Guía de series de TV - ¿Qué veo hoy? - 2019 / 2020

Semana del 31 de Agosto al 6 de Septiembre

Lunes 29

Black Monday S02E07 - Who Are You Supposed To Be?
Hightown S01E07 - Everybody's Got A Cousin in Miami
NOS4A2 S02E02 - Good Father
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels S01E10 - Day of the Dead
Perry Mason S01E02 - Chapter 2
Snowpiercer S01E07 - The Universe Is Indifferent
Stargirl S01E07 - Shiv (1)
Yellowstone S03E02 - Frieght Trains and Monsters

Martes 30

Miércoles 1

Jueves 2

Doom Patrol S02E04 - Sex Patrol
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S07E06 - Adapt or Die
The 100 S07E07 - The Queen's Gambit
Warrior Nun S01E01 - Psalms 46:5
Warrior Nun S01E02 - Proverbs 31:25
Warrior Nun S01E03 - Ephesians 6:11
Warrior Nun S01E04 - Ecclesiasticus 26:9-10
Warrior Nun S01E05 - Matthew 7:13
Warrior Nun S01E06 - Isaiah 30:20-21
Warrior Nun S01E07 - Ephesians 4:22-24
Warrior Nun S01E08 - Proverbs 14:1
Warrior Nun S01E09 - 2 Corinthians 10:4
Warrior Nun S01E10 - Revelation 2:10

Viernes 3

Hanna S02E01 - Safe
Hanna S02E02 - The Trial
Hanna S02E03 - To The Meadows
Hanna S02E04 - Welcome Mia
Hanna S02E05 - A Way To Grieve
Hanna S02E06 - You're With Us Now
Hanna S02E07 - Tacitus
Hanna S02E08 - The List

Sábado 4

Domingo 5

3 comentarios moderados

Lunes 6

Black Monday S02E08 - Lucky Shoes
NOS4A2 S02E03 - The Night Road
Perry Mason S01E03 - Chapter 3
Snowpiercer S01E08 - These Are His Revolutions
Stargirl S01E08 - Shiv (2)
Yellowstone S03E03 - An Acceptable Surrender

Martes 7

Miércoles 8

Jueves 9

Doom Patrol S02E05 - Finger Patrol
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S07E07 - The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and The D
The 100 S07E08 - Anaconda

Viernes 10

Sábado 11

Domingo 12

7 días después

Lunes 13

Black Monday S02E09 - At That Time
Hightown S01E08 - #Blessed
NOS4A2 S02E04 - The Lake House
Perry Mason S01E04 - Chapter 4
Snowpiercer S01E09 - The Train Demanded Blood
Snowpiercer S01E10 - 994 Cars Long - Serie renovada
Stargirl S01E09 - Brainwave
Yellowstone S03E04 - Going Back to Cali

Martes 14

Miércoles 15

Brave New World S01E01 - Pilot
Brave New World S01E02 - Want & Consequence
Brave New World S01E03 - Everybody Happy Now!
Brave New World S01E04 - Swallow
Brave New World S01E05 - Firefall
Brave New World S01E06 - In the Dirt
Brave New World S01E07 - Monogamy and Futility, Part 1
Brave New World S01E08 - Monogamy and Futility, Part 2
Brave New World S01E09 - Soma Red

Jueves 16

Doom Patrol S02E06 - Space Patrol
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S07E08 - After, Before
The 100 S07E09 - The Flock

Viernes 17

Absentia S03E01 - Tabula Rasa
Absentia S03E02 - Capta Est
Absentia S03E03 - Nosce Inimicum
Absentia S03E04 - Alea Iacta Est
Absentia S03E05 - Quid Pro Quo
Absentia S03E06 - In Quo Ego Vado Vos
Absentia S03E07 - Liberavit
Absentia S03E08 - Veritas Aequitas
Absentia S03E09 - Tenebris
Absentia S03E10 - Iterum Nata
Cursed S01E01 - Cursed
Cursed S01E02 - Queen of Fey
Cursed S01E03 - Festa and Moreli
Cursed S01E04 - Alone
Cursed S01E05 - Bring Us In Good Ale
Cursed S01E06 - Nimue
Cursed S01E07 - Poisons
Cursed S01E08 - The Joining
Cursed S01E09 - The Red Lake
Cursed S01E10 - The Sacrifice

Sábado 18

Domingo 19


Lunes 20

Black Monday S02E10 - I Don't Like Mondays
Die Hart S01E01 - The Recruit
NOS4A2 S02E05 - Bruce Wayne McQueen
Perry Mason S01E05 - Chapter 5
Stargirl S01E10 - Brainwave Jr.
The Alienist: Angel of Darkness S02E01 - Ex Ore Infantium
The Alienist: Angel of Darkness S02E02 - Something Wicked
Yellowstone S03E05 - Cowboys and Dreamers

Martes 21

Die Hart S01E02 - Man on Fire
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) S02E01 - Nerd Today, Boss Tomorrow
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) S02E02 - Life's Not Fair, Get Used to It
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) S02E03 - Failure is Not an Option
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) S02E04 - If This is Reality, I'm Not Interested
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) S02E05 - Score Big or Don't Score at All
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) S02E06 - If You Are the Smartest One in the Room, You're in the Wrong Room

Miércoles 22

Die Hart S01E03 - Wonder Woman

Jueves 23

Corporate S03E01 - Pickles 4 Breakfast
Die Hart S01E04 - Sex, Lies and Videotape
Doom Patrol S02E07 - Dumb Patrol
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S07E09 - As I Have Always Been

Viernes 24

Die Hart S01E05 - The Truman Show

Sábado 25

Die Hart S01E06 - The Godfather
Room 104 S04E01 - The Murderer

Domingo 26

Die Hart S01E07 - The Great Escape

7 días después

Lunes 27

Die Hart S01E08 - Bad Boys
NOS4A2 S02E06 - The Hourglass
Perry Mason S01E06 - Chapter 6
Stargirl S01E11 - Shining Night
The Alienist: Angel of Darkness S02E03 - Labyrinth
The Alienist: Angel of Darkness S02E04 - Gilded Cage
Yellowstone S03E06 - Death Follows You

Martes 28

Die Hart S01E09 - Live Free or Die Hard
Last Chance U S05E01 - The Town
Last Chance U S05E02 - QB4
Last Chance U S05E03 - Cast-Offs
Last Chance U S05E04 - Greyhaven
Last Chance U S05E05 - The City
Last Chance U S05E06 - Ā, upane! ka upane!
Last Chance U S05E07 - New Oakland
Last Chance U S05E08 - Football might be over for you[/s] - Final de serie

Miércoles 29

Jueves 30

Corporate S03E02 - Black Dog
Die Hart S01E10 - True Lies
Doom Patrol S02E08 - Dad Patrol
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S07E10 - Stolen

Viernes 31

The Umbrella Academy S02E01 - Right Back Where We Started
The Umbrella Academy S02E02 - The Frankel Footage
The Umbrella Academy S02E03 - The Swedish Job
The Umbrella Academy S02E04 - The Majestic 12
The Umbrella Academy S02E05 - Valhalla
The Umbrella Academy S02E06 - The Singapore Sling
The Umbrella Academy S02E07 - Oga for Oga
The Umbrella Academy S02E08 - The Seven Stages
The Umbrella Academy S02E09 - 723
The Umbrella Academy S02E10 - The End of Something

Sábado 1

Room 104 S04E02 - Star Time

Domingo 2


Lunes 3

NOS4A2 S02E07 - Cripple Creek
Perry Mason S01E07 - Chapter 7
Stargirl S01E12 - Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. (1)
The Alienist: Angel of Darkness S02E05 - Belly of the Beast
The Alienist: Angel of Darkness S02E06 - Memento Mori
Yellowstone S03E07 - The Beating

Martes 4

The Fugitive S01E01 - Wrong Place, Wrong Time
The Fugitive S01E02 - Smile for The Camera
The Fugitive S01E03 - Run!

Miércoles 5

Star Trek: Lower Decks S01E01 - Second Contact
The Fugitive S01E04 - Going Underground

Jueves 6

Corporate S03E03 - The Importance of Talking Shit by Oscar Wilde
Doom Patrol S02E09 - Wax Patrol
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S07E11 - Brand New Day
The 100 S07E10 - A Little Sacrifice
The Fugitive S01E05 - When Mike Met Clay
The Rain S03E01 - Stay Inside
The Rain S03E02 - Stay Together
The Rain S03E03 - Avoid the City
The Rain S03E04 - Trust No One
The Rain S03E05 - Have Faith
The Rain S03E06 - Keep Your Friends Close
The Rain S03E07 - Don't Talk to Strangers
The Rain S03E08 - Trust Your Instincts - Final de serie

Viernes 7

The Fugitive S01E06 - A Lifeline

Sábado 8

Room 104 S04E03 - Avalanche
The Fugitive S01E07 - Again

Domingo 9


Lunes 10

NOS4A2 S02E08 - Chris McQueen
Perry Mason S01E08 - Chapter 8 - Serie renovada
Stargirl S01E13 - Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. (1) - Serie renovada
The Alienist: Angel of Darkness S02E07 - Last Exit to Brooklyn
The Alienist: Angel of Darkness S02E08 - Better Angels
Yellowstone S03E08 - I Killed a Man Today

Martes 11

The Fugitive S01E08 - Hunted Becomes the Hunter

Miércoles 12

Star Trek: Lower Decks S01E02 - Envoys
The Fugitive S01E09 - C. Bravo, Esq.

Jueves 13

Corporate S03E04 - Good Job
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S07E12 - The End Is at Hand
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S07E13 - What We're Fighting For - Final de serie
The 100 S07E11 - Etherea
The Fugitive S01E10 - Getting the Gang Back Together

Viernes 14

The Fugitive S01E11 - When Mike Met Ronnie

Sábado 15

Room 104 S04E04 - Bangs
The Fugitive S01E12 - Changing Direction

Domingo 16

7 días después

Lunes 17

Lovecraft Country S01E01 - Sundown
NOS4A2 S02E09 - Welcome to Christmasland
Yellowstone S03E09 - Meaner Than Evil

Martes 18

The Fugitive S01E13 - When Mike Met Colin

Miércoles 19

Star Trek: Lower Decks S01E03 - Temporal Edict
The Fugitive S01E14 - How It All Ends

Jueves 20

Corporate S03E05 - Fuck You Money
The 100 S07E12 - The Stranger

Viernes 21

Lucifer S05E01 - Really Sad Devil Guy
Lucifer S05E02 - Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!
Lucifer S05E03 - ¡Diablo!
Lucifer S05E04 - It Never Ends Well for the Chicken
Lucifer S05E05 - Detective Amenadiel
Lucifer S05E06 - BluBallz
Lucifer S05E07 - Our Mojo
Lucifer S05E08 - Spoiler Alert

Sábado 22

Room 104 S04E05 - Oh, Harry!

Domingo 23

7 días después

Lunes 24

Lovecraft Country S01E02 - Whitey's on the Moon
NOS4A2 S02E10 - Bats
Yellowstone S03E10 - Death Follow You - Serie renovada

Martes 25

Miércoles 26

Star Trek: Lower Decks S01E04 - Moist Vessel

Jueves 27

Corporate S03E06 - The Wind of God

Viernes 28

Sábado 29

Room 104 S04E06 - The Hikers

Domingo 30


Lunes 31

Lovecraft Country S01E03 - Holy Ghost

Martes 1

Miércoles 2

Star Trek: Lower Decks S01E05 - Cupids Errant Arrow

Jueves 3

Raised by Wolves S01E01 - Raised by Wolves
Raised by Wolves S01E02 - Pentagram
Raised by Wolves S01E03 - Virtual Faith

Viernes 4

Away S01E01 - Go
Away S01E02 - Negative Return
Away S01E03 - Half the Sky
Away S01E04 - Excellent Chariots
Away S01E05 - Space Dogs
Away S01E06 - A Little Faith
Away S01E07 - Goodnight Mars
Away S01E08 - Vital Signs
Away S01E09 - Spektr
Away S01E10 - Home
The Boys S02E01 - The Big Ride
The Boys S02E02 - Proper Preparation and Planning
The Boys S02E03 - Nothing Like It in the World

Sábado 5

Room 104 S04E07 - Foam Party

Domingo 6

5 1 respuesta

#133 The boys are back in town!


The boys son solo 3 epis esta semana


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