El nuevo video de este mago abusando de un bug, no tengo ni pajolera idea de como lo hace pero es bastante impresionante ver 3 pyros seguidos, abrir portales en cubito, castear banderas en 1s..
Muy entretenido.
Espero que esto ya este arreglado xDD, alguien puede deleitarnos con su sabiduria y decir como cojones lo hace?
editado http://www.wowhead.com/?item=22728
/use Steam Tonk Controller
/cast Pyroblast
for Pyro blast we tested this last night and don't make the macro.....
Just put the steam tonk in your tool bar and put pyroblast in a slot
other than your main bar, as usually when you hit steamtonk it will
switch your main bar sometimes to the steamtonks attacks.
Now hit the steam tonk and then hit your pyroblast spell. While stunned
mash pyro blast. Not only did we get 2 off in the space of 2 secs after
the stun, but he continued to cast the next 7 of them at around 2-2.5
sec casts non stop mashing. He was Slaughtering people in duels and
everyone is out the front of IF was going WTF????????
Have fun.