5x01 - Really Sad Devil Guy
5x02 - Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!
5x03 - ¡Diablo!
5x04 - It Never Ends Well for the Chicken
5x05 - Detective Amenadiel
5x06 - BluBallz
5x07 - Our Mojo
5x08 - Spoiler Alert
Los 8 primeros capítulos disponibles desde el 21 AGOSTO 2020.
5x09 - Family Dinner - Sin fecha
5x10 - Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam
5x11 - Resting Devil Face
5x12 - Daniel Espinoza: Naked and Afraid
5x13 - A Little Harmless Stalking
5x14 - Nothing Lasts Forever
5x15 - Is This Really How It's Going To End?!
5x16 - A Chance at a Happy Ending
Disponibles desde el 28 MAYO 2021.