Eliminado el "soft cap" de 4 legendarios


Según mi nivel de inglés me ha permitido entender:

Parece ser que cuando tenías posibilidad de conseguir un legendario y no lo conseguías, tu probabilidad de conseguir uno aumentaba un poco. Eso sucedía hasta que tenías 4 legendarios. Ahora sigue pasando aun teniendo 4 legendarios.

Fuente: http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20752276726?page=9#176

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Let's talk a bit about legendaries.

From the beginning of Legion, we've deliberately been pretty tight-lipped about how obtaining them works, because the best thing you can do to get them really does just boil down to "play the game and do the max-level activities you enjoy most." It was meant to be a background universal reward that would occasionally offer a surge of power to complement the transparent and omnipresent Artifact and normal itemization systems. Obviously, as we sit here reading posts speculating whether it's better to delete unwanted legendaries to improve your chances of getting more, there's a lesson for us to learn from how that approach has played out. (PS: Don't delete your legendaries. The system looks at what you've gotten, not what you have.)

We've also been pretty conservative in our design, with the intent of loosening the reins as time went on. With a system of this scale that spans all max-level activities, we couldn't be certain that we'd tuned it correctly based on data from thousands of people playing our beta for a few hours a week; it'd inevitably be different in the live game with millions of people playing in far more focused ways. And we knew that if we erred on the side of legendaries being too common, we could easily end up in a situation where some people (whether lucky people, or those who played the most) were flooded with them. If that happened, it'd have been a mess - a chunk of the playerbase would've had bags full of legendary items and no more to look forward to for months to come, and if we'd tried to "fix" it after the fact, then everyone who hadn't taken advantage of the generous period would have felt forever behind.

So we started out stingy, since if we erred in that direction it would be far more fixable. (We've since increased legendary drop rates in general, in patch 7.1). We also put some measures in place to reduce the gap between the very luckiest player and the unluckiest player. Luck is inevitably a factor in games like this, but with millions of people playing the game, if we allowed pure randomness to go unchecked, there would inevitably be some players who played hours every week and literally never saw a single legendary item. Thus, the so-called "bad luck protection" that improves your chances a bit each time you could have gotten a legendary but failed to do so.

As its name suggests, the "bad luck protection" system exists to protect the unluckiest players from the cruel fate of the dice. Those who were on the other end of the spectrum in terms of good fortune, we figured, didn't need a system to help put them even farther ahead of the rest of the world. And we drew that line at 4 legendaries, initially, planning to raise it as time went on. Once you'd gotten 4, you could absolutely get more, but the invisible hand of "bad luck protection" would no longer help you. Almost by definition, if you had 4 legendaries in, say, early October, you were super-lucky. You didn't need help getting more.

What we genuinely did not anticipate was just how much some of the very most dedicated players would play, mainly in pursuit of Artifact Power. By mid-November, we started to hear questions about whether there was some sort of 4-legendary limit, and we realized that there existed a group of players that had done so much content that they actually had an expected legendary count of around 4. They hadn't needed to be unusually lucky to get there. (Note that this is a very small group. They're overrepresented in these discussions, because this issue concerns them, but we're talking about hundreds of people out of millions.)

So we removed that soft cap just over a week ago. "Bad luck protection" now applies indefinitely. Most of the players in this category have probably been focusing on Mythic Trial of Valor for the past week, and since wiping repeatedly to raid bosses during progress sadly can't award legendaries, they haven't had a chance to see the effects of the change just yet. If/when some players get to a point when they have every legendary available for their spec, then so be it. They certainly will have earned it, and there will be more coming in future patches. The Unique-Equipped limit keeps the power gap between the haves and have-nots reasonable, and we'll continue to adjust the effectiveness of the outlier legendaries (coming up in patch 7.1.5) with the goal of keeping them exciting but not gamebreaking.


Bufff! Ya era hora, solo me faltaban 3 para llegar al cap.


Esto se llama pseudoaleatoriedad y está presente en todos los juegos, en todos los ámbitos, hasta en los drops de mobs del wow o los críticos en el Dota.

Si no, podrías matar dos mil mobs sin que te cayera un drop de 1% con bastante facilidad, o podrías meter 15 críticos seguidos con probabilidad de 50% sin despeinarte

No suelen hablar de ello, y molaría que lo trataran más en profundidad, pero vamos, el wow tiene esto por todas partes.


Lo que pasa es que en los clanes hardcore, la gente que se sacaba 4 legendarios, si estos eran una mierda se subían la misma clase de nuevo.


Bueno, pues yo sigo sin legendario :D 2 pj leveados, uno desde el inicio de la exp hasta mediados de octubre haciendo todos los días las WQ y mazs, pero no hubo suerte.
Ahora con un warrior lo mismo, wq y mythics y sigo sin la suerte.
A ver si con el pala que me tengo que subir me toca nada más llega al 110


yo solo tengo 1 legendario con 4 personajes al 110 xDDDDD. soy un negrolllll


Los legendarios se consiguen haciendo instances, raids y de caches a partir del 110... que dediquéis tiempo en subir alters en vez de jugar con un único personaje y que os extrañe no sacar legens es un descojone xddd

1 respuesta

si no os salían es que teniais mala suerte tts


No ya enserio, para una expansión decente que hacen en mucho tiempo la cagan con lo mas obvio.


Ya era hora, a ve si me sale el quinto


los legendarios funcionan en arenas? o son solo para pve

2 respuestas

#10 No funcionan en arenas y si no me equivoco en campos de batalla tampoco. Sólo PVE y outdoor.

1 respuesta

#11 :(


Si hay legendarios cuya utilidad es prácticamente el pvp como no van a funcionar en pvp?

3 respuestas

#13 si lo dices por el anillo del stun es una utilidad bastante decente para m+


#13 pvp outdoor.


#13 El sistema de legendarios ya deja evidente la carencia de diseño que tienen, no les pidas peras al olmo.


#10 Solo para pve,por eso tampoco es para tanto, si no fuera por el ilvl..., blizzard tiene abandonado el pvp para dejárselo a los unneskilleds del Pve :D


Habría sido tan facil como poner en los class hall un vendor de legendarios para que tu cojas el que te salga de los cojones. Y lo que te tocara en vez del legendario en sí, fuera un token para comprarlos.

1 respuesta

#18 Y como te iban a tener enganchado entonces xD

1 respuesta

#19 Por un puto legendario? Si a mi es lo que me ha quitado las ganas, 25 dias played desde inicio de expansion y hace 1 mes largo que solo entro para raidear, y hay dias que ni eso.

A mi el sistema random de legion es lo peor que me parece

1 respuesta

#20 Si a mi también me parece fatal, pero vamos... La heroica diaria no la haria ni loc pero como hay probabilidad de que me caiga legen... pues eso.


Farmear mythic +2 a saco, consiguiendo 3 cofres. Asi consegui yo el segundo legendario una semana despues del primero.


A mi me acaba de caer el segundo y no tengo ni la investigación de la sede xDD

1 respuesta

#23 +1


Justo me acaba de caer a mi el segundo también xDD y hace 2 días que termine la investigación :D Todo rodado por aquí.


para cuando me salga un 4 legendario me van a salir larvas


En serio hay gente que tiene ya 4 legendarios con un mismo personaje?


Llevo jugando desde que salio legión 24/7, 1 legendario XDDDDDDDDDD


Hacer el cofre diario, el lfr, EN normal, heroico y mm y spamear m+ o miticas o hcs. Cada cofre en el que te pueda caer un legendario y no te caiga, aumenta un % (desconocido) las posibilidades de que te caiga en el siguiente cofre/boos.

Si lógicamente te dedicas a farmear plantas, a mirar la ah, a hacer wq o a dar saltos por Dalaran (o como algunos de aquí, a subir alters), por más que estéis 24/7 online, no vais a pillar más legendarios.

Yo hago todo eso y tengo unas 200 m+ hechas y tengo 3 legendarios. No tengo alters subidos.
Sin más.


Day one Legion. 1 personaje y 0 legends...