Desde Oct '02 Último post Oct '02 Visto Abr '03 Sabadell

IŽm a person that hates people who employ CHEATS but some people said that iŽm a cheater (FALSE). If you thing that after i kick our asses in a online game you can try in a LAN game ;) but i will stay kicking your ass. That is only a blablabla LOL. IŽm really a good person and a better csŽ player.

My last record is be banned 40 times in SpanishŽs servers LOL

I play:

Lineage the blood pledge
nick: Suddendeath


Ring Wraiths


[R.W][ Th3_R3aL
[R.W][ Fr0sTY
[R.W][ Suddendeath
[R.W][ DarkNAzGul
[R.W][ Kl0Se
[R.W][ TaLeS
[R.W][ GuSiLuZ


#DarkZone #RW.cs


Mouse: Logitech MX300
Mousepad: ALLshop
Resolution in CS: 800x600 (OpenGL)
Gfx card: Geforce 2 MX
Gfx manufacture: Asus
Monitor: 17"
Headphones: Other
CPU: Intel Pentium III
Connection: Other
OS: Windows XP
Scoring system: Maxrounds 12
Config rules: Default
IRC client: Mirc
CPU MHz: 800-1099 (Intel/AMD)
Monitor manufacture: Philips
Mobilephone: Nokia
MB Ram: 256-383
Soundcard: Creative SB PCI
Computer: Other
Best frag: [R.W][ Fr0sTY
SoGamed servers?: No
Favourite music: El Fary, TaMaRa y 6 dedos o_O!


l3st4t Sep '03
ostia la primera mia buenisimooooooooo!! habeis montado un clan?o.O cuidate mucho nen sabes que se te aprecia ;D
  • Desde Oct '02
  • Último post Oct '02
  • Visto Abr '03
  • Sabadell

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