Desde Sep '02 Último post May '07 Visto May '07 REUS

Firma nº 1 : kr0woZ
Firma 50 :Tr0oPeR
firma 100:

Nick : GALLE
Name: CArlos
City : REus - Tarragona - Catalunya

My pc:

pc number one:

intel pentium III a 1 ghz
vga geforce 4 mx 440 D
578 mb de ram a 133 mhz
dos discos duros uno de 40 gb i otro de 15 gb
pantalla Jump de 17 "
grabadora de cds 40x12x48x aopen

pc number two: ACTUALIZADO !

System Information Report
24/10/2003 14:27:41

General Information

Product name Intel(R) Desktop Board D865PERL based system
Board model Genuine Intel(R) D865PERL system board
OS version Windows* XP version 5.1 Service Pack 1 build 2600
OS memory 1.047.276 KB RAM


Processor Genuine Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 Processor
Processor speed 3,00 GHz
Bus speed 800 MHz
L1 cache Data Cache 8KB, Execution Trace Cache 12K Micro-ops
L2 cache Advanced Transfer Cache 512 KB
Form factor Socket 478
Stepping 9


Physical memory 1.024 MB RAM
Memory speed DDR400
Memory type DDR, Synchronous
Form factor DIMM
BIOS date 05/02/2003
BIOS size 512 KB
BIOS version P06 (RL86510A.86A.0052.P06.0305020834)


Sensor Name System Fan 1
Current Value 2712
Upper Threshold not applicable
Lower Threshold not applicable

Sensor Name System Fan 2
Current Value 1044
Upper Threshold not applicable
Lower Threshold not applicable

Sensor Name Processor Zone
Current Value 32
Upper Threshold 68
Lower Threshold not applicable

Sensor Name System Zone 1
Current Value 26
Upper Threshold 50
Lower Threshold not applicable

Sensor Name System Zone 2
Current Value 27
Upper Threshold 50
Lower Threshold not applicable

Sensor Name +12 V
Nominal Value 12,000
Current Value 12,000
Upper Threshold 13,200
Lower Threshold 10,800

Sensor Name +5 V
Nominal Value 5,000
Current Value 5,078
Upper Threshold 6,000
Lower Threshold 4,000

Sensor Name +3.3 V
Nominal Value 3,300
Current Value 3,334
Upper Threshold 4,300
Lower Threshold 2,300

Sensor Name CPU Core (+1.55 V)
Nominal Value 1,550
Current Value 1,518
Upper Threshold 2,350
Lower Threshold 0,750

Sensor Name CPU I/O (+1.5 V)
Nominal Value 1,500
Current Value 1,471
Upper Threshold 2,300
Lower Threshold 0,700

End of Report

*Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.

*Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.

la grafica es una geforce fx 5600 a 256 mb i el hd un seagate de 120 gb i el raton un mx 500 como no xD


Tr0oPeR Jun '05
AyuKa Feb '05
woowowo jeje grasias x firma! :D si... tmbien ando por estos barrios xDD :P alee saluidoss
xiki Oct '04
ninio!! pos es verda k n ns emos visto...creo k no ns emos visto ni una vez :s:s pos esoooo, k ya stas tardando en kedar eee!!xD k bua nen, dsd k ya n salgo tanto en bicii si m stan poniendo uns mixelins...buaaa...jajajajaj
engaa xitos!!!:P:P:P
xiki Oct '04
neneeeeee!! q sy la laura!!xD q axes tu x aki!!jajaja q ilu!!:p:p:p
wenuuuu ninio!! aki tenes una firmika!!muakis muakis!!!
y a ver kuando amos en bixi eeee!!;)
  • Desde Sep '02
  • Último post May '07
  • Visto May '07
  • REUS

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