S05E09 - Assassins
The Crown S05E10 - Gloriana - SERIE RENOVADA
The Good Fight S06E10 - The End of Everything - FINAL DE SERIE
The Handmaid's Tale S05E10 - Safe - SERIE RENOVADA

Jueves 10

American Horror Story: NYC S11E07 - The Sentinel
American Horror Story: NYC S11E08 - Fire Island
Chucky S02E06 - He is Risen Indeed
Titans S04E03 - Jinx
Warrior Nun S02E01 - Galatians 6:4-5
Warrior Nun S02E02 - Colossians 3:9-10
Warrior Nun S02E03 - Luke 8:17
Warrior Nun S02E04 - Corinthians 10:20-21
Warrior Nun S02E05 - Mark 10:45
Warrior Nun S02E06 - Isaiah 40:31
Warrior Nun S02E07 - Psalms 116:15
Warrior Nun S02E08 - Jeremiah 29:13

Viernes 11

Atlanta S04E10 - It Was All a Dream - FINAL DE SERIE
Grey's Anatomy S19E06 - Thunderstruck
Shantaram S01E07 - Apo Vai Pranah
The English S01E01 - What You Want and What You Need
The English S01E02 - Path of the Dead
The English S01E03 - Vultures on the Line
The English S01E04 - The Wounded Wolf
The English S01E05 - The Buffalo Gun
The English S01E06 - Cherished - FINAL DE MINISERIE
The Mosquito Coast S02E02 - Least Concern Species
The Peripheral S01E05 - What About Bob?

Sábado 12

Domingo 13

Tulsa King S01E01 - Go West, Old Man

10 1 respuesta

#24 Mythic Quest ha vuelto hoy con doble capítulo.


Lunes 14

Dangerous Liaisons S01E02 - Conquer or Die
Let The Right One In S01E06 - Stagazers
The White Lotus S02E03 - Bull Elephants
Yellowstone S05E01 - One Hundred Years is Nothing
Yellowstone S05E02 - The Sting of Wisdom

Martes 15

Miércoles 16

Andor S01E11 - Daughter of Ferrix
The Winchesters S01E05 - Legend of a Mind

Jueves 17

1899 S01E01 - The Ship
1899 S01E02 - The Boy
1899 S01E03 - The Fog
1899 S01E04 - The Fight
1899 S01E05 - The Calling
1899 S01E06 - The Pyramid
1899 S01E07 - The Storm
1899 S01E08 - The Key
American Horror Story: NYC S11E09 - Requiem 1981/1987 (1)
American Horror Story: NYC S11E10 - Requiem 1981/1987 (2) - SERIE RENOVADA
Chucky S02E07 - Goin' to the Chapel
Dead to Me S03E01 - We've Been Here Before
Dead to Me S03E02 - We Need To Talk
Dead to Me S03E03 - Look at What We Have Here
Dead to Me S03E04 - Where Do We Go Now?
Dead to Me S03E05 - We Didn't Think This Through
Dead to Me S03E06 - We're Gonna Beat This Thing
Dead to Me S03E07 - Can We Be Honest?
Dead to Me S03E08 - We'll Find a Way
Dead to Me S03E09 - We're Almost Out Of Time
Dead to Me S03E10 - We've Reached the End - FINAL DE SERIE
Fleishman is in Trouble S01E01 - Summon Your Witnesses
Fleishman is in Trouble S01E02 - Welcome to Paniquil
Titans S04E04 - Super Super Mart

Viernes 18

Shantaram S01E08 - Like in the Time of Cholera
The Mosquito Coast S02E03 - Talk About the Weather
The Peripheral S01E06 - Fuck You and Eat Shit

Sábado 19

Domingo 20

Tulsa King S01E02 - Center of the Universe

8 1 respuesta

#26 Esta semana no hay The Good Doctor, el episodio 6 se emite la semana que viene.

1 1 respuesta

#27 Pues al final ha salido hoy el capítulo.

1 1 respuesta

#28 wtf. Pues en las webs americanas ponía semana que viene

Qué raro, encima un miércoles que no tocaba, curioso. Gracias por el aviso!!

1 respuesta

#29 Seguramente han emitido el capítulo en Canadá y no en USA.

Usuarios habituales
