[EXPANSION] Wrath of the Lich King


#210 ok, gracias

Seguira sin haber un puto nigromante medio decente...

Menos mal ke albergo pocas esperanzas de poder desblokearlo en minimo otros 2 o 3 meses desde la expasion y si uso el main (mi ritmo subiendo es envidiable)

Analizandolo bien kizas la mejor noticia de la expansion sea la mejora en pvp...


Hm.. esto da que pensar: Vurtne argumento que las flight mounts arruinaron el pvp outdoor.. volvera? xD


#212 por ahi han sacado un nuevo video en el que se ve el mismo personaje de vurtne (mismo equipo, interfaz, graficos) pero en otro server. De hecho cuando yo miraba en la armory, no veia su personaje en sylvannas que era donde estaba pero si en ese nuevo server y era exactamente igual (de esto hace tiempo, antes de que saliera el video donde "borra" el personaje). Y argumentan que no es que dejara de jugar, sino que estaba agobiado por los "fans" o algo asi y migro... o.O




hmhm da que pensar..
aun asi me quedo con dudas de su pvp, como el que utilizaba para congelar en plan frost tramp (en el ultimo video sale, cuando esta chateando y le sale un rogue + hunter) y tambien la daga esa, que hace fear a los dudus en cat form :S en fin, seria una alegria volver a verle, a ver si me motiva para volver con mi mago.

PD sin varita jajajaj


No tiene mala pinta la expansión.Supongo que al final pasará como con la BC que acaba siendo más de lo mismo pero bueno.El Death Knight promete pero espero que saquen mas Hero Classes (Archmage :_) ).

Goes Nihilum Arthas FK!

PD-Sigo pensando que Emerald Dream daría muchísimo juego para una exp pero vaya,lo de Arthas y los Nerubian puede molar mucho también.


#214 lo de congelar era un accesorio que tenia que te daba un % de congelar al recibir daño... y lo del fear al cat form, pues no se, pero tira una granada en el momento que pilla fear ^^

9 días después

They are going to give the players ability to report other players for being AFK, like the spam reports (Once enough players have reported that person, and a debuff appears that only goes away when they show up in combat. If they don't get into combat, another debuff which makes them have no honor gain.)

Jurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ya vereis como va molar esto en AV, to dios con el debuff reportados por el cashondeo de la gente sin poder ganar honor los primeros dias xD , lo bueno es que si te reportan, estás obligado a matar a alguien para que se te vaya imagino, así se evita el "shupeteo" de honor xD


Una pregunta tonta, se podrá cambiar el estilo de un personaje ya creado?

como he leido "- New (and changeable) hairstyles, new dances"

No se xd


Pondran peluquerias o algo....xD. Molaria quitarle a mi draenei los tentaculos de pulpo que le puse :$


Ret Pallies to get improved sustained DPS

Go todos pala wannabe.



Tiempo para verlo teneis ;) , disfrutar de cosillas que han dicho ya y otras que creo que todavia no se han dicho o puesto en imágenes.



Buffed.de interviewed Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan at the Games Convention in Leipzig, and here are the most interesting infos (courtesy of WoWinsider):

  • There will be a new "Old Stratholme" instance in the Caverns of Time, which will be a level 80 5-man: Warcraft 3 players however know Stratholme from a singleplayer mission, in which Arthas travels to the city and sets all buildings on fire, kills the citizens and fights Mal'Ganis. In Wrath of the Lich King you fight at Prince Arthas' side, by travelling through the Caverns of Time. We are giving you the opportunity of meeting Arthas at a time at which he was not a great villain yet. You are "cleaning" Stratholme and igniting buildings!
  • Apparently you won't need level 80 after all to get a Death Knight, as this would just create an even more intense rush to 80, and people wouldn't be properly enjoying the content. Instead the required level might be 55-60. Additionally, Tigole said upon reaching the required level, "Then you create your Death Knight and face some challenges. If you have mastered them, you will get your Death Knight." This implies to me that the unlocking quests will not be done on your main, but on your new DK, and they need to be completed in order to take the new character any farther.
  • Future hero classes could be Demon Hunter, Arch Mage, and Blademaster. However, they seem to be sticking with the "one hero class in WotLK, maybe more later" mentality.

Buffed.de interviewed Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan at the Games Convention in Leipzig, and here are the most interesting infos :

  • There will be a new Caverns of Time instance: Stratholme, which one will be a level 80 instance 5-man.

  • Death Knight requirements: According to Tigole, you won't need to be level 80 to unlock the Death Knight, it would rather be between level 55 and 60. Players can then create their Death Knights and have to go through a trial in order to be able to play their Death Knights.

  • Death Knight's resourcing system (Runes): Runes are engraved by the Death Knight into his weapon (sword or axe). There will be three different kind of runes: Unholy, Blood and Frost. The Death Knight will obtain various abilities, depending on how the DK combines the runes, the number of runes than you can combine is limited to six (for example: 2 of every rune type or 4 Unholy and 2 Blood runes type), you can change your rune combination to change your playstyle/role (Tank, Dps or PvP combination mixing both with less power). Upon using his abilities, the DK consumes his runes. One DK skill example using runes: a DK skill called "Army of the Dead", which summons Ghouls, requires Blood and Unholy rune types, therefore you would not be able to use this ability with only Frost runes carved into your weapon.

  • Future hero classes could be Demon Hunter, Arch Mage, and Blademaster.

Interview translated by Neko (the most relevant parts)

buffed: We already heard a lot of things about Wrath of the Lich King at BlizzCon. Any news since then?
Jeff: There are a couple of things we haven't talked about at BlizzCon, such as the new "Caverns of Time"-Instance Stratholme. We wanted to get back to the CoT-concept as it was one of the coolest things added to WoW recently. We also want to pursue what the Bronze Dragonflight is up to. We seek to show you the greatest moments of Warcraft history, and now we picked Stratholme. Many hardcore WoW players are fans of the old Stratholme-instance, while Warcraft 3 players know Stratholme from the single player mission, in which the player controls Arthas, burning buildings, killing the residents and fighting the Dreadlord Mal'Ganis. In WotLK you will have the opportunity to battle alongside Arthas before he turned into what he is now. You will "cleanse" Stratholme und burn it down!


Jeff: Stratholme is going to be designed for a group of 5 level 80 characters. We don't want players to visit CoT - Stratholme during leveling, but to return when they hit 80.

buffed: A question regarding the new hero class, the Death Knight: players will encounter Arthas during levelling more than once, for example in the Caverns of Time. Where else?
Jeff: CoT - Stratholme will not be part of unlocking the DK. The Death Knight is going to be a complete new gaming experience. They start with a level much higher than regular characters, supposedly level 55-60. This has yet to be determined. We are going to explain exactly how your Death Knight will be able to elude the influence of the Lich King, this development will be completely independent from the new Caverns of Time.

buffed: Did you already decide which race the playable Death Knight is going to be once a player unlocks it? For example, if your original character is a gnome, will the DK be one, too?
Jeff: Yes, we already have decided on that. But don't be surprised if we change our mind. You know, game designing is a very flexible matter. At the moment, any class can be a Death Knight, including gnomes. We reconsidered a couple of things since BlizzCon. Players probably don't have to be level 80 to unlock the Death Knight, the class will be accessible earlier. Powerleveling to level 80 in order to get to play the Death Knight as soon as possible is no fun and makes people rush through the game. We do have a lot of ideas regarding this topic. We haven't decided yet, but maybe the DK will be unlockable between level 55 and 60. Players can then create their Death Knights and have to go through a trial in order to be able to play their DKs.

buffed: But the newly created level 55 to 60 character will not become a Death Knight, or will it?
Jeff: The original character will not become a Death Knight. Many characters are named according to their class

buffed: Can you give us a bit of detail of the Death Knight's abilities?
Jeff: Of course. The Death Knight's resource is based on runes. We at Blizzard concentrate our efforts on making every single class as unique as possible. Best examples for this are the Rogue- and Warrior-classes. The Rogue uses energy and combo points while the Warrior generates rage - two things that differ greatly. When we designed the Death Knight we wanted it to be considerably different from the other classes. The DK will be able to carve runes into his weapon, which can either be a sword or an axe. There will be three different kind of runes: Unholy, Blood and Frost. Different combinations of a total of 6 runes yield different results. For example, you could use two of each type of rune, or you could use four unholy runes and two blood runes, because you want to tank with your Death Knight.. By using his abilities the Death Knight uses up the runes. For example, the Death Knight has a skill called "Army of the Dead", which summons Ghouls. This skill requires Blood and Unholy rune types. Thus, you would not be able to use this ability with only Frost runes carved into your weapon. We also designed a pretty cool system that makes the runes on your weapon flash up when changing your combination of runes.

buffed: The final question: The Death Knight is but the first of the new hero classes. Which other heroes would you like to see introduced to the game?
Jeff: My favorite? That's hard to say, I guess the Demon Hunter would be pretty cool, as would the Archmage be...

buffed: (whispering) Blademaster!
Jeff: (laughs) There's plenty of options, the fantastic Blademaster being one of them. We did a lot of brainstorming and also thought about classes that weren't present in Warcraft 3. However, we will go step by step and first of all introduce the Death Knight with Wrath of the Lich King. Then we'll see what's up next.

Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan revealed some new things during the Curse interview:

  • Utgarde Keep which is located in Howling Fjord, will be a winged dungeon with two instances: the first wing is a level 70 instance for players to level up in (we already know about that one) and the second wing for level 80 players is called "Utgarde Pinnacle". Both instances will have Normal and Heroic modes.

  • The Inscription profession will do more than increases effectiveness of spells and abilities. Tigole said the team working on it wish for Inscription to be more versatile such as increasing more elements like range, duration (for example: Frost Nova having a wider radius).

  • About the increased leveling curve, Tigole explained a bit more : Levels between 20 and 60 are going to have the experience required per-level reduced, and the experience rewarded by quests is being increased by around 30%.

  • Finally they talked about Hunters, Blizzard is considering a Woodworking profession (hunters will be able to create their own arrows),and a Mortal Strike-like shot that will reduce healing effectiveness on the target of the shot (the purpose of this idea is to increase the effectiveness of hunters in arena). These are just ideas from the team though, it might not go live.



Nuevas imágenes:

  • Death Knight requirements: According to Tigole, you won't need to be level 80 to unlock the Death Knight, it would rather be between level 55 and 60. Players can then create their Death Knights and have to go through a trial in order to be able to play their Death Knights.

Quiere decir que entre level 55 y 60 se puede probar el death knights?

es decir, lo sacas y lo tienes durante un tiempo para probarlo y después se te quita.

Ya que ponéis las cosas traducid >_<


Basicamente lo que dice es que a partir de nivel 55 o 60 puedes hacer lo que sea necesario para crear el Death Knight. Una vez creado, debes pasar unas pruebas para poder usarlo de verdad.

Parece que quieren asegurarse de que quien lleve un Death Knight realmente sabe jugarlo y no es un lamer.

  • Future hero classes could be Demon Hunter, Arch Mage, and Blademaster.

no debe molar ni nada llevar un blademaster, pero si no va con banderita a la espalda no tiene gracia xD


#225 Sí, me veo las pruebas:

Murlocs pajeandose slain: 0/350
Oso maloso slain: 0/400
Comprar una cerveza: 0/1


#227 eso no creo, supongo que seran algo caro, y te pedira tal vez visitar AQ, Naxx o algun sitio de estos ^^ asi, para molestar


#228 Pues como no te manden matar al gato de khel'tuzad, porq han dicho q no se necesitaran raids para desbloquear al dk.


No soy friki soy elfo del nivel 32



Mpffffff, todavia no me aclaro... ¿una hero class será para desblokearla? ¿sera mas over ke las clases normales? ¿o será simplemente... una más?


Por lo q se sabe, la diferencia entre una clase heroe y una clase normal, simplemente es q la clase heroe empezara con nivel avanzando entre 50 y 60 (en cuanto a poder, no seran superiores a las normales)

Para poder crearte uno, necesitaras desbloquear la opcion con una serie de Quests.
El pj. con el q hagas esas quests no evolucionara a heroe, se mantendra tal y como es, simplemente q en la pantalla de creacion tendras la opcion d hacerte uno nuevo eligiendo la clase heroe.


#231 / #232 Segun lo ultimo q tengo entendido, la diferencia entre clase heroe y clase normal es solamente q las clases heroes no pueden empezar desde nivel 1, ya q no es digamos una "profesion" en la q te inicies desde el principio, sino una "profesion" a la q llegas cuando ya llevas tiempo "combatiendo", por lo q empezaran en nivel avanzado (50+, no lo tienen decidido).

El llamarle clase heroe creo q simplemente es porq era la "clase" de los heroes conocidos por todos, y supongo q otros no tan conocidos.

El unico requisito para crearte el dk es por ahora, tener un personaje ya a nivel 60 o superior (han dicho tambien 55 o superior pero vamos, lo importante es q ya no tienes q ser lvl 80), a partir de ahi, te creas el dk y tienes q hacer una serie de quests con ese mismo personaje q te acabas de crear para poder jugarlo normalmente. Se rumorea q empezaras en stratholme, y supuestamente tendras q escapar de ahi, pero no se si esto es fiable

Aparte de esto, blizz ha dicho q no sera mas poderosa q otras clases en pvp, y q tendra una gran utilidad en pve, pero vamos, q ya sabemos todos como es blizzard en cuestion de balance... :P.




Imagino que será para Enero o Febrero del año que viene


taran esperando a que saquen el warhammer online (aunque dicen que les quitara jugadores, no demasiados...)

Para mi el BC fue un fallo gordo, espero que esta exp sea mucho mejor...


La sacaran poco despues del Warhammer, Junio del 2008 lo más seguro.

Tendrán pensado en sacarla asi para que la gente que este subiendo en el Warhammer que dejaron el WoW en la TBC cuando llegaron a 70, esten tentados entre si seguir subiendo un PJ en el Warhammer o seguir con el camino que tenian ya andado en el WoW.

Yo creo que en todo caso el Age of Conan tiene más posibilidades que el Warhammer en arañar algunos clientes al WoW.


#237 No creo que para esas fechas, tendrá limite de abril/mayo como muy tarde. La expansión a esas alturas ya estará mas que exprimida y no creo que blizzard arriesgue a que vuelva a pasar como en naxx.
Si la dejan seguir la expansión casi un año más, la gente se rallara y será el mejor momento para comprarse otro juego como el WH. Vamos que sacarla a esas fechas sería como regalar clientes a la competencia.

El objetivo de Blizzard no es ganar clientes ahora mismo, sino mantener y la exp, recuperar.


para tener esta expansion tengo que comprarme tambien la burning crusade o no hace falta?


supongo q si no quieres subir de 60 a 70 en epl y silithus, si, hay q comprarla.