Test para descubrir a que Heroe os pareceis mas
A mi me sale Matt Parkman y creo que han acertado xD
Test para descubrir a que Heroe os pareceis mas
A mi me sale Matt Parkman y creo que han acertado xD
Your Result: Sylar
You are Sylar. You have no real abilities on your own, however you have found out how to steal other people's powers. You murder them and take out their brains. Your lust for power and wanting to feel special have driven you to this level of insanity. You are immensly powerful.
LeL, y eso q he contestado en serio, de siempre me a gustado el chaval este, siempre he creido q en la serie o acababa como sylar o como el hombre invisible
Test 100% fiable pues
#2406 al reves, q eso es lo q me extraña, al principio he pensado en hacerlo en plan bestia, pero lo he hecho seriamente y me a salido ese.
La unica q he puesto de "kill" a sido la de q haria si me intentasen matar, he puesto la de q me reiria y le mataria (y la he contestado en serio xD)
De segundo me a salido nikki y luego claire
You are Nathan Petrelli. You can fly, but you couldn't care less about your power. Most people who get to know you well don't like you because you are kind of a jerk-off. You have a lot of charisma and power, and constantly use both to benifit yourself.
A mi me ha salido Claire...seria el primer superheroe travestido de la historia, no se si estoy preparado para afrontar mi destino...igual tras la operacion si
You are Issac Mendez. Your paintings can tell the future. You used to have to take drugs in order for this to work, but you recently found out how to do it sober. You are intent on saving the NYC from a future you painted, but you are unsure of how to do so.
No se si alegrarme o disgustarme , j3. Se me fue 1 pregunta a lo de foreign country y me salio Nathan , lol xD.
Your Result: Nathan Petrelli
You are Nathan Petrelli. You can fly, but you couldn't care less about your power. Most people who get to know you well don't like you because you are kind of a jerk-off. You have a lot of charisma and power, and constantly use both to benifit yourself.
Sinceramente.. me siento mal xD
Which Heroes character are you?
Your Result: Issac Mendez
You are Issac Mendez. Your paintings can tell the future. You used to have to take drugs in order for this to work, but you recently found out how to do it sober. You are intent on saving the NYC from a future you painted, but you are unsure of how to do so.
Hiro Nakamura
Matt Parkman
Peter Petrelli
Claire Bennet
Nathan Petrelli
Niki Sanders
Joder, tengo que ser el que muere sin oponerse xD
Inside Heroes
Efectos visuales --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFUHlQOpFwc
La música --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIWBokJ2lJI
Masi Oka (Hiro) cuando tenia doce años apareció en la portada de la revista TIME, en un articulo sobre niños prodigio