Está algo oculto, pero Blizz ha descubierto como la gente pilla 5000g facilmente y lo va a arreglar en el proximo parche... es el timo de la estampita.
- The amount of haste granted by a point of haste rating has been increased by about 50%.
- 20 slot bags are now bind on equip.
- Any effect which benefits the victim of a critical strike will now trigger even if resilience converted the attack from a critical strike to a normal strike; this applies to melee, ranged, and spell. The affected talents, abilities, and items are: "Eye for an Eye", "Blessed Resilience", "Enrage", "Martyrdom", "Blood Craze", "Eye of the Storm", and "Bonespike Shoulder".
- The Crust Bruster has had a loot icon and sound change.
* Players can no longer send gift wrapped packages via COD. - When sharing a quest, the order logic has changed to check whether or not the player has completed or is ineligible for the quest before checking whether their quest log is full.