Blizzard has announced that the massively multiplayer role playing game is now free to play up to level 20.
They’ve renamed the trial the World of Warcraft Starter Edition and removed the previous 10 and 14 day time trial restrictions. Now there’s a chance for everyone to get hooked, as playing up to 20 levels of the game gives you just enough time to start caring about your character. They’ll even let you make Blood Elf and Draenei characters, races that were previously only available with The Burning Crusade expansion.
All you have to do to start your trial is create a account and download the game.
¿Qué opináis?
Mi visión del tema: Los de Blizzard ya empiezan a notar, si es que no lo han hecho antes, ciertos peligros, principlamente en Mobas tipo LoL y ahora busca aún más agilizar el proceso de captación de jugadores, evitando pesadas invitaciones y problemas derivados de las mismas.
Cada noticia que sale es un síntoma de desesperación por parte de Blizzard, ya no sé ni como acabará esto...